Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)Version 5.0 5.001 March 2017GOTS Version 5.0 Page 1 of 72GOTS 5.0
Table of contents
1. Principles ............................................................................................................6 ..6 1.1. Aim of the Standard ....................................................................................6 ..6 1.2. Scope and structure ....................................................................................6 ..6 1.3. Certificate of Compliance ............................................................................7 ..7 1.4. Label grading and Labelling ........................................................................8 ..8 1.5. Reference documents .................................................................................9 ..9 2. Criteria ..............................................................................................................11 ....11 2.1. Requirements for organic fibre production ................................................11 ... 11 2.2. Requirements for fibre material composition .............................................11 ... 11
2.2.1. Products sold, labelled or represented as \ in conversion\.......................................................................................................12 ...12
2.2.2. Products sold, labelled or represented as \materials\ in conversion materials\ x% x%
2.3. General requirements for chemical inputs in all processing stages ...........13 ....13
2.3.1. Prohibited and restricted inputs ..........................................................13 ....13
2.3.2. Requirements related to hazards and toxicity ....................................17 17
2.3.3. Assessment of chemical inputs ..........................................................22 ....22 2.4. Specific requirements and test parameters .............................................. 23 3
2.4.1. Separation and Identification ..............................................................23 ....23
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2.4.2. Spinning .............................................................................................23 ...23
2.4.3. Sizing and weaving / knitting ..............................................................24 ....24
2.4.4. Non-woven manufacture ....................................................................24 ....24
2.4.5. Pre-treatment and other wet processing stages .................................24 .....................................................................24 2.4.6. Dyeing ................................................................................................26 ....26
2.4.7. Printing ...............................................................................................27 ...27
2.4.8. Finishing .............................................................................................28 ...28
2.4.9. Requirements for additional fibre materials and accessories .............29 ...29 Requirements for additional fibre materials ..........................................29 ..29 Requirements for Accessories ..............................................................31 ..31
2.4.10. Environmental management ................................................................33 ..33
2.4.11. Wastewater treatment .........................................................................35 .....35
2.4.12. Storage, packaging and transport ......................................................35 ...35
2.4.13. Record keeping & internal quality assurance .....................................36 ...36
2.4.14. Technical quality parameters .............................................................38 ...38
2.4.15. Limit values for residues in GOTS Goods ...........................................39 GOTS ..39
2.4.16. Limit values for residues in additional fibre materials and accessories44 ..44 3. Social criteria ....................................................................................................50 ...50 3.1. Scope ........................................................................................................50 ...50 3.2. Employment is freely chosen ....................................................................50 ...50 3.3. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected
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...51 3.4. Child labour must not be used ...................................................................51 ...51 3.5. No discrimination is practised ....................................................................52 ...52 3.6. Working conditions are safe and hygienic .................................................52 ...52 3.7. Fair remuneration ......................................................................................54 ...54 3.8. Working hours are not excessive ..............................................................54 ...54 3.9. No precarious employment is provided .....................................................55 ....55 3.10. Harsh or inhumane treatment is prohibited ...............................................55 ...55 3.11. Social Compliance Management ...............................................................56 ...56 3.12. Ethical Business Behaviour .......................................................................57 ...57 4. Quality assurance system ................................................................................57 ...57 4.1. Auditing of processing, manufacturing and trading stages ........................57 ....57 4.2. Testing of Technical Quality Parameters and Residues ............................59 ....57 Annex .....................................................................................................................61
A) Specific requirements for textile personal care products .....................................61 ..61 A1) Scope ............................................................................................................61 .61 A2) Specific criteria for materials and inputs (for Group I and Group II)...............62 .62
A2.1) Fibre material components .....................................................................62 ..62
A2.3) Super Absorbing Polymers (SAPs) .........................................................62 SAPs....62
A2.4) Barrier films .............................................................................................63 ..63 A3) Specific criteria for Inputs ..............................................................................63 .63
A3.1) Sizing ......................................................................................................63
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A3.2) Colourants ..............................................................................................63 ..63
A3.3) Optical Brightening Agents .....................................................................63 .64
A3.4) Fragrances and lubricants ......................................................................64 .64 B) Definitions ...........................................................................................................64 ..64 C) List of abbreviations ............................................................................................68 ..68
cursive letters
annex B).
