1) 我們接到通知,財政部長將於次日接見我們。
We were informed that the Minister of Finance was to give us an audience /receive us the next day.
2) 我覺得很奇怪,他似乎不記得自己的生日。
I thought it odd that he didn't seem to remember his own birthday.
3) 學期論文最遲應在下星期二交來,可是至今大部分學生卻幾無進展。
Next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in the term papers, but most students have hardly made a dent in the work so far.
4) 看到學生人數不斷減少,校長心裏很難受。(pain)
It pained the headmaster to find the number of students shrinking.
5) 在那個國家一般用現金付賬,但支票變得普遍起來了,不久會代替現金作為人們結賬的一種方式。
Cash is commonly used in paying bills in that country, but checks are becoming more popular and will, in a short while, replace cash as a way for people to settle their accounts. 6) 該公司聲稱,這條河流的汙染不是它造成的。
The company claims that it is not responsible for the pollution in the river. Unit2
1) 比爾已是個成熟的小夥子,不再依賴父母替他做主。
Bill is a mature young man who is no longer dependent on his parents for decisions. 2) 這個地區有大量肉類供應,但新鮮果蔬奇缺。
There are abundant supplies of meat in this region, but fresh fruit and vegetables are scarce. 3) 工程師們依靠工人們的智慧發明了一種新的生產方法,使生產率得以提高。
Drawing on the wisdom of the workers, the engineers invented a new production method that led to increased productivity.
4) 他花了許多時間准備數學考試,因此當他獲知自己只得了個B時感到有點失望。
He spent a lot of time preparing for his math exam. Hence he was somewhat disappointed to learn that he got only a B.
5) 我們有充裕的時間從從容容吃頓午飯。 We have ample time for a leisurely lunch.
6) 地方政府不得不動用儲備糧並采取其他緊急措施,以渡過糧食危機。
The local government had to draw on its grain reserves and take other emergency measures so as to pull through the food crisis. Unit3
1) 蕭伯納在他一個劇本的前言中提出這樣的看法:今天人們比在中世紀時更加迷信。
In the preface to one of his plays, Bernard Shaw advances the idea that people are more superstitious today than they were in the Middle Ages.
2) 丈夫死後,她只好獨自挑起撫養五個孩子的經濟重擔。
After her husband died, she had to bear the severe financial burden of raising five children by herself.
3) 證明或駁斥某個論點的最好辦法之一是從親身經曆中舉出例子。
One of the best ways to prove or refute a point is to cite examples from your own experience. 4) 亨特說貝蒂老是誇大他的缺點,這話很可能會引起一場爭吵。
Hunt's statement that Betty always exaggerates his faults may well lead to a quarrel. 5) 我當時對她絕對信任,無論她告訴我什麼,我都會相信。
I trusted her so much that I would have swallowed any story she told me.
6) 一家人聚攏來討論經濟問題時,父親一開頭就說,每月存點錢是絕對必要的,遇到緊急情況,我們可以依靠積蓄。
When the family gathered to discuss matters of finance, Father started off by saying that it was absolutely necessary to set aside some money each month, for in an emergency we could fall back on our savings. Unit4
Sometimes bad luck seems to follow you everywhere. Take, for instance, what happened to me not long ago. One day I drove to a nearby city on business. At a junction I pulled the car to a halt as the red light was on; however, a black Buick suddenly collided into my car from behind. I was slightly injured. Wild with anger I cursed and got out only to find that the woman driver of the other car appeared to have been knocked unconscious and her young child, who was sitting in the rear of the car, was hurt, too. I had to fumble in my pockets for my mobile phone and call the police. In a few minutes a police car came and rushed the lady and her child to hospital. I was, however, asked to stay where I was. In fact, I didn't leave the scene until two hours later although I was not to blame at all. By the time I got home all my energy seemed to have deserted me. As to the business trip, I had to cancel it. As a result, my work suffered enormously. Up to now, I still can't make sense of the accident. Unit5
1) 我確信這項所謂 (so-called) 明智的決定,與期望相反,會帶來極其嚴重的後果。
I am convinced that, contrary to expectations, the so-called informed decision will bring very grave consequences.
2) 誠然,他曾欺騙你,但他已經承認自己做錯了,並道了歉。所以你不應該老是以懷疑的態度對待他。
It's true he once deceived you, but he has admitted he has done wrong and apologized. So you shouldn't always treat him with suspicion.
3) 他在這個問題公開進行辯論之前就已表明了自己的立場。 He had taken a stand on the issue before it was openly debated.
4) 在調查過程中,他們發現了種種形式的政治腐敗,並揭露了許多貪官汙吏 (corrupt officials)。
In the course of their investigation, they discovered various forms of political corruption and exposed a number of corrupt officials.
5) 瑪麗的兩難處境是:把真相告訴老板從而失信於她的同事,還是讓老板蒙在鼓裏從而辜負他的信任。
Mary's dilemma was whether to betray her colleagues by telling her boss the truth or to betray his trust by keeping him in the dark about it. 6) 首先,是什麼使你認為這項規劃會促進改革?其次,你怎麼知道這些改革會讓全縣得到好處?
Now, in the first place, what has made you think (led you to think) this program will promote reforms, and in the second, how do you know these reforms will benefit the whole county? Unit6
1) 那位衛生部副部長一再強調把中西醫結合起來是多麼重要。
The vice minister of health has emphasized time and again how important it is to integrate traditional Chinese medicine with western medicine.
2) 熱天很難保藏食品,使之保持新鮮與食用安全。很自然,許多人覺得在夏季還是不上飯店為好。
In hot weather it is rather difficult to preserve food and keep it fresh and safe to eat. Naturally, many people prefer not to eat in restaurants during the summer months. 3) 閱讀時在作者強調的論點底下劃線,對我們會有所裨益。
It will do us good to underline the points that the author emphasizes in his book. 4) 經過好幾天偵查,警方終於弄清這起謀殺案和新近發生的越獄事件有關。
After days of inquiry the police finally tied up the murder with the case of the recent escape from prison.
5) 我想勸說他們采納我們的計劃,首先因為這一計劃所需資金較少,其次,不會造成環境汙染。
I want to persuade them to adopt our plan, because, in the first place, it calls for less funds and, in the second place, it will not cause environmental pollution.
6) 父親用繩子把芹菜 (celery) 紮在一起,放在河裏浸了浸,然後拿到菜場去賣。
Father bound the celery together with a rope and dipped it in the stream for a while before he took it to the market for sale. Unit7
1) 法庭的判決引起史密斯先生的朋友們的氣憤,他們相信他是無辜的。
The court's judgment aroused anger among Mr. Smith's friends, who believed that he was innocent.
2) 當我們經過那家價格昂貴的餐館時,父親催我們快走,他說在這樣高檔的 (fancy) 地方用餐是大大超過我們的經濟能力的。
As we passed the expensive restaurant, father hurried us along saying that it was well beyond our means to have dinner at such a fancy place. 3) 老師在評價一篇文章並給它打分 (grade vt.) 時,可能是根據總的印象而不是根據仔細的分析 (analysis)。
A teacher may evaluate and grade an essay on the basis of his general impression rather than on a detailed analysis.
4) 小狗 (puppy) 將我的一張畫搞壞了,我真想對它發火,可它那十分可愛 (cute) 的樣子使我不禁笑著把它從地上抱了起來。(be inclined to, ruin)
I was inclined to get angry at the puppy for ruining my painting but he was so cute that I could not help but laugh and pick him up.
5) 愛德華 (Edward) 常常喜愛在那間可以眺望大海的房間裏朗誦詩歌。