Surface Appearance 外观 G
Surface Appearance 外观 Glossiness/gloss finish 光洁度 Matt finish/matt surface 毛面
Glass fiber rich surface/glass emergence on the surface 玻纤外露
Blooming/surface blooming 表面析出
White patches on surface 表面白斑
Silver marks/silver streak 银纹 Splay mark 水纹
Flow mark 流纹 Weld line 溶结纹 Brittle/brittleness 脆 Bubbles/trapped gas 气泡 Void 孔
Burn marks 烧伤 FR failed 阻燃不合格 Flame rating V-2 阻燃 V-2 Poor dispersion 分散不好 FR/PTFE …agglomerates etc 阻燃剂/PTFE…结块 Pellet porous 粒子不密 /蜜蜂窝
Low impact/tensile etc 物理性能低
High flow/filler content etc 流动性/填充…过高 Longs/fines/doubles 长粒/碎屑/连粒 Poor cut 粒形不好
Bristle/voids 表面有小气泡 /孔 Glass bundles 玻纤结团
Product was rejected due to 产品不能接受因为 … High moisture level 高水分 Warpage/warped 翘曲 Shrinkage/shrink 收缩 Sink marks 缩影
Short shot/short molding 打不满 Distortion 变形 Over dimension 尺寸过大 Under dimension 尺寸过小 Flashing 飞边 Discoloration 变色
Off color 颜色差异 Flow r
Off color 颜色差异 Flow rate 流动率 Viscous 粘 High flow 高流动
Low flow 低流动 Sticky 粘
Mold release 脱模 Antioxidant 抗氧剂 Flame retardant agent 阻燃剂
Heat stabilizer 热稳定剂 Chopped glass fiber 短切玻纤 Roving glass fiber 粗纱 /长玻纤
Glass beads 玻璃微珠 Milled fiber 碾磨纤 Molybdenum disulfide/moly/MoS2 二硫化钼 Colorant 着色剂 Pigment 颜料
Dye 染料 Accepted product specification 接受产品规格 Approved our product 认可我们的产品 Re-set spec 重新定标准 Add in extra … 添加多一点… Reduced … content 减少 … 含量
Dropped/reduced … by x% 减少 … 含量 …% Confirmed color standard 确认颜色标准 Approved color standard 认可颜色标准
Re-c on firmed color sta ndard 重新确认颜色标准 Qualified our product 认可我们的产品
Un derg oing heat agi ng test 在做热老化实验
Product is un der test ing 产品在测试当中 Received first order 接了第一个定单
Expected to finish by … 预计在…完成
Expected order is xMT 预计定单量…吨
Estimated ann ual/m on thly con sumpti on 预计年/月用量
来源:中国塑料产业链网 我要评论:0 时间:2009-7-6
XX 电子有限公司 XX Electronics CO., Ltd 总经理办公室 General manager' s office 企管咅B Enterprise management department (EM) 行政咅 B Adm ini stratio n departme nt (AD) 销售部 Sales department (SD) {TodayHot} 财务部 Financial department (FD) 技术部 Techno logy departme nt (TD) 物控部 Production material control department (PMC) 生产部 Production department(PD) 模具咅B Mold manufacturing department, Tooling manufacturing department (TM) 品管咅B Quality Assuranee department (QA) 冲压车间 Stamp workshop, press workshop 注塑车间 injection workshop 装配车间 Assembly workshop 模具装配车间 Mold and die Assembly workshop 金属加工车间 metal mach ine workshop {HotTag} 电脉冲车间 Electric discharge process workshop 线切割车间 wire cutting process workshop 工磨车间 Grinding workshop
总经理 General manager (GM) 副总经理 Vice-general manager 经理 manager 董事长preside nt 副董事长 Vice-preside nt
XX 部门经理 Manager of XX department 主任、主管 supervisor 拉长 Line leader 组长 Foreman, forelady 秘书 secretary 文员clerk 操作员operator 助理 assistant 二、产品
连接器connector 端子 terminal 条型连接器bar connector 阴连接器Housing 阳连接器wafer 线束 wire harness 间距 space {TodayHot} 额定电压 rated voltage 额定电流 rated curre nt 接触电阻 contact resista nee 绝缘电阻 in sulati on resista nee 超声波焊接 ultrasonic welding 耐压 withstand voltage 针pin 物料编号part number 导线wire
基体金属 Base metal 电缆夹 cable clamp 倒角 chamfer 接触面积con tact area 接触件安装孔 con tact cavity {HotTag} 接触长度 con tact len gth 接触件电镀层con tact plat ing 接触压力 contact pressure 接触件中心距 con tact space 接触簧片 con tact spri ng 插孑L socket contact 法兰、凸缘 Flange 界面间隙 in terfacial gap