Day 1
1. applicant 2. apprehensive 3. aptitude 4. associate 5. bilingual 6. broad 7. candidate 8. certification 9. commensurate 10. confidence 11. consultant 12. degree 13. eligible
14. employment 15. entitile 16. get through 17. highly 18. increment 19. lag
20. managerial 21. match 22. meet 23. minimum 24. occupation 25. opening 26. otherwise 27. paycheck 28. payroll 29. pension
30. probationary 31. professional 32. proficiency 33. prospective 34. qualified 35. recruit 36. reference 37. regardless of 38. requirement 39. resume 40. wage
Day 2
1. abolish 2. access
3. accordance 4. according to 5. accuse 6. adhere 7. approval 8. at all times 9. attire 10. attorney 11. authorize 12. circumscribe 13. code 14. comply 15. concern 16. custody 17. effect 18. enforce 19. exception 20. form 21. fraud 22. habit
23. immediately 24. infringement 25. legislation 26. legitimate 27. litigation 28. observance 29. petition 30. policy 31. procedure 32. prohibit 33. prosecute 34. refrain 35. regulation 36. restrict 37. severely 38. standard 39. thoroughly 40. violate
Day 3
1. accustomed 2. acquaint 3. affiliate 4. attendance 5. check 6. colleague 7. concentrate 8. condense 9. conglomerate 10. convey 11. corporation 12. delegate 13. demanding 14. directly 15. division 16. efficiently 17. electronically 18. extension 19. follow up on 20. impending
21. in one’s absence 22. in writing 23. instruct 24. involved 25. manage
26. memorandum 27. notify
28. on one’s own 29. oversee 30. proprietor 31. quarterly 32. release 33. remind 34. request 35. revision 36. submin 37. subordinate 38. subsidiary 39. supervision 40. translaton
Day 4
1. accomplish accomplishment 2. adjust djustmentdapt 3. agree greement
4. aspiration aspire mbition 5. assign ssignment 6. assist
7. assume assumption presume 8. combined joint 9. conduct carry out
10. confidential classified secret 11. contrary 12. coordinate 13. count on 14. creditable 15. direct 16. disturbing 17. draw on 18. duplicate 19. eminent 20. endeavor
21. engage
22. execute perform 23. foster 24. friction
25. get along with 26. hardly
27. insubordinate 28. intention 29. lax 30. malign 31. neutrality 32. occasionally 33. personnel 34. procrastinate 35. respectful 36. respective 37. responsible 38. routinely 39. subsequent 40. transform 41. undertake 42. voluntarily 43. widely
Day 5
1. accessible 2. accidentally 3. advisable 4. aggravate
5. announcement 6. apparently 7. aspect 8. aware
9. compliance 10. concerned 11. contingency 12. demonstrate 13. divide 14. embrace 15. evacuate 16. expertise 17. extended 18. face 19. failure 20. feedback 21. follow 22. implement 23. inform 24. instead of 25. interruption 26. make sure 27. matter
28. outstanding 29. privilege 30. promptly 31. realistlically 32. remainder 33. rush 34. sign out
35. sophisticated 36. speak 37. take on 38. timely 39. trigger 40. violation
Day 6 1. abate 2. adversity 3. ailing 4. assert 5. boost 6. brisk 7. collapse 8. commerce 9. consequence 10. depression 11. deteriorate 12. dramatically 13. dwindle 14. economical 15. entail 16. fairly 17. fall 18. flourish 19. impede 20. implication 21. indicator 22. industrial 23. lead 24. likely 25. overall 26. promising 27. prospect 28. prosperity 29. rapidly 30. ratio 31. remain 32. skyrocket 33. slowdown 34. soar 35. stagnant 36. supplement 37. thrive 38. unstable 39. volatile 40. wane
Day 7
1. adminssion 2. advocate 3. alumni 4. anonymous 5. appear 6. beneficial 7. care for 8. celebrity 9. censorship 10. collection 11. come in 12. contestant 13. contributor 14. current 15. defy 16. donation 17. edition
18. enlightening 19. enthusiastically 20. exhibition 21. fascinating 22. have yet to do 23. improvise 24. informative 25. issue 26. lend 27. live 28. local 29. matinee 30. memoirs 31. municipal 32. must-see 33. note
34. out of print 35. periodical 36. popular 37. present 38. publication
39. showing 40. subscription 41. transferable 42. upcoming 43. variety
Day 8 1. affect 2. analysis 3. claim 4. closely 5. comparison 6. competition 7. consecutive 8. consistently 9. consolidate 10. content 11. demand
12. do one’s utmost 13. effective 14. especially 15. examine 16. expand 17. expectation 18. extremely 19. focus 20. gap 21. gauge 22. impact
23. intervention 24. jeopardize 25. modestly 26. momentum 27. monopoly 28. mounting 29. percepation 30. persistent 31. probable 32. raise 33. randomly 34. reflective 35. respondent 36. seasonal 37. segment 38. survey 39. tool
Day 9 1. adopt 2. advantage 3. advertisement 4. advise
