to any opportunities that came to them. In everyday life, people just give excuses to keep options open.
4 Students should quickly check all the doors and keep clicking on the one with the highest cash. They should absolutely ignore the vanishing doors.
5 Because we can see that the students didn't really focus on ensuring future cash earnings. What they tried to avoid was the immediate pain of watching options close. 6 Because in life the doors are closing slowly, not like the ones on the computer in the experiment, people don't really see the opportunities actually vanishing away little by little.
7 He suggests that people should prohibit overbooking, reduce options, delegate tasks to others, and even give away ideas to others to pursue.
8 People can obtain pleasure and satisfaction by focusing their energy and attention in a more concentrated fashion. They will have more with fewer, carefully chosen options.
Critical thinking 2
1 ~ Surprising but very strategic and visionary. ~ Reflection of his unique foresight and wisdom.
~ Knowledgeable about winning battles. ~ Experienced in fighting with enemies. 2 ~ Interesting and thought-provoking. ~ Reflect students' mentality. ~ Meaningful and valid.
~ May not be convincing to some people. 3 ~ Both consequences are surprising. ~ Both are about choices and decision-making. ~ Both have to do with strategies. ~ Both focus on human's mentality.
4 ~ Afraid of losing potential opportunities. ~ Too greedy and too ambitious. ~ Over-confident about their real capacity. ~ More choices, better chances. 5 ~ Fewer options, more focused concentration. ~ Fewer choices, better quality.
~ Everything has two sides.
~ Too much greed ends up with nothing. Language focus 3
1 implement 2 rival 3 motivating 4 discarded 5 fluctuating 6 prejudiced 7 restore 8 enlightening 9 profit 10 investigate Word building 4
Words learned New words formed -ic
strategy strategic sympathy sympathetic -ion
confirm confirmation locate location reflect reflection provide provision install installation register registration quotation quote -ize
sympathy sympathize critic criticize industrial industrialize 5
1 sympathize 2 confirmation 3 strategic 4 installation 5 quote 6 sympathetic
7 criticize 8 location 9 reflection 10 industrialize 11 provision 12 registration Banked cloze 6
1 M 2 D 3 H 4 0 5 F 6 L 7 I 8 C 9 J 10 A Expressions in use 7
I was attached to 2 be measured in 3 come in handy 4 clinging to
5 pay a big price 6 are exhausted from 7 imposed on 8 revolve around Structure analysis and writing Structured writing 8
There are a lot of people who behave irrationally, causing problems to themselves as well as to others. It's hard to analyze the exact causes behind irrational behavior, but we know that it is a manner of behavior that is not based on logic and reasoning. Irrational behavior is caused by various factors but two stand out.
The first main factor that contributes to irrational behavior is uncontrolled emotions. Irrational people take offense or get angry before the actual situation occurs. They become anxious and express exaggerated emotions such as crying and shouting. They have unrealistic expectations, expecting everyone to like them and if someone does not, they feel angry and neglected. It is fairly common for people to show such signs of irrationality.
Too much stress can also lead to irrational behavior. In fact, these days, stress
is the major cause of physical as well as mental problems. Stress creates feelings of anger, irritation and frustration. For instance, when you spend a stressful day in the office, it makes you anxious. You start releasing your frustration or stress by screaming at your family members for small reasons like a badly prepared meal. That day you feel everything is wrong.
In summary, uncontrolled emotions and too much stress can result in irrational behavior. To behave rationally is not an easy job because the behavior is internalized. However, to discover the source of your irrationality will help you behave more rationally. Translation 9
活方式,就是生活得越简单越好,直到获得心灵的平静,这种简单既是精神上的,也是身体上的:这样的生活方式会减轻压力,带来更多自由时间.并增强幸福感、极简主义者会说.他们生活得更有意义了,更从容了,极简的生活方式让他们着眼于生活中更重要的事物:朋友、爱好、旅游和体验。当然,极简主义并不意味着拥有物质财富从本质上来讲有什么不对。现在的问题似乎在于,我们往往太重视所拥有的东西,而常常抛弃了健康、人与人之间的关系、我们的热情、个人成长,以及帮助他人的愿望。极简主义除了在我们的口常生活中可以得到应用,还存在于很多创意领域,包括艺术、建筑、没汁、舞蹈、电影、戏剧、音乐、时尚、摄影和文学等。 10
National Happiness Index (NHI) is an index that measures how happy people are. It is also a tool that measures the levels of economic development and people's livelihood and happiness in a country or region. With the fast growth of Chinese economy, the Chinese government has been paying more and more attention to people's living quality and the increase of happiness index. The government stresses improvement of its people's livelihood, striving to improve their economic
conditions and meet their growing material and cultural needs. Currently, the Chinese government advocates the unleashing of more reform dividends, with the aim of offering more real benefits to its people. All these measures will combine to effectively increase the NHI of our people.
Unit 6 Text B When enough is enough Understanding the text 2
Critical thinking 3
1. *Like to look good in other’s eyes. *Tend to have spending habit *Make them feel happy. *Want to be in fashion 2. *Frustrated. *Bored *Confused *Stunned
3. *Don’t know which option they want most. *Seem to them there is never the best option. *Want everything lest they miss a “perfect” one. 4. *Human beings are greedy by nature. *Many believe “The more, the better”. *Most people are too materialistic. 5. *Not really a good thing.
*Make people greedier and more materialistic. *Make people exhausted to make decisions. *Discourage appreciation.