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XXX公司 员工月度绩效考核评定表 被考

核人: 岗位名称: 考核周期: 员工自评 上级评分 理由说明 考核项目 考核指标 (满分100) (满分100) (100-90或60分以下) 目标达成率(30%) 工作业绩工作完成质量(20%) (70%) 工作完成及时率(20%) 主动、积极性(10%) 工作态度 (30%) 责任心(20%) 员工评分上级评分 合计 合计 最终得分 奖金系数 =(员工评分合计*30%) + (上级评分合计*70%)= 绩效面谈 直接主管签名: 被考核者签名: 日期: : 人力资源上级主管中心审核 核定意见 意 见 说明:1、请各单位根据被考核岗位的工作性质与目标,对每个考核指标项进行具体分解、量化,形成每个岗位的关键考核指标(KPI),; 2、在考核周期前期,推行组织/员工绩效承诺,使组织目标与个人计划相统一; 3、考评阶段,请切实开展双向沟通的绩效面谈工作,以帮助员工进行绩效改善。 人事部编制 奖品名称:500万U豆体验卡 卡号:50Dd4fea7001 everage D、stain 7、The words below equals to one another except( ). A、the high season B、the busy season C、the peak season D. the off season A、热辣的 B、菜系 C、苦干的 D、大堂吧 10、The word A 、确认 B、算账 C、结账 D、算错账 11、 C、聚会 D、党员 12、“PC”is short for() A、potato chips B、portable computer C、personal computer D、both B and C 13、what should the reservation clerk says first when he/she answers the phone? Au? B、welcome to our hotel. C、please come to our hotel D、please 14、The objects below are needed in Recreatio boot B booth C buffet D beverage 一、多选题:(每题2分,共20分。多选、少选、漏选均不得分) 1、 What should be prepared for a private secretary ?() A、yoga B、PC C、copier D、printer 2、In what ways can the guests make a reservation ?( )。 A、talking by person B、by phone C、by mail D、by fax 3、 Which can be ordered in a restaurant of a hotel?()。 A、special spicy chicken B、twice – cooked pork slices C、bar bell D、snooker 4、The facilities used in Recreational Service are()0361f04c 奖品名称:500万U豆体验卡 卡号:50Dd4fea7001 everage D、stain 7、The words below equals to one another except( ). A、the high season B、the busy season C、the peak season D. the off season A、热辣的 B、菜系 C、苦干的 D、大堂吧 10、The word A 、确认 B、算账 C、结账 D、算错账 11、 C、聚会 D、党员 12、“PC”is short for() A、potato chips B、portable computer C、personal computer D、both B and C 13、what should the reservation clerk says first when he/she answers the phone? Au? B、welcome to our hotel. C、please come to our hotel D、please 14、The objects below are needed in Recreatio boot B booth C buffet D beverage 二、多选题:(每题2分,共20分。多选、少选、漏选均不得分) 1、 What should be prepared for a private secretary ?() A、yoga B、PC C、copier D、printer 2、In what ways can the guests make a reservation ?( )。 A、talking by person B、by phone C、by mail D、by fax 3、 Which can be ordered in a restaurant of a hotel?()。 A、special spicy chicken B、twice – cooked pork slices C、bar bell D、snooker 4、The facilities used in Recreational Service are()0361f04c