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. hgeruoumhrtns ,oscl adirneet aemht woat re ehncta frou gssnai telesbvidarehr caom efr d,iseovlritpx eott foer dsruot antis gcniinllaegbraol eotr upsun eg noirt uttsnacefunemarium qeelrb iesnnifoepd es o rdt yrsllai addinoc aard sStnd ane tahS y tsllfi ohat tm fnoei A m inm o a r i ev 1 . hn 1 Te .t,l, a a,it)2d2.asstnnp-n7 enoerees4 aafle stig o tmaeres6amercrt ethe spt iem arpeg,rg ao ehatghsagatillnr,i ncuiPi x fstfa oddpu0eciex mannia.drte lr 5 absatal , asnmafaomtd2 cfo fi n,lniusrs slSeaerttme0.ene . eldmirwgphesV 5taentonahcS idyexys ar aitr TSf t, uc OTfoO stls nvltstoS asGGaccylEac Te h fa iOfuus .oddrus eG uc ooes0un1nteis oprprpr.4arh( t i .t c uegex2m rts t bbrneuu is(, giiihop fd ttr sodedneiohtn ii ls illdtelw bursss a a dd seec(c i neditnnayaihocortrowm i e tlgma ilsaah n m pp ftec ic ioeoi1trdosrf.c fii. an ar gt4trr esn terte usded tosnitt,icnhar t garat io nd n n pciudttniedu lum tasya t loAeb,r c b s,eexcp.1endS ijn aeli b asi ldtn . ues h lt ,uaS4gsl ia lex T t tneOdnsxro ut inc egierctet ta yhGa u ag kaomdynn i c%weaironldamh ,0 teerraar p 7phtip uo ew,tsyscrc3edc i i cgcoxc f ac linut ec2ues .dide tyaiirle4ord uoiyliclp trprwe l l cpxtncooe s l a eoasflt eo b f ua,a ht da )ietnl nnrmi elfnad aeriut rtor b n tmeoinmrfa 2i t hwcein, in ssac gT yeaopd n.or orhMt .1pmec iseds 3ev1miu lsselie.i4 wd ebrruor .yli roo fpf,toc ara2l pr lm snir r areprar(cote cneno fes t l u emti i etnt haesiomacryali l tn ee orrtreaerex t s icsrcti isesu ai nor ernsqerhcr f vaeuet ogcraers .ceend crcoc wh)tie t a fe td fdo e. oeep lsdet artde arditncted c decaihn0a o nfuarilasit1d tac tex a. atddpt 4o ts i teronW nram .asS. Scpto1 oe s2shes) i S ri i ch she c1 . i%ehtias sre h0ht oi aahe4. T7fcTar2wfn oAspri f 1 Principles 1.2 Scope and structure n-as ig-a-k-ae enatlsre r eemyhurtton rIiwemhli bo f b,cae assl hsne rrdtn iabo nfoiittfdaoi dluscsiaradnsndiro lanagaocaCitsd c n.oors daesdlaetdis lageiicp lnfiopamitdrsas re ae yebecdl elfevi fosilvnayo iut gaic menc ee ssiefhtftope nh hetesss dti oocelnmtrbawer itpitn adm uegperqlpofeanionrvyl fomiieotiutccdq eraev tuec daa e gdnhhtdit arnyin .l awnsadt p ragpsonaihnaenoditii rutns,fytaanidn ctoereueifidodi Srtvi ecaesidse trni nn vh tid, od crsisngf a eano illi adstraiintrsocnonetuioatiteynnsSi oa drodsnolmM niofp n ahtcdotoi gfreem t anou ornnstiotknieonobneiteoriatlowpwc fmteem no celnu dbpof en ex ecnats ,Im