一、 打招呼
Hello, boys and girls! I’m your new English teacher. (小朋友们大家好,我是你们的新老师) My name is Ci Ci, Ok. follow me, Ci Ci,(5 times),my name is? Ok, very good, let’s say Ci Ci as possible as we can. (看谁一口气能说Ci Ci说的最多) First, let’s take a deep breath(跟老师做深呼吸,吸气,呼气,吸气) ready, go! Ci Ci…….My name is?老师的名字是? 二、 分组
Now look at me carefully, I have a pair of scissors, kacikacikaci. I divide you into two groups. This is 喜洋洋group, and this is 美洋洋group, today we will have a match. (这一组是喜洋洋队,这一组是美洋洋队,我们今天来比一比) If you get one point, you will get a big apple.如果你得一分,就会得到一个大大的苹果,下课的时候看哪组的小朋友得的苹果多,好不好? 三、 课堂导入
Ok, before we begin our class, I have a question to ask you. (在我们开始上课之前,我想问大家一个问题) Do you like animals? (你喜欢小动物吗?) What animals do you like? I like animals too. Today I will introduce some animals to all of you. (今天Ci Ci老师给大家介绍几位小动物认识) Who is coming? (做兔子的动作) 四、 正课教授
A. rabbit
1、带读 ok, follow me, rabbit,(5times) 兔子是?(rabbit)
2、组读 ok, This group 3 times, rabbit, ready, go! This group 3 times.
(加分) 兔子是?
3、自然拼 同学们伸出小手,r-a-b-i-t rabbit(3times)兔子是? 4、拍卡片游戏(One by one 纠正发音) Now let’s play a game. (我
们来玩一个游戏)You should touch it and say rabbit as loudly as you can, ok? (找助教示范)Let’s have a try. 加分。兔子是? B、turtle
Have you heard a story named “龟兔赛跑”?(同学们有没有听过龟兔赛跑的故事?)The rabbit is here, please guess who will be coming? (出示卡片)
1、带读 ok, follow me, turtle,(5times) 乌龟是?(turtle)加分 2、组读 This group 3times, turtle, ready, go! This group 3 times. (加
分环节) 乌龟是?
3、爬黑板游戏 (集体输出)下面我们让小乌龟爬黑板,爬的越
高声音就越大,ok?turtle,turtle,turtle(声音由小到大)…...It is too dangerous, let it down. Turtle,turtle,turtle……(声音由大到小),乌龟是?
4、乌龟跳舞 The turtle can dance. Can you dance? All of you stand
up(小朋友们全体起立,让我们跟小乌龟跳个舞吧, 2 times) 乌龟是?You are so great, let’s prize
ourselves(放鞭炮). Sit down please.
5、复习环节 刚才我们学的小兔子是?(rabbit) When I say
rabbit you should say turtle, and when I say turtle you should say rabbit, ok? (老师说rabbit你说turtle,老师说turtle你说rabbit) let’s have a try. 反复3遍,兔子是?乌龟是?
Ok,look at me carefully, who is this ?(做动作)
1、 带读(出示卡片) ok, follow me, monkey,(5times) 猴子
2、 木头人游戏 (个体输出,纠正发音) let’s play a game,
woodman. 我们一起说monkey,monkey,当老师说woodman的时候就谁也不许说话不许动,ok?(one by one),集体说5遍解除魔咒。猴子是?
3、 挑兵点将(复习巩固)Now let’s review them together.
老师说前半句,同学们说后半句。兔子兔子rabbit,( rabbit, rabbit, rabbit,)乌龟乌龟turtle,(turtle,turtle,turtle,)猴子猴子monkey,(monkey,monkey,monkey,)挑兵点将(4times)加分。
4、 你争我抢 (总操练,找表现好三个孩子来台前,老师