摘 要
In ship construction, ship building project is the largest, followed by the ship piping fabrication and installation. According to statistics, processing and installation of piping spent hours, about the shipbuilding project 12 to 15%. In the past, the design department in the schematic piping layout and piping design, piping only the general direction. The exact direction of piping, pipe manufacturing and installation, close to the hull by the production department, after positioning the device. The manufacture of tubes according to \approach not only pipe manufacturing and pipeline installation quality is poor, labor-intensive shipbuilding cycle length,And not conducive to the piping of the \shorten shipbuilding cycle, improve the quality of shipbuilding, ship owners to make the satisfaction of ship, ship piping system from a single made this perspective, we must reform the backward \loft.
关键词:管系放样 压载水
(3)一次上船安装,减少了不必要的重复劳动,大大减轻劳动强度。 (4)能统筹安排管线,做到合理美观,有利于优化管理和精简节约。 (5)管系参数及空间计算等可以采用计算机技术取代人工计算管系参数,进一步提高了工作效率和准确度。 管系放样可分为以下几个阶段:
(1)60~70 年代,在木地板上以1:1 的比例画各种船体背景,画各种机械设备外形及与管路相接的接口,进行管子系统放样,当时用的计算工具是计标尺,这种方法需要的工作场地大,放样人员蹲在地板上进行操作,劳动强度很大。
(2)70~80 年代,在工作台上用长涤伦薄膜以1:10 的比例画船体背景,画各种机械设备外形及与管路相接的接口,进行管子系统放样,这种方法比上种工作场地小,减轻了放样人员的劳动强度。
(3)80~90 年代,把涤伦薄膜铺设在图板上,以1:20~1:25 的比例分区综合放样。所谓综合放样,就是在小小的绘图板上,船体、电器、机械三大专业的放样设计一起进行,综合协调,把很多将会在生产中出现的问题,在绘图板上解决。在这个舞台上,放样人员按建造方针、管