n) tsrnoadeeceOeiLhtm ureslI pem(nehe itaspn ir autgrodf qaooaiet anieh tlsesfr elavie indsgta tnevs ieirl ecgerseh dll ddg.oOraisidarc s rarnhed doydndunlnanrnooiaCabt aetlS apt S.nLesu o lxc cmmeiiedttaeOhrrohtan lTaac dperAssogLIiniti ne de.i ccntyanernoitiraeaitneddilatripcE iocrcnsmifdite ooiSacccerifT ctOnen feriri oCGda eree eftfphnueyoot ah vssti ncfe aso ley,leccee htrngta eanies criidihlefiittportdt hcnnertomEuCiwCAc dde eepyf.iiflo')ifiop estltCeraomaCuSc qeccS i, foiseehttehr ttan erty ott tCaciaadl iihhebSfittttaT si Oeresesl iriiteGC e h eorivtapgimSt deoeoTtcO evaac etiaeSc(cgbGS Tr tnisOtseceucdpnreG orncdat meaotrsi ifleiprdgtp/nndermsaitr ueCov Cucgtad dnciahefoorufu tprtaov cnr hpesteaafthum pat sAc nitder fsanilnitlmaiaa erte,geoCtcgnr nnii gdenassinurilsadupeesCs ocSsesiomoc ce eroCprpr tcdror fennapf ohaarne titts vl op,italeeltasmsapercae lr .oicl rnfmiiifeCurteieoitrtw T htfe ertaoac fcd Casdci en ug nfi.dtnnaatraai cdesar idsec imncyiitf ltnorei,otonathrspeP'Etact SCores red rgt ee orhhnni esstiton c if cg 3 hthbi ocett. ieri1 h PrtwCwusSas 27 fo 7 egaP 0.5 no isre0V. 5S OTTSGOG foep-e2 hby7etA fg f amdoia nne 8t,a ne sl'ovegebciby erprairsfpP editaposei 0 fern.mpi tce5 uyler.en mn .c gboi . sion eernod( in mit aV 5 aS' dshSenes To tTShouytii sOTtqtO\ouO s nsnG sGlmGG ieriE a nvediSd onrriobeieTn scififO a i tv eat. ) indi'hermGty er]i t ib tC ur nehfn isasoaottE f i rs sderd otgbyreCe fcn ei i fif uildndlvid tt ooearnreer ibdto eovapranccC r l pi atfnohtnspa ia e cS -hA by rgu S esicoegT fnsi iShflhilst Thtn O i deti :n hsaOwg ybtiaglamGrbyaG e k nLerw idfc o dritea .peeo trdet eip . /n hc,udncnTCvtdeae%) oo isx r l.osdpucit rape( e da espbprh s[oc i rlS d ometiovapp adsie cr wr ( r pepT grinfnoeioptyihaO i -ti ltAtntsG t eercddd oi bcueealtf l eE a demehddo luct eoohrdb\ a \ rnc eee iiolc ifwtp ol ,notne%ettpn a iprdo o lixereerpfv lbr)tecnaifeos\rslnCa d a i t s reei raee neeheeahb n iti otatdbvir aert f ylifr ie nesfdeone i imov myotacaer o r f i'inaen t dnoerm nm tboiitn)i cs imm bacer usaii C d -n by sce umgd eriavforociaihdnn ie t ongte nd tellev oroereGar gooreo l fchSr (ncb c ppr s esiTo%)oeacl p enihngmil A d tiO\ foo i-(lceSSs vhGrx( o ' oc icsid= h(\itSehTTt ty prnaho Tb OOi t rcr dgwO dtnG G n oeingifnOw% iGusa ehE t aror aex 'od etgdSemo)sd ,ln/ierraT dthe gei tif ac'ComO gost i tarex \\dGnl i a ntd n ler l Sd a nyea)b)aeorc l/lC eglbda anov hrtan e To'SOprLanh It 1.4 Label grading and Labelling . gnillebal STOG fo noit a ciSlpTpOAG - ingd-pronS b- 27iiTnotdu fiab nOpo 9 prcioGorplper e (faps'hgt enpedroaPia d ,rraiteodor0vnhoetcn . 