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chinese traditional virtue

chinese traditional virtue is the excellent moral heritage we inherited from the ancients. we learned many moral characters, such as, thrift, honesty, affection, filial piety, loyalty,

humaneness and so on through many old stories and life practice. i summarized it into three aspects: humanity, courtesy and integrity.

to begin with, chinese culture advocates humanity. this

thought does not only seek for human peace but also for the harmony between human and nature and other creatures. there are many examples that show humanity in the history. the emperors, who gain people’s great supports such as tang taizong, kang xi, complied with the philosophy that “cultivate humanity, and then you could cultivate your family,

administrate the country, and bring peace all over the world” (the book of rites). additionally, there goes a famous saying, “honor the aged of other people as we honor our own, take care of the young of other people as we take care of our own” (the analects). this important part of humanity makes great contributions to establishing a harmonious society. all in all, humanity makes us show respect to not only human life but also the environment and all kinds of life around us.

in addition, china, a nation which has civilization of 5,000

years, puts courtesy at a very important position. from the old to the young, from the important events to the trivial things, it is common for people to use this rule to regulate their behavior. the traditional story of kong rong sharing pears is well-known by chinese people. the behavior of kongrong to choose the smallest pear and leave the bigger ones to his brothers is a good explanation for the courtesy and comity. courtesy makes us form many good habits in the daily life, for instance, saying hello to teachers, respecting parents, showing courtliness to our friends, giving up our seat on the bus to the people who needs it more. what’s more, courtesy play an important role in the chinese diplomatic policy which do great help to the success of building steady relationship with other nations.

last but not least, chinese ethics place a great emphasis on integrity. it is the basic

principle when we get along with others. for this reason, i

regard it as the most important rule we should obey to regulate our behavior. integrity is needed in every field of our life. to be honest and sincere is the fundamental thing to be a human

being. just as the famous saying of socrates “the dishonest life is not worth living”. moreover, honesty and integrity is

necessary when we are handling the relationship with friends and family members. keeping secrets among family and

friends often harm them deliberately or in deliberately. still, in a business perspective, integrity is mainly with sincere

reception, fair trade, abiding by the contract, pay the liabilities in time, and not cooking the books, etc. as a student, we show our integrity through pursuing the true academic knowledge, obeying the discipline of test, using the true and correct information to compete in all kinds of award selection.

in summary, i am deeply convinced that all these great virtues had, have and still will have tremendous effect on the field of regulating people’s behaviors. the chinese traditional virtues are not only the essence of ancient moral civilization, but also the cohesion of chinese national family. great efforts are

essential for us to make in order to pursue and inherit all these invisible spiritual culture heritages.





他开心,看着全家人都一样开心的笑脸,我心里也很 开心。我感觉,全世界没有一个人能模仿出这么开心 自然的笑脸!我和妈妈谈了感受,特意加快步伐,赶 在他们前面。等落了他们一小段距离后,把相机的像 素调大,把这一家拍了下来。儿孙伴在身边,这是每 个老人都想要的,我觉得,如果每个人都抽出时间, 不睡懒觉,赶忙地陪在父母身边,世界上就不会再出 现几十万的空巢老人了。

父母是我们最应报答的人,鸦有反哺之义,羊有跪乳之恩,他们把我们从小拉扯大,教我们说话、走路、做事,给我们换尿布,给我们最好的。当他们老的时候,我们就应该向他们原来照顾我们一样去照顾他们,如果连最简单的陪伴都做不到,还讲什么?不要说工作忙,因为他们照顾你时,工作也有很多。树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待,孝顺父母,就要从陪伴开始。 乐于助人,是真心的


在快要入秋的一天,虽然秋这个字已在眼前,但暑气还是没有散,大家的头上仍然在冒汗。一个三轮车夫在大街上 跑着。眼前的这条路可不好走,车夫跟那儿一边 皱着眉头,一边喘气跑着。这路上的坡很大,有 点斜,而且路面不平整,坑坑洼洼,有很多裂痕。 车夫使劲的一步一步往前跑,刚准备擦擦汗,这 车就有点往下滑。旁边一个穿白衣服、蓝裤子的 小女孩,看见了想:哎呀,这个叔叔上坡这么费 劲,我去帮帮他吧!她连忙跑过去,在后面轻轻 的推了起来。车夫推着,突然感觉方便了一点, 也没多想,继续向前跑去。小女孩儿的个头很矮,


帮助别人,快乐自己,我感觉这句话很对,因为我自己也体验过这种感觉,因为只要弯一下腰、搀扶一下,或是帮忙使个劲,也不累人,也不误事,还能听到一声谢谢,多好的事!别人快乐,我也快乐,还有什么事比这更快乐?而且,要做雷锋,就要做真雷锋,那样才能得到快乐,你说呢? 尊老敬老树新风


去年刚入秋,我和妈妈出去玩儿,虽然有点远,但是为了节俭,我们就是坐公交车去。虽说已经入秋了,但天气还是闷热闷热的。因为有点远,所以我们需要做很长时间的公交车。公交车里,人不是特别多,但是所有的座儿都坐满了。车停了,一个老爷爷驼着背走了进来,我下意识的想去让座,可是妈妈 在旁边睡着了,紧紧地压着我,我很 为难。那老爷爷找了一个台阶,拿出 了报纸,垫在了台阶上,坐了下来。 我看着是极心痛啊,心里想:老爷爷, 您等着,我还有几站就下车了!突然, 对面一个看手机的哥哥抬起了头,对 老爷爷说:“您请坐!”老爷爷给了一

个让他坐下的手势,大哥哥想了想,说:“爷爷,我到站了,您过来坐!”说着,大哥哥过去把老爷爷扶到了座上,但是他并没有到站。 尊老敬老的事情还很多,关键靠行动。因此,我们要自觉把尊老敬老根于心中,不断增强尊老敬老意识,尊老为德,敬老为善,爱老为美,助老为乐,以实际行动将这些优良道德传统发扬光大,为老人们营造一个美满、安详、健康、幸福的晚年! 103个孩子的父亲



孩子,组成一个特殊“大家庭”。这 就是“光爱之家”的雏形。一开始是

7个孩子,后来是30个,再后来是70 个,100个??远至西藏、近至京郊,




班级美德故事作文 班级美德故事作文 美德少年

高一年8班 许佳佳



砰砰砰-- 开始跑了。每个人的态度都很认真,在怎么累都没有想过要放弃!雅菲跑时用坚定的眼神看着我,好像在鼓励我一起到达终点!好!最后100米加油了!最后经过3分多钟的拼搏我们都一起来到了终点。因为没有稳住,就噗的往地上做了下去!“佳佳,快站起来,不然等等你会很难受的!”雅菲拉着我的手激动的说。我痛苦兮兮的摸着脚使劲的喊着腿痛啊。“哪里?我帮你揉揉!”“别别别你也才刚跑完很累的你自己去走走吧。”没等我说完雅菲的手就开始忙起来了,经过她一捏确实好了很多,我看着她那傻傻的样子,竟也傻傻的笑了起来。

美德少年就在我们的身边,正因为有雅菲的帮忙和鼓励,几分钟后我又再次恢复了体力,在操场上又蹦又跳的。所以,让我们一起用心去体验生活中的美德故事吧,将他们绘制成一幅动人的图画! 同学间的关心

高一年8班 张佳钰



