(3)投资于基本的社会服务和社会基础设施; (4)保护弱势群体; (5)保护环境。
? Establishing a foundation of law
? Maintaining a non-distortionary policy environment, including macroeconomic stability ? Investing in basic social services and infrastructure ? Protecting the vulnerable ? Protecting the environment
第五章 公共企业 Public enterprise
一、建立公共企业的理由Reasons for establishing public enterprise 1. 纠正市场失灵
2. 改变经济中的支付结构 3. 推动中央集权的长期计划
4. 经济性质由资本主义转为社会主义 ? To ‘correct’ market failure
? To alter the structure of pay-offs in an economy
? To facilitate centralized long-term economic planning
? To change the nature of the economy, from capitalist to socialist
二、公共企业 Public enterprise 公共企业的定义
A public enterprise is a particular kind of statutory authority: one that sells goods and services to the public on a large scale, with the financial returns accruing in the first instance to the authority itself. 公共企业的类型
1. 公用事业 public utilities
2. 陆上运输和邮政系统 land transport and postal service
3. 竞争性环境中的企业 enterprises in competitive environments 4. 管制机构 regulatory authorities
第六章 公共政策和政策分析 Public policy and policy analysis
Public policy can be characterized as the output of a diffuse process made up of individuals who interact with each other in small groups in a framework dominated by formal organizations. Those organizations function in a system of political institutions, rules and practices, all subject to societal and cultural influences.
二、经验主义政策分析的方法与途径 Empirical methods used in policy analysis (1) benefit-cost analysis 成本-效益分析 (2) decision theory 决策理论分析
(3) optimum-level analysis 最佳水平分析 (4) allocation theory 配置理论
(5) time-optimization models 时间最优化模式
三、政策分析的步骤、政策过程模式 Policy process models Step 1:Verify, define and detail the problem核实、计划和描述问题 Step 2:Establish evaluation criteria建立评估标准
Step 3:Identify alternative policies界定可选的政策方案 Step 4:Evaluate alternative policies评估备选政策
Step 5:Display and select among alternative policies列举并选择备选政策 Step 6:Monitor policy outcomes监控政策结果
第七章 战略管理 Strategic management
一、 私营部门的战略 Strategy in the private sector 1.战略计划演变的五个阶段
Hax and majluf argue there are five stages in the evolution of planning ? Budgeting and financial control ? Long-range planning
? Business strategic planning ? Corporate strategic planning ? Strategic management
2.企业战略计划的构成要素Business strategic planning
环境监测包括了对组织内部的优势、薄弱环节、机会和威胁进行的详细评估。 目标是任务和环境监测基础之上的更加具体的指向。
The mission of the business includes a clear definition of current and expected business scope, products, markets and expectation over a period of a few years.
The environmental scan involves the detailed assessment of the organization’s internal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Objectives are more specific aims resulting from the mission and environmental scan. 3.战略计划和战略管理的区别 Differences between strategic planning and management
Strategic planning is focused on making optimal strategy decisions, while strategic management is focused on producing strategic results: new markets, new products and/or new technologies. Strategic management, therefore, is more comprehensive; rather than merely drawing up a plan it aims at integrating planning with all the other parts of the organization
Strategic management aims to extend the strategic vision throughout all units of organization, encompassing every administrative system. Instead of being mechanistic, it ‘recognizes’ the central role played by individuals and groups and the influence of corporate culture.
There are two main points in this. Fist, there needs to be greater integration between planning, management control and the organizational structure; greater integration between the communication and information system; and with the motivational and reward systems. Secondly, the organization needs to pay attention to its culture.
二、公共部门的战略 strategic planning models 1.公共部门战略计划
Strategic planning is a disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions shaping the nature and direction of governmental activities, within constitutional bounds.
2.布莱森的战略计划模式 the Bryson model of strategic planning
1) Initiating and agreeing on a strategic planning process 开始战略战略计划过程并取得一致意见 2) Identifying organization mandates明确组织权限
3) Clarifying organization mission and values阐明组织权限
4) Assessing the external environment(opportunities and threats) 评估外界环境(机会和威胁) 5) Assessing the internal environment(strengths and weaknesses) 评估内部环境(优势和劣势) 6) Identifying the strategic issues facing an organization确定组织面临的战略性问题 7) Formulating strategies to manage the issues制定处理问题的战略
8) Establishing an effective organization vision for the future确定有效的组织未来愿景 3.公共部门战略管理
Strategic management aims to integrate the planning function with the over-all management task
第八章 人事管理和绩效管理
Personnel and performance management
一、绩效管理 Performance management 1.绩效指标
Performance indicators, that is, some way of measuring the progress the organization has made towards achieving declared objectives 2.绩效评估体系
The performance appraisal system aims to measure the performance of individual staff, even to the extent of defining the key contributions expected over the year, which are then compared with actual achievement at the end of the year.
第九章 财政管理 Financial management
一、政府预算 the Government budget 1. 预算的定义
A budget is a document, containing words and figures, which proposes expenditures for certain items and purpose. In the most general definition budgeting is concerned with the translation of financial resources into human purposes. The budget becomes a mechanism for making choices among alternative expenditures.
2. 政府预算的经济职能 Economic functions of the budget
Allocation配置, distributor分配, stabilization稳定 3. 项目预算的定义 Programme budgeting
Programme budgeting aims to direct funding more towards the achievement of actual policy objectives or outputs.
第十章 电子化政府 E-government
E-government , as a term ,may refer to “the use of information technology, in particular the Internet, to deliver public services in a much more convenient, customer-oriented ,cost-effective, and altogether different and better way”. A broader definition of e-government is the adoption of any information and communication technology by government.
E-business in the sense of electronic exchanges involving commercial and fee-for-service transactions is a rapidly sector of the economy in a number of countries.
the spoil system of administration 政党分赃制 merit-based appointment 功绩制 the charismatic 魅力型权威; the traditional 传统型权威; rational/legal authority理论-法律型权威
merit goods 价值性物品 spill-over 溢出效应
adverse selection 逆向选择
moral hazard 道德风险
the line-item or input budget 线性预算 Zero-based budgeting 零基预算 Accrual accounting 权责会计 Performance auditing 绩效审计