Parts Book of
ZE85E Hydraulic Crawler Excavator
中联重科股份有限公司 Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co.,Ltd
前 言
◆为了使用户准确无误地得到所需的零配件,订货时请注明挖掘机出厂年月及编号。订购发动机零配件时,除注明发动机编号外,还需注明主机(挖掘机)编号。 ◆ 本零件目录所含技术内容,随着技术的发展可能有所变动,恕不作进一步通知,如有需要,请从本单位销售处得到最新信息。 ◆ 本零件目录的编写说明如下:
◆ To ensure for our users a required parts in time, when ordering parts for excavator, be sure to give the model number, the serial numberand the production date of the machine. When ordering parts for engine, the serial number of excavator must be given out except the serial number of diesel engine.
◆ With technical improving, the content in this parts book may be changed. If we didn’t inform to you , you can obtain the newest news form our sales department when you need. ◆ Note:
1. The order of part number isn’t arranged in numeral order in the book, same part number may appear in many places, it all depends on the mating relation between parts.
2. Qty indicate the quantity of a part required per machine. In case of component is a constituent part of an assembly, however, it indicates the quantity of the required per assembly.
零 件 图 册
目 录
003002001A0000000发动机安装 ENGINER FIXING ………………………………………1 003002002A0000000燃油系统 FUEL PIPING …………………………………………9 003002004A0000000散热系统 COOLING SYSTEM ………………………………………11 003002105A0000000隔板总成 PARTITION BOARD ASS'Y ……………………………15 003002006A0000000配重总成 COUNTER WEIGHT ASS'Y ………………………………18 003002107A0000000转台总成 TURNTABLE ASS'Y………………………………………20 003002010A0000000外罩总成 GIRDER AND COVER ASS'Y ……………………………22 003002012A0000000地板总成 OPERATOR ROOM'S MAT ASS'Y…………………………25 003002013A0000000座椅扶手总成 SEAT AND ARMREST ASS'Y ……………………………27 003002017A0000000动臂总成 BOOM ASS'Y ……………………………………………33 003002015A0000000斗杆总成 ARM AND LINK ASS'Y …………………………………35 003002016A0000000铲斗总成 BUCKET ASS'Y …………………………………………37 003002017A0000000履带架总成 TRACK FRAME ASS'Y……………………………………39 003002018A0000000四轮一带总成 LOWER MACHINE ASS'Y ………………………………41 003002019A0000000回转支承总成 SWING BERING ASS'Y …………………………………53 003002121A0000000燃油箱总成 FUEL TANK ASS'Y …………………………………55 003002122A0000000液压油箱总成 HYDRAULIC OIL TANK ASS'Y …………………………57 003002023A0000000主泵管路 PUPM PIPING …………………………………………59 003002024A0000000主油路 MAIN PIPING …………………………………………65 003002025A0000000工作装置管路 HOE ATTACHMENT PIPING ……………………………72 003002026A0000000先导油路 CONTROL PIPING ………………………………………74 003002028A0000000冷却管路 COOLING PIPING ……………………………………77 003002029A0000000行走管路 TRACTION PIPING ……………………………………79 003002030A0000000驾驶室总成 OPERATOR ROOM FIXING ………………………………81 003002032A0000000空调系统 AIR CONDITION SYSTEM ………………………………89 003002033A0000000 标牌(中文) DECALAND(CHINESE)………………………………… 96
ZE85E履带式液压挖掘机零件图册2012 - 2版