Glass lining reaction tank
Glass lining equipments is to contain high silica glass, lined on the inner surface of the steel container, high-temperature calcination and firmly on the metal surface. Often used in petroleum chemical industry, rubber, pesticide, dye, pharmaceutical and other
industries, to complete the sulfonated, nitration, hydrogenation, alkylation, polymerization, condensation process, and organic dyes and intermediates of many other process reaction equipment. Zibo nine process chemical equipment co., LTD
应设备。低压反应釜,一般是指1.6MPa以下的反应釜。由于工艺条件和介质的不同,反应釜的材料选择及结构也不尽相同,但基本组成是相同的,它包括传动装置、传热和搅拌装置、釜体(上盖、筒体、釜底)、工艺接管等。设备的外观尺寸,一般取反应釜有效高度Hgz/反应釜内径Di=1.0~1.2,如果Hgz/Di>1.5,则需增设桨叶数。桨叶直径di通常取1/3/Di,上、下桨叶的间距应略大于桨径。在设备的结构上设置必要的传热和搅拌装置是为了强化反应过程。反应釜体普遍采用钢制(或衬里)、铸铁或搪玻璃 1 An overview of the
Enamel reaction tank is often used in petroleum chemical industry, rubber, pesticide, dye, pharmaceutical and other industries, to complete the sulfonated, nitration, hydrogenation, alkylation, polymerization and condensation process, and organic dyes and intermediates of many other process reaction equipment. Low pressure reaction kettle, generally refers to the reaction kettle under 1.6 MPa. Because of the different process conditions and
media, the material selection and structure of reaction kettle is endless also and same, but the basic composition is the same, it includes the transmission device, heat transfer and mixing device, the kettle body (cover, barrel, kettle bottom), process to take over, etc. As to the appearance of the device size reaction kettle effective height Hgz/reaction kettle inside diameter Di = 1.0 ~ 1.2, if the Hgz/Di > 1.5, need to add number of blades. Blade diameter di usually take a third/di, upper and lower blade spacing should be slightly bigger than the oar diameter. On the structure of the equipment, set up necessary heat transfer and mixing device, in order to strengthen the reaction process. The reaction kettle body widely used steel (or the lining), cast iron, or glass lining. Zibo enamel kettle, zibo
porcelain enamel pot, zibo glass lining reactor, zibo glass lining reaction cans, enamel equipment, enamel reaction tank, enamel reaction kettle, enamel agitator, kettle with mechanical seal, seal cushion
(1) GB25025-2010《搪玻璃设备技术条件》;
(2) 搪瓷开式反应釜为GB/T25027-2010《搪玻璃开式搅拌容器》; (3) 搪瓷闭式反应釜为GB/T25026-2010《搪玻璃闭式搅拌容器》; (4) 因搪玻璃反应罐一般为承压容器,还要符合GB150《钢制压力容器》。 (1) GB25025-2010 \
(2) enamel open reaction kettle is GB/T25027-2010 \(3) enamel closed reaction kettle is GB/T25026-2010 \container\
(4) because of glass lining reaction tank generally for pressure vessel, but also conforms to GB150 steel pressure vessel. 3结构
搪玻璃反应罐从结构上分为开式和闭式, 3 structure
Glass lining reaction tank structurally divided into open and closed, 4用途细分
从规格上分为实验室用5L-40L和生产用50L-30000L。 4 USES subdivision
From the specification is divided into laboratory in 40 l and 5 l - production in 50 l to 30000 l.
5 technical requirements
Glass lining thickness 0.8 2.0 mm and the 20 kv high voltage testing, working temperature: - 20 ℃, 200 ℃, pressure of work: tank 10 KGS or less, in the jacketed acuities were 6 KGS. A complete set of equipment including: tanks, tank cap (closed, open the gasket and clamp connection), motor, explosion-proof, ordinary and frequency) and speed reducer, cycloid, spiral bevel gears), sealing, packing, single face and double face),
stirring (anchor, the impeller type, paddle, modular, pusher), wen casing (straight, oblique, with wing), emptying valve (or four fluorine ball valve), other such as liquid level meter, inside dish tube can design according to the configuration. Through the jacket to tank heating of the material circulation steam heating, circulating heat conduction oil heating, electric heating, infrared heating, etc. Support way is divided into holds the ear (shelf) and