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3. MR.Jones is with his family.


声带不振动。 一、读单词,找规律。 1.tidy top taxi 2. Peter better pity 3.let wet fit 二、读句子,注意/t/的发音. 1. I have a toy teddy bear. 2. Put the ticket on the table . 3. The teapot is in front of you .



1.read lead head 2.garden radio body

3.duck dot door 二、读句子,注意/d/的发音. 1. He’s in the bed. 2. Mind your head. 3. He has a bad cold.


而出,声带不振动。 一、读单词,找规律。 1.fit foot fix 2.enough laugh cough 3.photo phone elephant 二、读句子,注意/f/的发音. 1. I feel awful. 2. Phone me at five.

3. He phoned me four times yesterday.



1.five live active 2.vet vase very 二、读句子,注意/f/的发音. 1. I live in the cave. 2. We have five vases. 3. Thank you very much. Unit3

/??/的发音要领:发音时,嘴唇收圆,略用力向前突出。舌后部抬高,舌尖压低但不触下齿,发长音。 一、读读单词,找规律。

1 . also always talk 2 . horse fork short 3 . law saw draw 4. floor door

二、读句子,注意 /??/的发音。 1 . Paul’s kitchen is small. 2 . The pictures are on the wall. 3. There are some shoes on the floor.

/?/发音要领:发音时,嘴唇张开,稍收圆,微向前伸。舌尖压低但不触下齿,舌后部抬高,发短促。 一、读单词,找规律。 1. pot dog dot 2 . want wash watch 3. because sausage 二、读句子,注意/?/的发音。 1 . It is hot today. 2. I’ve got a book.

3. Please stop shopping.

/θ/ 舌尖稍向前伸,上下齿轻轻咬住舌尖。将气流通过舌尖和上齿间的缝隙轻轻吹出。 一、读单词,找规律。

1 . thin thief think 2 . something birthday method 3. math south fifth 二、读句子,注意/θ/的发音。

1. Every day I think about postcards. 2. Can you see anything?

3 . Cone and have something to drink. /e/与发/θ/音时的口型相同,声带振动。 一、读单词,找规律。

1. than that there 2 . bother rather either 3 . with breathe smooth



