【期刊名称】《南方农业(园林花卉版)》 【年(卷),期】2011(005)004
【摘要】对云南省5个产区的普洱茶生茶和熟茶中茶氨酸的分析结果表明,15个普洱熟茶样品中茶氨酸含量在20-104mg/100g范围内,15个普洱生茶的茶氯酸含量在628~2131mg/100g范围内;普洱生茶氨基酸含量远远高于普洱熟茶,更接近绿茶类。%Research on theanine of riped pu-er tea and raw pu-er tea from five different area showed that: theanine content of 15 samples of riped pu-er tea was from 20 mg/100g to 104 mg/100g, While, theanine ranged from 628 mg/100g to 2131 mg/100g in raw pu-er tea; Raw pu-er tea was closer to green tea for the content of theanine much higher than riped pu-er tea. 【总页数】3页(25-27)
【关键词】普洱茶;茶氨酸含量;测定分析 【作者】邓敏;徐茂;徐泽;姚永宏
【作者单位】重庆市农业科学院茶叶研究所,永川402160;重庆市农业科学院茶叶研究所,永川402160;重庆市农业科学院茶叶研究所,永川402160;重庆市农业科学院茶叶研究所,永川402160 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】S571.1 【相关文献】