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成人本科学士学位英语考试 - 附答案

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Part I Reading Comprehension (30%)

Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

Is that 6 a.m. workout getting in the way of good sleep? Don’t think your fat cells won't notice. A new study published in The Annals of Internal Medicine (a medical journal) finds that inadequate shut-eye has a harmful effect on fat calls, reducing their ability to respond to insulin (胰岛素) by about 30 percent. Over the long-term,this

decreased response could set-the stage for type-2 diabetes (a medical condition in which someone has too much sugar in his or her blood), fatty liver disease and weight gain.

The study adds to a growing body of evidence that there’s“an intimate relationship between the amount of sleep we get and our ability to maintain a good,healthy body weight”says sleep expert Helene Emsellem,director of the Center for Sleep and Wake Disorders in Chevy Chase,Maryland. (76) But Americans don’t seem to be getting the message that we need seven to nine hours per night. More than 1 in 5 of us,according to a report form the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,is getting six or fewer hours of sleep per night,on average.

So how did researchers study fat cells in the Annals paper? Matthew Brady of the University of Chicago and a group of colleagues selected and persuaded seven volunteers to take part in the research project. They were all young,thin and healthy and agreed to sleep for eight nights in a sleep lab. “For four nights they were allowed to stay in bed for 8.5 hours a night,” says Brady. Then ,a month later,they came back for four additional nights—but this time they were allowed just 4.5 hours of sleep per night. And after each visit,researchers got a sample of their fat.(77) Brady explains that the fat cells responded significantly to the loss of sleep. “I was very surprised to be honest,”he says.

Bad things can happen when fat cells become less responsive to insulin. “Fat cells are actually your friend,”he says.“They’re there to store lipids(血脂).”When lipids stay inside the cells,your body can utilize the fat when you’re exercising or sleeping or going about your day.“However,when fat cells start to become insulin resistant,the lipids start to leach out of the fat cells and rise in the bloodstream,” Brady says.

1. According to the passage,lack of the sleep for a long while can probably lead to all of the following EXCEPT______. 第一段最后一句

A. heart disease B. weight gain C. diabetes D. liver disease 2. The main idea of the third paragraph is______. 第一句

A. how to write a medical research paper B. how to avoid sleep loss

C. how the research was conducted D. how to conduct a medical experiment 3. What does the word “leach” in the last paragraph probably mean? A. Leap B. Lead. C. Lead. D. Leak. 泄露

4. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. We will be in trouble if our fat cells become less responsive to insulin. B. More and more studies are done to study the link between sleep and weight.


C. More than 20% of Americans are net getting enough sleep. D. Fat cells are there to help us maintain a good health. 5. Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage? A. Poor Sleep May Lead to Too Much Stored Fat and Disease B. Sleep Experts Had Exciting Findings in a Fat Study C. Americans Should Have More Than Six Hours of Sleep D. Bad Things Happen if Fat Cells Become Our Friend 这篇短文讲睡眠的重要性,不足的睡眠会引起种种不良的后果。

76句的翻译是:但是美国人似乎仍不明白:我们每晚需要7至9小时的睡眠。 77句的翻译是:布莱德解释说:脂肪细胞对睡眠的减少会产生强烈的反应。 1至5题的答案是:ACDDB

Passage 2

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

The top of the world is a wonderland. In winter, the temperature often falls to -30℉ and the sun never rises. The ocean is surrounded by frozen ground. There are few people or trees, but to polar bears, the Arctic (北极) is home.

(78) Polar bears have thick fur,big paws and other features that make them well

prepared for life in their tough environment. In fact,they need the Arctic sea ice for survival. But climate change is causing larger and larger areas of summer sea ice to melt (融化). Experts say that if warming patterns continue,the Arctic could be free of summer sea ice by 2050.They may cause two-thirds of the world’s 20,000 polar bears to be gone by then too.

Polar bears can’t survive for long on land. Seals are their main source of food. The only place where polar bears can hunt seals is on the ice.(79) Although these bears are strong swimmers, they are no match for lightning swift seals in the water. A polar bear has brilliantly clever strategies to overcome this disadvantage. In winter the bear waits motionless beside a seal’s breathing hole,which is a narrow tunnel through the ice. Often many hours pass before the seal comes up for air and the bear kills it with a powerful blow of its paw. In summer, the polar bears that live on land eat very little and wait for the sea ice to return.

With the sea ice forming later in the year and melting earlier,polar bears do not have enough opportunity to hunt and eat. Less sea ice makes it harder for the bears to catch the seals. The bears must swim longer distances between ice packs(大片浮冰),and they can’t always make it. The ice is also getting thinner. These conditions can cause polar-bear cubs to become separated form their mothers, who provide them with food.

Steven Amstrup is the chief scientist of Polar Bears International. The group aims to save the bears and their home. “The more people who see polar bears and understand their difficult situation, the better the chance we’ll alter our warming path in time to save them,” he says. 6. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Climate Change in the Arctic B. How to' Protect the Environment C. The Arctic Is Home to Polar Bears D. Polar Bears in Danger 7. Where do polar bears usually hunt seals?

A. On land. B. In open watar.

C. In openings in the sea ice. D. At the bottom of the sea. 8. The word “cubs” in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to______. A. adults B. babies C. hunters D. enemies


9. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Starving polar bears are increasingly coming into villages, where they may be killed either for food or safety.

