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21. head of mandible下颌头 22. neck of mandible下颌颈

1. pedicle of vertebral arch椎弓根 2. lamina of vertebral arch椎弓板

23. Mandibular foramen 下颌孔

3. spinous process棘突

24. Angle of mandible下颌角

4. transverse process横突

25. frontal crest 额嵴

5. superior articular process上关

26. foramen cecum 盲孔


27. crista galli 鸡冠

6. inferior articular process下关

28. Hypophysial fossa 垂体窝


29. Optic canal 视神经管

7. jugular notch颈静脉切迹

30. Tuberculum sellae 鞍结节

8. Sternal angle 胸骨角

31. Dorsum sellae 鞍背

9. xiphoid process剑突

32. Superior orbital fissure 眶上裂

10. costal head肋头

33. Foramen rotundum 圆孔

11. costal neck肋颈

34. Foramen ovale 卵圆孔

12. costal tubercle肋结节

35. Foramen spinosum 棘孔

13. maxilla 上颌骨

36. Foramen lacerum 破裂孔

14. nasal bone鼻骨

37. Trigeminal impression三叉神

15. lacrimal bone泪骨


16. palatine bone 腭骨

38. Arcuate eminence 弓状隆起

17. zygomatic bone颧骨

39. foramen magnum 枕骨大孔

18. Mandibular notch下颌切迹

40. clivus 斜坡

19. Coronoid process 冠突

41. hypoglossal canal 舌下神经管

20. Condylar process 髁突



42. internal occipital protuberance枕内隆凸

43. jugular foramen 颈静脉孔 44. internal acoustic pore 内耳门 45. head of humerus肱骨头 46. anatomical neck解剖颈 47. greater and lesser tubercles大、小结节

48. capitulum of humerus肱骨小头

49. trochlea of humerus 肱骨滑车 50. lateral and medial epicondyles of humerus肱骨内、外上髁 51. sulcus for ulnar nerve 尺神经沟

52. head of radius桡骨头 53. neck of radius桡骨颈 54. radial tuberosity 桡骨粗隆 55. styloid process of radius 56. trochlear notch滑车切迹 57. olecranon鹰嘴 58. coronoid process 冠突

59. ulnar tubersity尺骨粗隆 60. anterior superior iliac spine 髂前上棘

61. tubercle of iliac crest髂结节 62. posterior superior iliac spine 髂后上棘 63. arcuate line弓状线 64. auricular surface 耳状面 65. ischial spine坐骨棘

66. lesser sciatic notch 坐骨小切迹

67. pecten of pubis 耻骨梳 68. pubic tubercle 耻骨结节 69. symphysial surface耻骨联合面

70. Acetabulum 髋臼 71. femoral head股骨头 72. neck of femur 股骨颈 73. greater trochanter 大转子 74. lesser trochanter 小转子 75. medial and lateral condyles of femur股骨内、外侧髁,



76. medial and lateral epicondyles of femur股骨内、外上髁 77. medial and lateral condyles of tibia 胫骨内、外侧髁, 78. intercondylar eminence 髁间隆起

79. medial malleolus 内踝 80. fibular head 腓骨头 81. neck of fibula 腓骨颈 82. lateral malleolus 外踝 83. Nucleus pulposus髓核 84. Annulus fibrosus纤维环 85. Anterior longitudinal ligament 前纵韧带

86. Posterior longitudinal ligament后纵韧带

87. Glenoid labrum盂唇 88. Radial collacteral ligament桡侧副韧带

89. Ulnar collacteral ligament尺侧副韧带

90. Annular ligament of radius桡

骨环状韧带 91. Patellar lig. 髌韧带

92. Fibular collateral lig. 腓侧副韧带

93. Tibial collateral lig. 胫侧副韧带

94. Anterior cruciate ligment前交叉韧带

95. Posterior cruciate ligament 后交叉韧带

96. Medial meniscus内侧半月板 97. lateral meniscus外侧半月板 98. masseter咬肌

99. sternomastoid胸锁乳突肌 100. pectoralis major胸大肌 101. Pectoralis minor 胸小肌 102. Serratus anterior 前锯肌 103. Aortic hiatus主动脉裂孔 104. Esophageal hiatus 食管裂孔

105. Vena cava foramen 腔静脉孔