5. aggressively 6. aim 7. attract 8. await 9. cater 10. confront 11. consumer 12. creative 13. customer 14. deliberate 15. diversify 16. effort 17. endorse 18. experiment 19. favorably 20. feasible 21. fortify 22. forward 23. incentive 24. indicate 25. influence 26. instantly 27. introduce 28. largely 29. less 30. majority 31. marginal 32. mastermind 33. means 34. necessarily 35. need
36. repeatedly 37. strategy
Day 10
1. affordable 2. alter 3. apparel 4. apply 5. area 6. auction 7. authentic 8. benefit 9. carefully 10. charge 11. delivery 12. description 13. dilute 14. equivalent 15. exactly 16. exclusively 17. exquisite 18. fit
19. installment 20. lately
21. merchandise 22. method 23. notice 24. offer 25. officially 26. price 27. purchase 28. readily 29. receipt
30. redeemable 31. refund 32. relatively 33. scent 34. sturdy 35. tax 36. thrifty 37. valid 38. value 39. voucher 40. warranty
1. assemble 2. attribute 3. automate 4. capable 5. capacity 6. carelessly 7. chemical 8. coming 9. comparable 10. damaged 11. device
12. discontinue 13. efficiency 14. equipment 15. evidently 16. fabricate 17. facility 18. fill
19. finished 20. halt 21. launch 22. material 23. operate 24. operational 25. place 26. power 27. precaution 28. prevent 29. processing 30. procurement 31. produce 32. properly 33. protective 34. quota 35. safety 36. separately 37. specification 38. stage 39. tolerance 40. utilize
Day 12
1. absolute 2. accurate 3. advance 4. allow
5. appearance 6. bewildering 7. breakthrough 8. broaden 9. compatible 10. complement 11. concurrently 12. control 13. corrosion 14. development 15. devise 16. disruption 17. durable 18. envison 19. feature 20. following 21. grant 22. hold 23. improve 24. increasingly 25. indication 26. innovative 27. inspect 28. inspiration 29. interpretation 30. manufacturer 31. obsolete 32. patent 33. patronize 34. quality 35. reliable 36. research 37. revolutionary 38. sleek
39. state-of-the-art 40. streamline 41. sufficiently 42. superior 43. technical 44. vulnerable
Day 13
1. apologize 2. appropriately 3. argumentative 4. blemish 5. cause
6. commitment 7. complaint 8. complete 9. compliment 10. confident 11. courteous 12. critical 13. deal 14. defective 15. disclose 16. escort 17. evaluation 18. fix
19. for free 20. further 21. genuine 22. guarantee 23. hesitate
24. inconvenience 25. infuriate 26. inquire 27. insert 28. mistakenly 29. notification 30. politely 31. rebate 32. replace 33. respond 34. reture
35. satisfaction 36. seriously 37. specific 38. unwavering
1. accumulate 2. allowance 3. approximately 4. attraction 5. away 6. baggage 7. beforehand 8. board 9. brochure 10. customs 11. declare 12. depart 13. destination 14. diverse 15. dramatic 16. duty 17. embassy 18. emergency 19. exotic 20. fill out/in 21. hospitality 22. indulge
23. international 24. itinerary 25. jet lag 26. laundry 27. locate 28. missing 29. overhead 30. precisely 31. prior to 32. proximity 33. remittance 34. round trip 35. seating 36. superb
37. swap
38. touch down 39. tour
40. unavailable 41. unique 42. unlimited
1. agreement 2. alliance 3. annotated 4. annulment 5. arbitration 6. bid
7. challenging 8. collaborate 9. compromise 10. contract
11. cooperatively 12. deadlock 13. dispute 14. embark 15. expire 16. foundation 17. impartially 18. imperative 19. impression 20. initially 21. mediation 22. moderator 23. modify 24. narrow 25. negotiation 26. opposing 27. originally 28. preamble 29. proceed 30. proposal 31. provision 32. renew 33. review 34. rigid 35. settle 36. solicit 37. stipulation 38. surely 39. term
40. terminate
1. acclaim 2. antitrust 3. assure
4. at the lateset 5. attain 6. bulk
7. capitalize on 8. commodity 9. completely 10. confirmation 11. consignment 12. contact 13. cultivation 14. dealer 15. depot 16. diminish 17. distribute 18. diversified
19. do business with 20. encompass 21. engrave 22. enviable 23. inevitable 24. inventory 25. invoice
26. keep track of 27. order 28. provide 29. quote 30. refuse 31. represent 32. retail
33. satisfactory 34. selection 35. short 36. shortly 37. stock 38. subject 39. supply
40. temporarily 41. unable
1. accelerate 2. acknowledge 3. address 4. adequately 5. affix 6. attach 7. bilateral 8. by hand 9. carton 10. caution
11. convenience 12. correspondence 13. courier 14. deliver 15. detach 16. efficient 17. embargo 18. enact 19. enclose 20. ensure 21. envelope 22. expedite 23. fragile 24. handle 25. impose 26. inaugurate 27. incorrect 28. oblige
29. particularly 30. perishable 31. postage 32. recipient 33. reciprocal 34. remarkable 35. retaliation 36. shipment 37. step 38. surplus
1. accommodate 2. agreeably 3. ahead 4. amenity 5. assorted 6. atmosphere 7. available 8. belongings 9. check in 10. chef 11. choice
12. compensate 13. complication



