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This Conference is by municipal Standing Committee research decided held of, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary on \o learn a do\ng education of important indicates spirit and provincial Secretary XXX important speech spirit, according to central deployment and provincial requirements, on I city \n a do\ducation work for arrangements deployment, education guide General members further firm ideal faith, and keep on party loyalty, and set breeze upright, and courage to play as, for in province first full built well-off social, and Building higher levels of ecological vitality city provide a strong organizational guarantee of happiness. All party members in the \on Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members\ducation, Party Central Committee to deepen the inner-party education, advancing the comprehensive yet another important practice in strictly administering the party, is to promote the inner-party education from \of party members expanded, from the concentration of important measures to extend education to regular education, is leading the task of party building this year. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions \nd education issued instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education, brilliantly describes the overall objectives, basic requirements and main tasks of education, made clear that the main responsibility of the head of the party organization at all levels and shall carry out, point in the right direction for the us to carry out study and education, provide the fundamental follow. On April 6, Liu Yunshan, Comrade Zhao Leji in Central \on educational work, a careful deployment of this work, put forward a clear requirement. On April 13, the Party Secretary, Xie Fuzhan, Director of the provincial people's Congress, the province's \onal Conference, made specific arrangements to carry outstudy and education in the province. We want to seriously study led And further implementation. Party according to the spirit of the Central and provincial requirements, based on actual city, research has developed a \onal programmes and study contents specific programmes, we want to pay special attention to follow-up. Now, I make a few remarks. First, deepening understanding, enhancing grasp \o\party's 18, Comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee made a series of major deployment around the party's construction, making a series of punch, construction of a new political styles and the aspirations of the Party greatly condensed. \on, reflects the interlocking, step by step, further promote the comprehensive strictly administering the party's firm determination and political will, to push forward the \hensive\nce. We should be supported bypolitical and overall何谓焊接钢管? 焊接钢管也称焊管,是用钢板或钢带经过卷曲成型后焊接制成的钢管。焊接钢管生产工艺简单,生产效率高,品种规格多,设备资少,但一般强度低于无缝钢管。20世纪30年代以来,随着优质带钢连轧生产的迅速发展以及焊接和检验技术的进步,焊缝质量不断提高,焊接钢管的品种规格日益增多,并在越来越多的领域代替了无缝钢管。焊接钢管按焊缝的形式分为直缝焊管和螺旋焊管。

直缝焊管生产工艺简单,生产效率高,成本低,发展较快。螺旋焊管的强度一般比直缝焊管高,能用较窄的坯料生产管径较大的焊管,还可以用同样宽度的坯料生产管径不同的焊管。但是与相同长度的直缝管相比,焊缝长度增加30~100%,而且生产速度较低。 因此,较小口径的焊管大都采用直缝焊,大口径焊管则大多采用螺旋焊。

1.低压流体输送用焊接钢管(GB/T3092-1993)也称一般焊管,俗称黑管。是用于输送水、煤气、空气、油和取暖蒸汽等一般较低压力流体和其他用途的焊接钢管。钢管接壁厚分为普通钢管和加厚钢管;接管端形式分为不带螺纹钢管(光管)和带螺纹钢管。钢管的规格用公称口径(mm)表示,公称口径是内径的近似值。习惯上常用英寸表示,如11/2 等。低压流体输送用焊接钢管除直接用于输送流体外,还大量用作低压流体输送用镀锌焊接钢管的原管。

2.低压流体输送用镀锌焊接钢管(GB/T3091-1993)也称镀锌电焊钢管,俗称白管。是用于输送水、煤气、空气油及取暖蒸汽、暖水等一般较低压力流体或其他用途的热浸镀锌焊接(炉焊或电焊)钢管。钢管接壁厚分为普通镀锌钢管和加厚镀锌钢管;接管端形式分为不带螺纹镀锌钢管和带螺纹镀锌钢管。钢管的规格用公称口径(mm)表示,公称口径是内径的近似值。习惯上常用英寸表示,如11/2 等。










