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At my heaviest I weighed 370 pounds.I had a very poor relationship with food:I used it to 1 bad feelings,to make myself feel better,and to celebrate.Worried about my health,I tried many different kinds of 2 but nothing worked.I came to believe that I could do nothing about my 3 .

When I was 50,my weight problem began to affect me 4 .I didn’t want to live the rest of my life with this 5 weight any more.

That year,I 6 a seminar where we were asked to create a project that would touch the world.A seminar leader shared her 7 story — she had not only lost 125 pounds,but also raised $25,000 for homeless children.

8 by her story,I created the As We Heal(痊愈),the World Heals 9 .My goal was to lose 150 pounds in one year and raise $50,000 10 a movement founded 30

years ago to end hunger.This combination of healing myself and healing the world 11 me as the perfect solution.

12 I began my own personal weight program,I was filled with the fear that I would 13 the same difficulties that beat me before.While the 14 hung over my head,there were also signs that I was headed down the right 15 .I sent letters to everyone I knew,telling them about my project.It worked perfectly.Donations began 16 in from hundreds of people.

Of course,I also took some practical steps to lose weight.I consulted with a physician(内科医生),I hired a fitness coach,and I began to eat small and 17 meals.My fund-raising focus also gave me new motivation to exercise 18 .

A year later,I 19 my goal:I lost 150 pounds and raised $50,000!I feel that I’ve been given a second life to devote to something that is 20 and enormous. 【语篇导读】本文为一篇记叙文。作者曾经为自己的肥胖和体重所困扰,后来受到别人的影响,把减肥与公益事业相结合,终于达成了自己的目标。 1.A.add B.mix C.kill D.share 答案:C 解析:根据后文的“tomakemyselffeelbetter”可知,“我”经常用食物来消除坏情绪。add“增加”;mix“混合”;kill“中和;抵消”;share“分享”。故选C项。 2.A.diets B.drinks C.fruits D.dishes 答案:A 解析:根据语境可知,为了减肥,“我”尝试了各种节食方法,但都毫无作用。故选A项。 3.A.height B.ability C.wisdom D.weight 答案:D 解析:由前文可知,“我”尝试了多种减肥方法,但都没有用,因此“我”对自己的体重感到无奈。height“身高”;ability“能力”;wisdom“智慧”;weight“体重”。故选D项。 4.A.temporarily B.recently C.seriously D.secretly 答案:C 解析:由上文可知,“我”体重370磅,减肥也没有效果,无可奈何。当“我”五十岁的时候,体重问题开始严重地影响“我”的生活。而且与后文“我”想做一些改变相呼应。temporarily“暂时地”;recently“最近”;seriously“严重地”;secretly“秘密地”。故选C项。 5.A.ideal B.extra C.normal D.low



答案:B 解析:此处表示“我”再也不想这么胖了。用extraweight表示“额外的重量”,故选B项。 6.A.attended B.organized C.recommended D.mentioned 答案:A 解析:由下文的“Aseminarleader”可知,“我”只是参加了这个研讨会,并不是组织者。attend“参加”;organize“组织”;recommend“推荐”;mention“提及”。故选A项。 7.A.folk B.success C.adventure D.science 答案:B 解析:由后文可知,这位女士不仅减掉了125磅,而且还为无家可归的孩子们筹集了资金。因此,她分享的是自己成功的故事。故选B项。 8.A.Surprised B.Amused C.Influenced D.Disturbed 答案:C 解析:被她的故事影响,“我”也创建了一个项目。surprise“使惊奇”;amuse“使人发笑”;influence“影响”;disturb“打扰”。故选C项。 9.A.project B.business C.system D.custom 答案:A 解析:根据第三段第一句中的“createaproject”及第五段第三句中的“tellingthemaboutmyproject”可知,此处表示“我”也创建了一个项目。故选A项。 10.A.insearchof B.inneedof C.inplaceof D.insupportof 答案:D 解析:“我”的目标是一年之内减掉150磅体重,并筹集5万美元来支持一项创建于30年前的运动,这项运动的宗旨是消除饥饿。insearchof“寻找”;inneedof“需要”;inplaceof“代替”;insupportof“支持”。故选D项。 11.A.scared B.considered C.confused D.struck 答案:D 解析:strikesb.assth.为固定搭配,意为“让某人觉得……,给人……的印象”。“我”把治愈自己与治愈世界相结合,“我”觉得这是最完美的解决方式。故选D项。 12.A.As B.Until C.If D.Unless 答案:A 解析:分析句子结构可知,此处为时间状语从句。指的是当“我”开始“我”的个人减肥计划的时候,“我”感到很害怕。故选A项。 13.A.getover B.runinto C.lookfor D.putaside 答案:B 解析:“我”害怕遇上以前曾经击败过“我”的那些困难。getover“克服”;runinto“遭遇”;lookfor“寻找”;putaside“把……放在一边”。故选B项。 14.A.excitement B.joy C.anger D.fear 答案:D 解析:“这种恐惧环绕在‘我’的心头”。上文的thefear是对本题的提示。故选D项。 15.A.row B.hall C.path D.street



答案:C 解析:种种迹象表明,“我”选择的道路是对的。row“排;行”;hall“大厅”;path“道路”;street“街道”。故选C项。 16.A.breaking B.flooding C.jumping D.stepping 答案:B 解析:由后文的hundredsof可知,有成百上千的人捐款。breakin“打断;闯入”;floodin“大量地涌入”;jumpin“投入”;stepin“介入;干预”。故选B项。 17.A.heavy B.full C.expensive D.healthy 答案:D 解析:根据本段的第一句可知,“我”采取了一些有效的措施来减肥。因此,此处用healthy与之呼应。故选D项。

18.A.regularly B.limitlessly C.suddenly D.randomly 答案:A 解析:资金筹集这个生活重心也给了“我”定期运动的新的动力。regularly“定期地;有规律地”。故选A项。 19.A.set B.reached C.missed D.dropped 答案:B 解析:由后文的“Ilost150poundsandraised$50,000!”可知,“我”实现了自己的目标。reachone’sgoal“实现目标”;setone’sgoal“设定目标”。 20.A.stressful B.painful C.meaningful D.peaceful 答案:C 解析:“我”觉得在投身于有意义而又重大的事情的过程中“我”获得了重生。stressful“有压力的”;painful“痛苦的”;meaningful“有意义的”;peaceful“和平的”。C项符合语境。



Lainey finished third grade.She had good grades and could read 1 grade level,but she did not like to read.On a family car trip,her Aunt Dede pulled out a copy of HarryPotter,as a surprise for her 2 .But Lainey took one look at it, 3 her eyes,and said,“Borrrring!”

Aunt Dede,ateacher,had read the book to her students,and they loved it. 4 the youngest children in the class were 5 by the story.They 6 with great

interest,and then 7 joined in grand conversations about Harry’s adventures.

“How can you say it’s 8 ?Have you read it? ” asked Aunt Dede.

“No,it’s too long and it doesn’t have any 9 ,” complained Lainey.

“Oh,that’s where you are 10 ;there are lots of pictures.Every page is full of pictures;you just have to read the words to 11 them.It’s like magic.”

“Nice try,AuntDede,”Lainey replied 12 from the back seat.

Another 13 was in order.“Well,if you don’t want to read it,give it

14 .Maybe your mom would 15 hearing the story.” The book sailed through the air to Aunt Dede and she began to read it aloud.By the end of the first chapter, 16 were coming from the back seat:“Please read a little 17 .”

Lainey is an example of an 18 reader.As shown here,Lainey can become 19 about reading when 20 with literature on topics that interest her,and when the people around her model involvement in the reading process.




