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Unit 1 检测题听力原文及参考答案

听力原文 :


听句子,选择适当的答语。句子读两遍。 1. Would you like to come to my birthday party? 2. You are the first in the game. Congratulations! 3. Which country is this photo from? 4. What is your favourite colour? 5. Who' s speaking, please? II.


M: No, though it ' s the capital of the USA. The biggest city of the USA is New York City.

7. W: Andy, do you share the bedroom with your brother? M: Yes.

8. W: Hi, Jack. Would you like to go swimming? M: Yes, I 'd like to, but I M: Yes. It 's so cold here. Let

' m busy.

's go.

6. W: Is Washington D.C. the biggest city of the USA?

9. W: It 's a sunny day. Let 's go out for a walk.

10. W: Neil, where is your dog? Is it eating in the kitchen? M: Oh, it ' s sleeping in the garden. W: Great! See you in a few minutes. III.


11. Tomatoes are my favourite vegetables. 12. I share the bedroom with my brother. 13. The printer is beside the computer. 14. There are over fifty students in our class. 15. All the clothes look really good.

IV. 听短文,判断句子正( 门误(F)。短文读两遍。

Janet is a Grade 7 student at No.1 Middle School. She lives in a tall building in the city of Shanghai. There are 30 floors in the building, and she lives on the 14th floor. She uses a lift to go up and come down. Her bedroom is big and clean. She often listens to music in it. She works hard at school. Usually she takes a

No.4 bus to school. Sometimes she goes there by bike. At weekends she goes shopping with her mother. 参考答案 :

1~5 CBAAC 6~10 FTTTF 11~15 CABAB 16~20 FTFFF

21. C 本题考查序数词。表达第几个生日要用序数词,并且序数词前一般加定冠词 意:这是这个男孩的第 9个生日。故选 C。 22. B would like

后接动词不定式作宾语,即 would like to do sth. 。


+基数词”或者“ the+序数词+名词”。Page Five “第五

23. B next to 是固定短语,意为“紧邻,在……近旁”。 24. C ask sb.to do sth.

25. B 在表达编号时,可用“名词

the 。句

页”; the fifth picture “第五幅图”。

-可编辑修改 -

26. A 表达数字时,百位和十位之间用and连接,千位和百位之间不用


27. B 由数学知识可知,11加1等于12,表示数目用基数词。

and,故排除C D两项;

28. B 当million与具体的数字连用时,用单数,而且其后也不接of ;当million不与具体数

字连用,而是表示不确定的泛指数目时,则要用复数,而且后面要接 29. B be differe nt from 意为\与 ......... 不同”,是固定搭配。 30. B 在具体的某一天前用介词


lucky “幸运

31. B 从后文可以看出,本句询问“你家有多少房间? ”。

32. A 和许多没有大房子住的人相比,住在一所大房子里,是一个幸运的人。


33. B with “具有,带有\。介词短语

with only two rooms


34. C 因为没有自行车,所以不得不步行去上学。

35. D 由后句“家中四个人睡在同一个房间里”可知他没有自己的卧室。 36. C 他甚至找不到一个地方做作业。 37. A 放学后他必须为家里干活。

38. B 由后句“因为他们家没有足够的钱……”可推知,他的姐姐离开了学校。 39. A 指“我”的笔友和他姐姐的学费,故使用 childre n

第一句可知,Claire最喜欢的房子的颜色是粉红色。 41. A 由第二段中“ Highgrove Road is next to a beach.


42. C 由第三段的第一句可知, Claire最喜欢的房子的颜色是粉红色。

43. A 由第三段中“ The house has three bedrooms on the first floor and five bedrooms

on the sec ond floor.

”可知,Claire 想象在这所房子里有



44. D 由第四段的第一句可知, Claire的梦想是住在一所和自己想象中相似的房子里。 45. B 由文章内容可知,Claire希望自己拥有一所大房子,由此推知


46. T 由“ Lily does her homework at the desk. 47. T 由“ A beautiful desk is near the win dow.

” 可知答案。 ”可知答案。


47.C 由第三段的

40. D 由下文可知此处用how表示方式。句意:我们怎样来帮助他们呢?

find “找到”,与句意相符。


48. F 由“ The desk is small. Lily puts all her books, and some clothes in it. 可知答案。

49. T 由 “ It is not very big, but the window is very large, and the bedroom is bright


50. T 由“ There are some flowers on Lily ' s desk. ”可知答案。 51. to live 52. ninth 53.showers 54.buildi ng 55.balc onies 56. really 57.to clea n 58.bri nging 59.to come 6O.sixth

61.in front of 62.really differe nt from 63.garde n, it looks 64.is full of 65.to grow

One possible vers ion:

My home

My family live in a 120-square-metre flat on the fourth floor. It has three bedrooms — one is for my gra ndpare nts, one is for my pare nts and ano ther is for me. There is a study in our flat. It is small but comfortable for me to study in, and I have a computer in it. We have a bathroom and a shower. It

' s easy for us to take