eight, deep understanding of %udy and education on strengthening education of party members and cadres and building a contingent of cadres with high quality, maintaining and developing the party's advanced nature and purity of the significance of practical thought and action into Central and provincial requirements. First, the \nd education, is continuously strengthening the party's ideological and political construction of major deployment. Attach importance to party ideology, is the specialty of our party, since the party's 18 distinct characteristic of strictly administering the party. XI General Secretary pointed out that our party must improve itself, the first task is to strengthen ideological and political construction, the key is the educational management of party members and cadres. At present, the ideas and values have become increasingly active, social trends are largely stirring blend, cultural exchanges and the complexity of the situation, drove, some party members ' ideological and political problems, there is an urgent need to strengthen party ideology: clearing the fog, was centering. Like, some belief confused, \confidence\nt, praised Western value concept; some spirit empty, not letter Marty letter ghosts; some political discipline relaxation, in party not statements party, and not love party, and not nursing party, and not for party, even denied party of some most basic of principles and position; some organization discipline lax, not by provides participate in party of organised, not completed party distribution of task, not by party of organization principles do; some egoism serious, and people race Lee, and self-dealing; some depressed, and escape responsibility, Omission, not as good as some moral decline, violating public morality, professional ethics and family virtues, not personal morality; some honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, with no fear, lawlessness, abuse, and corruption among political, and so on. These problems, after all, and ignore the Constitution Party rules, ignore advanced theory, and lack of sense of consciousness, consciousness, pioneer of the party has a lot to do with it. Thought, belief and faith, stick to the spiritual pursuit of Communists, has always been the Communists to settle down at all. \nd education, is to enable each party to party rules etched in the heart of the party Constitution, and speech into a series of powerful weapon, clearing the barriers and gain the fetters of the mind, improve the ideological and political quality, worthy of the glorious title of the party members. Second, the %udy and education, comprehensively strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and party members is an important ... Awake, our party members and party organizations, especially at the grassroots level, some of the party member's quality is not high, lax discipline and some primary party organizations are weak and lax, wiped out somgrassroots cadres as, chaos as, thick friends, eating, and so on. These problems are likeThis Conference is by municipal Standing Committee research decided held of, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary on \o learn a do\ng education of important indicates spirit and provincial Secretary XXX important speech spirit, according to central deployment and provincial requirements, on I city \n a do\ducation work for arrangements deployment, education guide General members further firm ideal faith, and keep on party loyalty, and set breeze upright, and courage to play as, for in province first full built well-off social, and Building higher levels of ecological vitality city provide a strong organizational guarantee of happiness. All party members in the \on Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members\ducation, Party Central Committee to deepen the inner-party education, advancing the comprehensive yet another important practice in strictly administering the party, is to promote the inner-party education from \of party members expanded, from the concentration of important measures to extend education to regular education, is leading the task of party building this year. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions \nd education issued instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education, brilliantly describes the overall objectives, basic requirements and main tasks of education, made clear that the main responsibility of the head of the party organization at all levels and shall carry out, point in the right direction for the us to carry out study and education, provide the fundamental follow. On April 6, Liu Yunshan, Comrade Zhao Leji in Central \on educational work, a careful deployment of this work, put forward a clear requirement. On April 13, the Party Secretary, Xie Fuzhan, Director of the provincial people's Congress, the province's \onal Conference, made specific arrangements to carry outstudy and education in the province. We want to seriously study led And further implementation. Party according to the spirit of the Central and provincial requirements, based on actual city, research has developed a \onal programmes and study contents specific programmes, we want to pay special attention to follow-up. Now, I make a few remarks. First, deepening understanding, enhancing grasp \o\party's 18, Comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee made a series of major deployment around the party's construction, making a series of punch, construction of a new political styles and the aspirations of the Party greatly condensed. \on, reflects the interlocking, step by step, further promote the comprehensive strictly administering the party's firm determination and political will, to push forward the \hensive\nce. We should be supported bypolitical and overall管道,如输送石油、天然气、煤气、水及某些固体物料的管道等。钢管与圆钢等实心钢材相比,在抗弯抗扭强度相同时,重量较轻,是一种经济截面钢材,广泛用于制造结构件和机械零件,如石油钻杆、汽车传动轴、自行车架以及建筑施工中用的钢脚手架等。用钢管制造环形零件,可提高材料利用率,简化制造工序,节约材料和加工工时,如滚动轴承套圈、千斤顶套等,目前已广泛用钢管来制造。钢管还是各种常规武器不可缺少的材料,枪管、炮筒等都要钢管来制造。钢管按横截面积形状的不同可分为圆管和异型管。由于在周长相等的条件下,圆面积最大,用圆形管可以输送更多的流体。此外,圆环截面在承受内部或外部径向压力时,受力较均匀,因此,绝大多数钢管是圆管。