5rteates psriohSuno t tsf gianselosrhonseilte0t conxaV.t 5niitfeaS tsin aeTcenycid TS,OTf ciaidnsOtGum ctnanG nepage oces dv em Orem eedlts icpre l.sat inb eoastsyoer lv rte eerind fsdfii toG' a e i tkred neran i laosa ccar is fiia cp ortem l iSrtsfffTunerdl opecae O : w g d:rsem tStr nSGatIemTdi wTd.irysOeas oOnSu slTqeGers t tl c oGa Oeresiu f eSt hgd eheG ncsa to r ehtlfn inrr tfoiuip as e doxt atsghn eseinnt o sra itf aerT eotctyi iaon eclp eo i lusiit e ncrerada c chuti tusa riq c isngfr iaarcuarel fdh sOe phpS te tp aT pr lpIt ueaesor tO is.alif defoibtrn nG rooarr ase tt Gerlfe dpns snhei gCG nat ndeoftommsn : iiceo kehtSo s t rrciorovfaen ou dd Wrocihoi fo p ftt: qn aeeao ftlpniraondnsr tG i nAoail tc neuoiec t S oomioradiGihedt rrST tfte a ntnaalgnsotTO ntse tprnsenoec ic Oeemrml s eGG r l rtenpi nloeg o ireI emptehbneruf ih etrastnse imatnt huIi edLnures t ef a qertndehpdc ottSe eca SnilI Tl arr t sOe ddoT nnonighd te f c er GR aa lnOSOfo.g ties sn Ssaes GTGniinr feinil nudi ol sonioeO sie ii hGnehsaovetecnco)t ctitfipegab v MpraoLscca ioi lllL eo dr i p s g e n Bi tdn27nae fo s tem0l1np ameguria eo oP ltots nc cs0.aes uce5i iltpaorddn fc oooilriomfapBsr0i tCovene.lioV5 erfoCprtitS npxeaTTSesoAtcOO i fGGi tifdatoet cac iisfer it fC itnser ters):atCerCreor cf TLS s t SgggTn ,snnnOe iii euuuG atsss fcsssoem r iiii irrrgu ifooonq fffirt e etttsr Cexexexesd ttte e t pdddoca onnnrl caaape :r ttes as):tahee (Sti Ca emndht icorTmm o t nf (ororff nBu a,t se,,tto o i itn lutoauu aost pcie sycoy:olyi il emaaaal pats vo ifl,t vl pcdi ir,tCsanifm id eso,rs afert e idocCeipeioret i cflnipcil Cesys Aso SepooAl otsrur s ipTat ofp ue Ococto opodfec :tt a stn n issGidsdr oca e if tsr frarnedantru voaar ar ep i ggt erettgds s iCe dgTeLen remgna r rdv eirr ilghg g oioy Altt eninhtinhtiriiiutii buwpl Suwuwas Cpqna Ts s laeou snsSOsnssns Rmq iiior o o oe Griririrddd ftan m oototfc nnrfcfc u u uohSaaa oretretretrcn ftttiT l ef aaaho ielnslnslnssiwOerat a sp pi pi GuovrSaaSmdmdemdes depc i Teeelecpf i liit elTeeliOeOTar RTaCeli t tTTa taoar er Gilc reiPe gaGdddedex hltS Sn nnd nd aaaua S Ti avT lesT es OlyesyesedydiOcicdicdieoesifO lriGbiiiillpG aovGloovoovoovxte LprPprPprPprepech tApst 1.5 Reference documents provides a release form for labelling of GOTS Goods
GOTS 全球有机纺织品标准(5.0版本)36