1.StratixIII Device Data Sheet: DC and
Switching Characteristics
Electrical Characteristics
Operating Conditions
When Stratix?III devices are implemented in a system, they are rated according to a set of defined parameters. To maintain the highest possible performance and reliability of StratixIII devices, system designers must consider the operating requirements discussed in this chapter. StratixIII devices are offered in both
commercial and industrial grades. Commercial devices are offered in –2 (fastest), –3, –4 and –4L speed grades. Industrial devices are offered only in –3, –4, and –4L speedgrades.
In this chapter, a prefix associated with the operating temperature range is attached to the speed grades; commercial with “C” prefix and industrial with “I” prefix.
Commercial devices are therefore indicated as C2, C3, C4, and C4L per respective speed grades. Industrial devices are indicated as I3, I4, and I4L.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute maximum ratings define the maximum operating conditions for StratixIII devices. The values are based on experiments conducted with the device and theoretical modeling of breakdown and damage mechanisms. The functional
operation of the device is not implied at these conditions. Conditions beyond those listed in Table1–1 may cause permanent damage to the device. Additionally, device operation at the absolute maximum ratings for extended periods may have adverse effects on the device.
Table1–1.StratixIII Device Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note1)(Part 1 of 2)
Selectable core voltage power supplyI/O registers power supplyPLL digital power supplyPLL analog power supply
Programmable power technology power supplyConfiguration pins power supplyI/O pre-driver power supplyI/O power supply
Differential clock input power supply (top and bottom I/O banks only)
Battery back-up power supply for design security volatile key registerDC Input voltage
Stratix III Device Handbook, Volume 2
Chapter 1:StratixIII Device Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics
Electrical Characteristics
Table1–3.StratixIII Device Recommended Operating Conditions(Part 2 of 2)Symbol
Configuration pins power supply, 3.3 V
Configuration pins power supply, 3.0 VConfiguration pins power supply, 2.5 VConfiguration pins power supply, 1.8 VI/O pre-driver power supply, 3.3 V
I/O pre-driver power supply, 3.0 VI/O pre-driver power supply, 2.5 VI/O power supply, 3.3 VI/O power supply, 3.0 V
I/O power supply, 2.5 V I/O power supply, 1.8 VI/O power supply, 1.5 V I/O power supply, 1.2 V
Differential clock input power supply (top and bottom I/O banks only)
Battery back-up power supply for design security volatile key registerDC Input voltageOutput voltage
—————————————————For commercial
useFor industrial use(2)Normal POR (PORSEL=0)Fast POR (PORSEL=1)Normal POR (PORSEL=0)Fast POR (PORSEL=1)
Minimum3.1352.852.375 1.71 3.135 2.85 2.3753.1352.85 2.375 1.71 1.4251.14 2.3751.0-0.300-4050 μs50 μs50 μs50 μs
Typical3.332.51.8 3.332.53.332.51.8 1.5 1.2 2.5—————————
3.33.6VCCIO851005 ms5 ms100 ms12 ms
TJOperating junction temperature
Power Supply Ramptime (For VCCPT)
Power Supply Ramptime (For all power supplies except VCCPT)
Notes to Table1–3:
(1)VCCPD is 2.5 V, 3.0 V, or 3.3 V. For a 3.3-V I/O standard, VCCPD=3.3 V. For a 3.0-V I/O standard, VCCPD = 3.0 V. For a 2.5 V or lower I/O standard,
VCCPD = 2.5 V.(2)For the EP3SL340, EP3SE260, and EP3SL200 devices in the I4L ordering code, the industrial junction temperature range is from 0° C to
100° C, regardless of supply voltage.(3)Altera recommends a 3.0-V nominal battery voltage when connecting VCCBAT to a battery for volatile key backup. If you do not use the volatile
security key, you may connect the VCCBAT to either GND or a 3.0-V power supply.
Stratix III Device Handbook, Volume 2
Chapter 1:StratixIII Device Data Sheet: DC and Switching CharacteristicsSwitching Characteristics
Final numbers are based on actual silicon characterization and testing. These numbers reflect the actual performance of the device under worst-case silicon process, voltage, and junction temperature conditions. The upper-right hand corner of a table shows the designation as Preliminary or Final.
Core Performance Specifications
These sections describe the Clock Tree, PLL, DSP, TriMatrix, and Configuration and JTAG Specifications.
Clock Tree Specifications
Table1–19 lists the clock tree performance specifications for the logic array, DSP blocks, and TriMatrix Memory blocks for StratixIII devices.Table1–19.StratixIII Clock Tree Performance
C2VCCL = 1.1V600600600600600600600600600600
C3, I3VCCL = 1.1V500500500500500500500500500500
C4, I4VCCL = 1.1V450450450450450450450450450450
C4L, I4L
VCCL = 1.1V450450450450450450450450450450
VCCL = 0.9V375375375375375375375375375375
PLL Specifications
Table1–20 describes the StratixIII PLL specifications when operating in both the commercial junction temperature range (0 to 85° C) and the industrial junction temperature range (-40 to 100° C), except for EP3SL340, EP3SE260, and EP3SL200 devices in the I4L ordering code, where the industrial junction temperature range is from 0° C to 100° C, regardless of supply voltage. Refer to the figure in “PLL Specifications” in “Glossary” for PLL block diagram.
Stratix III Device Handbook, Volume 2
Stratix III Device Handbook, Volume 2Table1–20.StratixIII PLL Specifications(Part 1 of 3)
C3, I3C4, I4C4L, I4L
VCCL = 1.1VVCCL = 1.1VVCCL = 1.1VVCCL = 1.1VVCCL = 0.9VUnit
TypMaxMinTypMaxMinTypMaxMinTypMaxMinTypMaxf800 INInput clock frequency 5—(1)5—717 (1)5—717 (1)5—717 (1)5—717 (1)MHzfINPFDInput frequency to the PFD5—3255—3255—3255—3255—325MHzfVCOPLL VCO operating range600—1600600—1300600—1300600—1300600—1300MHztInput clock or external feedback EINDUTYclock input duty cycle
40—6040—6040—6040—6040—60%fOutput frequency for internal global 600 OUTor regional clock
——(2)——500 (2)——450 (2)——450 (2)——375 (2)MHzfOutput frequency for dedicated OUT_EXTexternal clock output
——800 (2)——717 (2)——717 (2)——717 (2)——717 (2)MHztDuty cycle for external clock output OUTDUTY(when set to 50%)455055455055455055455055455055%tExternal feedback clock FCOMPcompensation time
——10——10——10——10——10nstTime required to reconfigure scan CONFIGPLLchain
—3.5——3.5——3.5——3.5——3.5—scanclk cyclestTime required to reconfigure phase CONFIGPHASEshift
—1——1——1——1——1—scanclk cyclesfSCANCLKscanclk frequency
——100——100——100——100——100MHztTime required to lock from end of LOCK
device configuration
Time required to lock dynamically t(after switchover or reconfiguring DLOCKany non-post-scale ——1——1——1——1——1ms
Chapter 1:StratixSwitching CharacteristicsIII Device Data Sheet: DC and Switching CharacteristicsChapter 1:StratixIII Device Data Sheet: DC and Switching CharacteristicsSwitching Characteristics
Stratix III Device Handbook, Volume 2
Chapter 1:StratixIII Device Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics
I/O Timing
Stratix III Device Handbook, Volume 2
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