2.流体输送用无缝钢管(GB/T8163-1999)是用于输送水、油、气等流体的一般无缝钢管。 3.低中压锅炉用无缝钢管(GB3087-1999)是用于制造各种结构低中压锅炉过热蒸汽管、沸水管及机车锅炉用过热蒸汽管、大烟管、小烟管和拱砖管用的优质碳素结构钢热轧和冷拔(轧)无缝钢管。









12.柴油机用高压油管(GB3093-86)是制造柴油机喷射系统高压管用的冷拔无缝钢管。 13.液压和气动缸筒用精密内径无缝钢管(GB8713-88)是制造液压和气动缸筒用的具有精密内径尺寸的冷拔或冷轧精密无缝钢管。





eight, deep understanding of %udy and education on strengthening education of party members and cadres and building a contingent of cadres with high quality, maintaining and developing the party's advanced nature and purity of the significance of practical thought and action into Central and provincial requirements. First, the \nd education, is continuously strengthening the party's ideological and political construction of major deployment. Attach importance to party ideology, is the specialty of our party, since the party's 18 distinct characteristic of strictly administering the party. XI General Secretary pointed out that our party must improve itself, the first task is to strengthen ideological and political construction, the key is the educational management of party members and cadres. At present, the ideas and values have become increasingly active, social trends are largely stirring blend, cultural exchanges and the complexity of the situation, drove, some party members ' ideological and political problems, there is an urgent need to strengthen party ideology: clearing the fog, was centering. Like, some belief confused, \confidence\nt, praised Western value concept; some spirit empty, not letter Marty letter ghosts; some political discipline relaxation, in party not statements party, and not love party, and not nursing party, and not for party, even denied party of some most basic of principles and position; some organization discipline lax, not by provides participate in party of organised, not completed party distribution of task, not by party of organization principles do; some egoism serious, and people race Lee, and self-dealing; some depressed, and escape responsibility, Omission, not as good as some moral decline, violating public morality, professional ethics and family virtues, not personal morality; some honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, with no fear, lawlessness, abuse, and corruption among political, and so on. These problems, after all, and ignore the Constitution Party rules, ignore advanced theory, and lack of sense of consciousness, consciousness, pioneer of the party has a lot to do with it. Thought, belief and faith, stick to the spiritual pursuit of Communists, has always been the Communists to settle down at all. \nd education, is to enable each party to party rules etched in the heart of the party Constitution, and speech into a series of powerful weapon, clearing the barriers and gain the fetters of the mind, improve the ideological and political quality, worthy of the glorious title of the party members. Second, the %udy and education, comprehensively strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and party members is an important ... Awake, our party members and party organizations, especially at the grassroots level, some of the party member's quality is not high, lax discipline and some primary party organizations are weak and lax, wiped out somgrassroots cadres as, chaos as, thick friends, eating, and so on. These problems are likeThis Conference is by municipal Standing Committee research decided held of, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary on \o learn a do\ng education of important indicates spirit and provincial Secretary XXX important speech spirit, according to central deployment and provincial requirements, on I city \n a do\ducation work for arrangements deployment, education guide General members further firm ideal faith, and keep on party loyalty, and set breeze upright, and courage to play as, for in province first full built well-off social, and Building higher levels of ecological vitality city provide a strong organizational guarantee of happiness. All party members in the \on Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members\ducation, Party Central Committee to deepen the inner-party education, advancing the comprehensive yet another important practice in strictly administering the party, is to promote the inner-party education from \of party members expanded, from the concentration of important measures to extend education to regular education, is leading the task of party building this year. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions \nd education issued nstructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education, brilliantly describes the overall objectives, basic requirements and main tasks of education, made clear that the main responsibility of the head of the party organization at all levels and shall carry out, point in the right direction for the us to carry out study and education, provide the fundamental follow. On April 6, Liu Yunshan, Comrade Zhao Leji in Central \on educational work, a careful deployment of this work, put forward a clear requirement. On April 13, the Party Secretary, Xie Fuzhan, Director of the provincial people's Congress, the province's \onal Conference, made specific arrangements to carry outstudy and education in the province. We want to seriously study led And further implementation. Party according to the spirit of the Central and provincial requirements, based on actual city, research has developed a \onal programmes and study contents specific programmes, we want to pay special attention to follow-up. Now, I make a few remarks. First, deepening understanding, enhancing grasp \o\party's 18, Comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee made a series of major deployment around the party's construction, making a series of punch, construction of a new political styles and the aspirations of the Party greatly condensed. \on, reflects the interlocking, step by step, further promote the comprehensive strictly administering the party's firm determination and political will, to push forward the \hensive\ great significance. We should be supported bypolitical and overall(挤、扩)和冷拔(轧)无缝钢管。






