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Life will give you what you want, as long as you keep asking for it, as long as you speak clearly when you want it. 2、只要你有一件合理的事去做,你的生活就会显得特别美好。 As long as you have a reasonable thing to do, your life will be particularly beautiful.
The only source of students'respect for teachers lies in their moral integrity and talents.
Don't complain about life, it only shows your
incompetence. The strong never complain about life.
Mozart never composes for eternity, but for this reason, many of his works are eternal.
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God said, because I love you, I will hurt you, because I want to achieve you, so I will punish you.
7、科学研究好象钻木板,有人喜欢钻薄的;而我喜欢钻厚的。 Scientific research is like drilling boards. Some people like to drill thin ones, while I like to drill thick ones.
A happy person is always content with the present and does not waste much time thinking about the future. 9、所谓现实只不过是一个错觉,虽然这个错觉非常持久。 The so-called reality is only an illusion, although it lasts a long time.
10、真正有价值的是直觉。在探索的道路上智力无甚用处。 What is really valuable is intuition. Intelligence is of little use on the road of exploration.
A person's value should depend on what he contributes, not on what he obtains.
12、我们不能用制造问题时的同一水平思维来解决问题。 We can't solve problems with the same level of thinking
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when making them.
There is a phenomenon that has apparently made me creepy, that is, our human nature has lagged far behind our science and technology.
Those who are indiscriminate about truth in trivial matters are also untrustworthy in major matters.
15、独立思考和独立判断的一般能力,应当始终放在首位。 The general ability to think independently and to judge independently should always be put in the first place. 16、世界上最让我难以理解的就是所得税。
Income tax is the most difficult thing to understand in the world.
17、不要试图去做一个成功的人,要努力成为一个有价值的人。 Don't try to be a successful person, try to be a valuable person.
Knowledge can not be derived solely from experience, but
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only from the comparison of rational inventions with observed facts.
Between genius and diligence, I do not hesitate to choose the latter. She is almost the midwife of all the world's achievements.
Only by devoting oneself to society can one find out the meaning of life, which is actually short and risky.
As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the unknown circle we face.
Only by devoting oneself to society can one find out the meaning of that short and risky life.
The secret of innovation is to know how to hide your wisdom.
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24、万有引力可无法对坠入爱河的人负责。 Gravity is not responsible for falling in love.
I don't have any special talent, but I like to find out the root of the problem.
Sugar and bitterness come from the outside, strength from the inside, and self-effort from a person.
27、有时候一个人为不花钱得到的东西付出的代价最高。 Sometimes a person pays the highest price for what he gets for nothing.
Life is like riding a bicycle. If you want to keep your balance, you have to go forward.
There are only two things in the universe that are infinite: the size of the universe and human stupidity. I am not sure about the size of the universe.
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In terms of truth and knowledge, anyone who takes himself as an authority will surely collapse in the laughter of God!
For a man, what he expects is nothing else, but that he can devote himself to a good cause.