I love books Good morning, everybody! A great man named John Milton once said, A good book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life. I love books. I love adventure books because I like to meet ne challenges. I love detective or mystery books because I ant to learn to solve problems or mysteries. I ant to read biographies of the famous people because I ant to absorb their isdom and learn ho to be a successful person. I ant to read romantic books because they kindlle the passion in my heart. I laugh. I cry. I sigh. I orry With the main characters from each book. I like science fictions because they take me to herever I could think of. Books, books, I love books. If I have a little money, I ould buy books. That me! Boys and girls, let s love books because they make us so smart. Bye!-------------My Best FriendLi Nan is my best friend. She s thirteen years old. Her birthday is on 3rd October and she as born in Shen Zhen. She lives ith her family in Haimen. She s 1.60 metres tall. She has black hair and she ears glasses. She is very lovely and pretty.She likes eating dumplings, chocolates, peanuts and vegetables. She dislikes pork, seets and green tea.She loves listening to music. She has lots of CDs. She likes reading and riting. She is the neest member of the Maths Club. She has many hobbies, such as dancing, running and playing puter games. Her favorite hobby is draing, because she likes all the different colors.
It is fun to look at the pictures hen she finishes draing them. The Dragon Boat Festival is her favorite day. She ants to be a doctor hen she gros up.My best friend is really great!-------------春日少年情是谁撒下一片银铃笑声那么熟悉,
那么甜美是谁咬着耳朵说莺声细语那么动听,那么清脆仿佛听到她说亲爱的少年朋友,我来了。请你猜猜,我是谁,哈哈,听到了啊,看到了,别再躲着啦,春妹妹。我早就猜到,准是你你这可爱的调皮鬼。去年你跟我说再回,还说今年快快回。我等得多焦急,不停地打开心灵的窗扉。爱的天使 春妹妹,你是那么慷慨,那么尊贵,哪里有了你的倩影,哪里就播下一片春光明媚。你来到冰封的小河,冰层融化成淙淙的流水,你来到沉睡的原野,原野铺上绿色翡翠。你来到光秃秃的枝头,枝头生出绿叶和花蕾,你来到沉寂的树林,枝叶呼呼长啊你赶我追。春风里 百灵鸟歌唱,燕子展翅飞,小白兔忙着采蘑菇,小松鼠尾巴摇得像鼓槌。春光中 红领巾把春的脚步跟随。少年少年,祖国的春天,我们是迎春绽开的红梅。胸怀远大目标,面对困难百折不回。小伙伴们有共同的名字,这名字叫少年先锋队。它象征着希望与未来,我们的名字可与春花比美。只要祖国召唤,理想就化作无边的春晖。春妹妹,好妹妹,其实你并没有迟迟回。我早就看到你婀娜多姿的身背。在神舟飞船遨游太空时,有缕缕春风伴随,化作耳语深情祝福,好样的,中国杨利伟~在雅典奥运会比赛时,你为中华健儿喝彩、助威。春潮涌,刘翔风驰电闪一马当先,春雷响,中国女排过关斩将树丰碑。春雨绵绵思绪飞,岁岁春去又春回,今朝不相同,春光分外美。我对春妹妹说,春光明媚不陶醉,红领巾是展翅的雏鹰,奋发学习有作为。少年人生无怨悔,春日里,我把明天来描绘。为了祖国春常在,我愿献出百倍热情与智慧。