无缝钢管:无缝钢管是用钢锭或实心管坯经穿孔制成毛管,然后经热轧、冷轧或冷拨制成。无缝钢管的规格用外径*壁厚毫米数表示。无缝钢管分热轧和冷轧(拨)无缝钢管两类。 热轧无缝钢管分一般钢管,低、中压锅炉钢管,高压锅炉钢管、合金钢管、不锈钢管、石油裂化管、地质钢管和其它钢管等。


热轧无缝管外径一般大于32mm,壁厚2.5-75mm,冷轧无缝钢管处径可以到6mm,壁厚可到0.25mm,薄壁管外径可到5mm壁厚小于0.25mm,冷轧比热轧尺寸精度高。 一般用无缝钢管是用10、20、30、35、45等优质碳结钢16Mn、5MnV等低合金结构钢或40Cr、30CrMnSi、45Mn2、40MnB等合结钢热轧或冷轧制成的。10、20等低碳钢制造的无缝管主要用于流体输送管道。45、40Cr等中碳钢制成的无缝管用来制造机械零件,如汽车、拖拉机的受力零件。 一般用无缝钢管要保证强度和压扁试验。热轧钢管以热轧状态或热处理状态交货;冷轧以热以热处理状态交货。 低中压锅炉用无缝钢管:用于制造各种低中压锅炉、过热蒸汽管、沸水管、水冷壁管及机车锅炉用过热蒸汽管、大烟管、小烟管和拱砖管等。



