好玩的幼儿英语游戏 开始语:
1、 (拍手)one two three
hands on knees(双手放膝盖上) three two one(拍手) having fun!(双手滚动)
2、 伸出双手食指快速弯曲伸直的跳动)wiggle wiggle wiggle (
shake shake shake(甩甩双手) roll roll roll roll(双拳胸前绕动)
fingers run away (抖动手指,然后双手藏在背后,身体坐直)
1、 拍一下手,伸出双手大拇指)bingo! You are great !(
错误时:oops! Try again!
2、 高举双手,向身体左侧快速拍两下手)Wonderful(
hey, girl /boy(伸出食指向前方指点两次) super!(双手做V型手势) hurry(双手举起,做V型手势) hurry!(同上)
go (原地跳一下,同时拍一下手) turn around(原地转一圈)
go go go!(相邻两个小朋友互相碰臀部) 引导语:
1、 手放耳边)let`s listen (
2、 let`s play(双手握拳,在胸前方绕动)
3、 伸出双手食指在太阳穴位置转动)let`s review(
4、 双手放在眼前上方做看动作,然后食指放在嘴巴前方转动)let`s watch and say( 5、 做听的动作然后动动手臂)let` s listen and act( 6、 双脚原地做小跑热身的动作)warm up time (
1、 T: attention(拍两下手)
C: one two (立即坐直,双手拍腿两下)
2、 T: look at me (双手OK转两下然后指自己) C: look at you (双手OK转两下指老师)
T:eyes on me (双手在眼前做眼睛一眨一眨的样子) C:eyes on you !(指老师)
3、T:be a good boy !(伸出左手大拇指) C:yes I am !(动作同上)
T:be a good girl!(伸出右手大拇指) C: yes I am !(动作相反) 过渡语:
1、 双手做成狐狸爪子的样子放在腮下,眼神做出贼头贼脑的样子0little fox ,little fox (
playing fire (双手做出火苗的样子)
fire fire fire fire (双手做出火苗升高的样子)
oh, my tail (师生快速捂住屁股,从小椅子上弹跳起来0
2、 here is the chimney
here is the top open the lid
out santa will pop !(说完后全体起立)
3、 (双手向上手挽花)hands hands up
hands hands down (相反) clap clap clap(拍手) let`s stand up (全体起立) 活动后过渡语:
1、 hands hands up
hands hands down clap clap clap
let`s sit down (全体坐下)
2、 双手绕圈,然后在原地转圈)round and round the garten(
like a little cat (做小猫的动作)
one step ;two steps(轻轻的迈出第一步,第二步)
tickle you under there (教师用手指去搔痒小朋友的肚皮,小朋友要迅速跑回座位)
3、 one two three foue five
jumped out and then they ran away (小朋友一起学着小兔子跳回到座位)
4、 学开汽车/学划船回座位) let`s go back by bus /boat(
1、 卡片游戏
(1) What do you see
Put your hands out (双手向外展开) And Put your hands in(双手向内收拢)
Put your hands round and round (双手握拳在胸前绕圈) And what do you see (出示卡片给小朋友们看)
(2) I can see
I can see your eyes (伸出左手食、中指在双眼前掠过)