【期刊名称】《电子测试》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)018
【摘要】In this paper, AT89S52 microcontroller and GSM module chip SIM900A, build a home run water system automatic alarms. System consists of evasion detection circuit, microcontroller minimum system and SIM900A SMS modules and other components. Leak detection circuit detection module raindrop raindrop sensor and signal conditioning circuit, as long as the presence of a small amount of running water, rain sensor can be detected and processed by the signal conditioning circuit, to the SCM system, the microcontroller sends SMS module SIM900A command, start module sends alarm messages to family members, and sends an alarm signal to the smart cell property alarm system.%本文采用单片机AT89S52和GSM模块芯片SIM900A,构建一款家庭跑水自动报警的系统.系统由漏税检测电路、单片机最小系统和SIM900A短信模块等组成.漏水检测电路采用雨滴传感器和信号调理电路构成的雨滴检测模块,只要存在少量跑水,雨滴传感器就可检测到,并经信号调理电路处理后,送到单片机控制系统中,单片机向SIM900A短信模块发送指令,启动模块发送报警提示短信给家庭成员,同时向智能小区中的物业报警系统发送报警信号. 【总页数】3页(25-26,32)