要求考生在答题纸(Answer Sheet)上写出该题正确答案。试卷(Test Paper)上不能作任何记号。试题按科学的评分标准评分。本考试为标准参照性考试,试卷为百分制。
试卷五个部分的题目数、计分和考试时间列表如下: 序号 I II 题号 1-5 6-10 合计
注 意 事 项
I. Translate the following Chinese passage into English: (50%) 1)
经贸关系历来是中美关系的重要组成部分,也是两国交往中最为活跃的一个方面。自1979年中美建交以来,两国经贸合作虽受两国总体关系影响,经历了一些波折,但一直保持较快发展速度。中美两国经济上的相互依存在不断加强,经贸合作已成为中美关系的稳定器。随着中国深入改革和扩大开放进程的发展,经贸合作在中美关系发展中将发挥更大的作用。 2)
题型 英译汉 汉译英 题数 5题 5题 10题 计分 50分 50分 100分 考试时间 60分钟 60分钟 120分钟 福建师范大学网络教育招生:http://px.liexue.cn/school2061/
在进入新的千年之际,世界知识产权组织正面临着许多新的挑战;其中迫在眉睫的是,本组织及其成员国必须顺应并受益于迅速而范围广泛的技术变革,尤其是信息技术领域的变革。本组织希望在努力实现其目标的同时,通过一方面为各国创造真正的财富,另一方面提高人们的生活质量和乐趣,为人类的幸福做出贡献。 3)略 4)略 5)略
II. Translate the following English passage into Chinese: (50%) 6)
The United States is a varied land--of forests, deserts, mountains, high flat lands and fertile plains. Almost every kind of climate may be found, but the country lies mostly in the temperate zone. Including the states of Alaska and Hawaii, the United States covers an area of 9 million square kilometers. The continental United States stretches 4,500 kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean on the east to the Pacific Ocean on the west. It borders Canada on the north, and reaches south to Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico. A fast railroad train, travelling 96 kilometers an hour, takes more than 48 hours to cross the country. 7)
A jet plane crosses the continental United States from east to west in about five hours. Taking off from an Atlantic coast airport, the plane is soon flying over the gentle slopes of the Appalachians Mountains. Then, for hundreds of kilometers it crosses the fertile fields of the farm belt of the great Middle West. To the north, on clear days passengers may see the five Great Lakes located between the United States and Canada. Continuing into the West, the plane flies over vast prairies and rough cattle-grazing country. Soon the snow-topped Rocky Mountains appear in the distance. 8)略 9)略 10)略
(The End)