B. Polar bears can spend their entire lives on land if the sea ice melts completely. C. Two-thirds of the world’s polar bears may disappear by 2050 as global warming continues.

D. The growing distance between ice packs is not a problem for polar bears, because they are

excellent swimmers.

10. What’s the mission of Polar Bears International?

A. Saving energy. B. Conducting scientific research.

C. Seeking international cooperation. D. Saving polar bears and their home.



79句的翻译是:尽管北极熊是游泳健将,在水中,他们也无法与快速的敏捷的海豹匹敌。 6至10题的答案是:DCBCD

Passage 3

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:

Imagine a school that expected its students to become literate (有读写能力的)without any formal instruction. Most parents would be alarmed by such an approach,which would leave their children confused and with gaps in their understanding. This however has been the philosophy on character development in many of our schools. Why is the development of character seen as somehow different from the other skills that we teach?

Of course there will always be learning by osmosis(耳濡目染) in any school, but as a teacher and primary school head I have found that a child’s moral literacy is strengthened when they acquire the building blocks of good character such as consideration, courage and honor: qualities which are commonly known as virtue(美德).

I personally find that exploring a virtue over a two-week period provides a simple and effective program that allows for the creative input of both teacher and student and a chance for the virtue to embed(使融入) itself. Once a lesson on a virtue such as honesty has been completed we need to allow time for children to practice this concept just as would be the case with fractions or verbs. Allowing children to role play a situation such as making up excuses to cover a mistake can be enormously interesting, and the drama can be frozen allowing the characters to be questioned about their feelings and motives. (80) It's also a safe way for children to experience for themselves how a lie usually goes out of control.

Our role as educators is also to look for opportunities to help our students as they attempt to strengthen their characters. When something goes wrong we guide the young person to the virtue that will prevent it from happening again. For instance, when a student thoughtlessly disturbs the calm atmosphere of the library, instead of a response such as,” that was really disrespectful and selfish of you! ” we draw out from them the required virtue: “ When you’re walking through the library, what virtues do you need to use ? ” 11. Which of the following is the main idea of this passage?

A. Teaching morals and values has been a frequently discussed topic in the past few years.'


B. The author and his staff embed virtues into lessons and school life to encourage character development in children.

C. Kids throughout the population face the same needs, the same challenges, and the same realities in their lives.

D. Role plays are an excellent way of getting students to practice their English. 12. We can infer from the first peragraph that_____.

A. there tends to be disagreement about what character education is

B. most parents are not satisfied with the teaching methods adopted in schools

C. the approach to character education is generally considered different from the approaches to other skills

D. more and more schools are adopting strategies to improve school attendance 13. The word “philosophy” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to_____. A. study B. subject C. viewpoint D. investigation 14. The author is a_____.

A. teacher B librarian C. reporter D manager

15. Which of the following is NOT mentionad in the passage as a way to build character in


A. Story readings and discussions, B. Osmosis. C. Taking every opportunity to teach character. D.Role play. 这篇短文讲美德与学生发展之间的关系。

80句的翻译是:让孩子们亲身经历,看到一个谎言是如何失控的,也不失为一种安全的教育方法。 11至15题的答案是:BCCAA

Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure (30%)

Directions: In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the Corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

16. So much_____about his ships on the sea that he didn't sleep for a single minute all night. A. did he worry

17. His new novel is said_____into a film last year. A. to make

B. to have made

C. to be made

18. He tried several times to pass the exam. _____the end, he succeeded. A. On

19. The report of an earthquake (地震) in the South China Sea has not been _____yet. A. conflicted


B. he did worry C. he worried D. worried he

选择A. did he worry 倒装句

D. to have been made

选择D. to have been made 动词不定式的被动完成式

B. In C. At D. By

选择B.In 固定搭配

B. confused C. confined D. confirmed

选择D. confirmed

20. The clouds ere gathering. We'd better hurry and _____the department store in case it rains. A. hand in


选择C. head for

21. There is only one boat_____for hire. I'm afraid you have to wait for the next one. A. superior

22. I think fishing is a nice hobby but needs a good deal of _____. A. relation

23. Finally we made a _____that I should cook dinner and she would wash up after. A. trip

24.The old man was found_____on the floor. A. lying dead

25. If one_____ a crime, he will be punished. A. makes

26. If you insist on doing that, please take me into_____. A. think

27. The letters PTA_____parect-teacher association. A. stand for

28. On_____side of the street were standing young boys and girls to welcome the President. A. both

29. Hospital doctors don't go out very often as their work_____all their time. A. takes away取走 选择D.takes up 占用

30. The_____of blood always makes him sick. A. sight


交上 B. face up to勇敢面对 C. head for出发动身 D. back up支

B. capable C. complicated D. available

选择D. available

B. limitation C. strength D. patience

选择D. patience

B. bargain C. face D. fool

选择B. bargain

B. lying death C. laying dead D. laying death

选择 A. lying dead 现在分词用法

B. commits C. performs D. achieves

选择B. commits 固定搭配

B. thinking C. thought D. consideration

选择D.consideration 固定搭配

B. call for C. reach for D. care for

选择A. stand for 代表,代替,象征

B. two C. either D. every


B. takes in 接收 C. takes over 接管 D. takes up

B. view C. look D. form

选择A. sight 景象

成人本科学士学位英语考试 - 附答案


