龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
作者:徐雪萌 唐静静
摘 ;要:文章以新工科背景下人才培养目标为出发点,探讨了校企共建实习基地内容、实习基地管理模式、实习教学模式,提出了“四化”耦合及“四段式”校企联合培养教学模式。通过校外实习基地建设完善本科生实习教学条件,有效提高学生自主实践创新能力和促进包装工程专业应用型人才培养。
中图分类号:G640 ; ; ; ; 文献标志码:A ; ; ; ; 文章编号:2096-000X(2019)20-0065-03 Abstract: This paper discusses the construction of out-school practicing base and the teaching mode under background of new engineering, puts forward the teaching mode of \
modernization\the conditi-ons, effectively improve students ability of innovation and promote the training of applied talents of packaging engineering speciality.
Keywords: new engineering;packaging engineering; practical base 引言