18-10 各级学校在校女学生Number of Female Students andby School Level (2017-2024)单位:人项 目女学生数 高等教育 #研究生 普通本专科学校 高中教育阶段 普通高中 中等职业教育 义务教育 普通初中 普通小学女学生占学生总数的百分比(%) 高等教育 #研究生 普通本专科学校 高中教育阶段 普通高中 中等职业教育 义务教育 普通初中 普通小学女专任教师数 普通高等学校 高中阶段学校 普通高中 中等职业学校 义务教育学校 普通初中 普通小学
女专任教师占专任教师总数的百分比(%) 普通高等学校 高中阶段学校 普通高中 中等职业学校 义务教育学校 普通初中 普通小学
女学生和女专任教师数(2017-2024年)nts and Female Full-time Teachers017-2024)ItemNumber of Female Students Higher Education Postgraduate Undergraduate in Regular HEIs High School Education Regular High School Vocational Secondary Schools Compulsory Education Regular Junior Secondary School Regular Primary SchoolPercentage of Female Students to Total Students (%) Higher Education Postgraduate Undergraduate in Regular HEIs High School Education Regular High School Vocational Secondary Schools Compulsory Education Regular Junior Secondary School Regular Primary SchoolNumber of Female Full-time Teachers Regular Higher Education Institutions High School Education Regular High School2017300680057017630864402201487057309945177112146252446594799657748.451.852.953.948.751.544.547.347.047.5210039197142987419407 (person)2024303044657649436539410778474525310912163613149107249470899636448.251.856.153.947. Vocational Secondary Schools Compulsory Education Regular Junior Secondary School Regular Primary SchoolPercentage of Female Full-time Teachers to Total Full-time Teachers (%) Regular Higher Education Institutions High School Education Regular High School Vocational Secondary Schools Compulsory Education Regular Junior Secondary School Regular Primary School10467115430382827714860.347.350.949.254.457.350.261.69904119342400317931161.548.451.150.751.858.451.462.7