eight, deep understanding of %udy and education on strengthening education of party members and cadres and building a contingent of cadres with high quality, maintaining and developing the party's advanced nature and purity of the significance of practical thought and action into Central and provincial requirements. First, the \nd education, is continuously strengthening the party's ideological and political construction of major deployment. Attach importance to party ideology, is the specialty of our party, since the party's 18 distinct characteristic of strictly administering the party. XI General Secretary pointed out that our party must improve itself, the first task is to strengthen ideological and political construction, the key is the educational management of party members and cadres. At present, the ideas and values have become increasingly active, social trends are largely stirring blend, cultural exchanges and the complexity of the situation, drove, some party members ' ideological and political problems, there is an urgent need to strengthen party ideology: clearing the fog, was centering. Like, some belief confused, \confidence\nt, praised Western value concept; some spirit empty, not letter Marty letter ghosts; some political discipline relaxation, in party not statements party, and not love party, and not nursing party, and not for party, even denied party of some most basic of principles and position; some organization discipline lax, not by provides participate in party of organised, not completed party distribution of task, not by party of organization principles do; some egoism serious, and people race Lee, and self-dealing; some depressed, and escape responsibility, Omission, not as good as some moral decline, violating public morality, professional ethics and family virtues, not personal morality; some honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, with no fear, lawlessness, abuse, and corruption among political, and so on. These problems, after all, and ignore the Constitution Party rules, ignore advanced theory, and lack of sense of consciousness, consciousness, pioneer of the party has a lot to do with it. Thought, belief and faith, stick to the spiritual pursuit of Communists, has always been the Communists to settle down at all. \nd education, is to enable each party to party rules etched in the heart of the party Constitution, and speech into a series of powerful weapon, clearing the barriers and gain the fetters of the mind, improve the ideological and political quality, worthy of the glorious title of the party members. Second, the %udy and education, comprehensively strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and party members is an important ... Awake, our party members and party organizations, especially at the grassroots level, some of the party member's quality is not high, lax discipline and some primary party organizations are weak and lax, wiped out somgrassroots cadres as, chaos as, thick friends, eating, and so on. These problems are likeThis Conference is by municipal Standing Committee research decided held of, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary on \o learn a do\ng education of important indicates spirit and provincial Secretary XXX important speech spirit, according to central deployment and provincial requirements, on I city \n a do\ducation work for arrangements deployment, education guide General members further firm ideal faith, and keep on party loyalty, and set breeze upright, and courage to play as, for in province first full built well-off social, and Building higher levels of ecological vitality city provide a strong organizational guarantee of happiness. All party members in the \on Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members\ducation, Party Central Committee to deepen the inner-party education, advancing the comprehensive yet another important practice in strictly administering the party, is to promote the inner-party education from \of party members expanded, from the concentration of important measures to extend education to regular education, is leading the task of party building this year. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions \nd education issued instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education, brilliantly describes the overall objectives, basic requirements and main tasks of education, made clear that the main responsibility of the head of the party organization at all levels and shall carry out, point in the right direction for the us to carry out study and education, provide the fundamental follow. On April 6, Liu Yunshan, Comrade Zhao Leji in Central \on educational work, a careful deployment of this work, put forward a clear requirement. On April 13, the Party Secretary, Xie Fuzhan, Director of the provincial people's Congress, the province's \onal Conference, made specific arrangements to carry outstudy and education in the province. We want to seriously study led And further implementation. Party according to the spirit of the Central and provincial requirements, based on actual city, research has developed a \onal programmes and study contents specific programmes, we want to pay special attention to follow-up. Now, I make a few remarks. First, deepening understanding, enhancing grasp \o\party's 18, Comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee made a series of major deployment around the party's construction, making a series of punch, construction of a new political styles and the aspirations of the Party greatly condensed. \on, reflects the interlocking, step by step, further promote the comprehensive strictly administering the party's firm determination and political will, to push forward the \hensive\nce. We should be supported bypolitical and overall合金结构钢钢号15MoG、20MoG、12CrMoG、15CrMoG、12Cr2MoG、12CrMoVG、12Cr3MoVSiTiB等;有锈耐热钢常用1Cr18Ni9、1Cr18Ni11Nb高压锅炉管除保证化学成分和机械性能外,要逐根做水压试验,要作扩口、压扁试验。钢管以热处理状态交货。此外,对成品钢管显微组织、晶粒度、脱碳层也有一定要求。 地质钻探及石油钻控用无缝钢管;为探明地下岩层结构、地下水、石油、天然气及矿产资源情况,利用钻机打井。石油、天然气开采更离不开打井,地质钻控用石油钻探用无缝钢管是钻井的主要器材,主要包括岩芯外管、岩芯内管、套管、钻杆等。由于钻探用管要深入到几千米地层深度工作,工作条件极为复杂,钻杆承受拉、压、弯曲、扭转和不均衡冲击载荷等应力作用,还要受到泥浆、岩石磨损,因此,要求管材必须具有足够的强度、硬度、耐磨性和冲击韧性,钢管用钢用“DZ”(地质的汉语拼音字头)加数字一代表钢屈服点表示,常用的钢号有DZ45的45MnB、50Mn;DZ50的40Mn2、40Mn2Si;DZ55的40Mn2Mo、40MnVB;DZ60的40MnMoB、DZ65的27MnMoVB。钢管都以热处理状态交货。 石油裂化管:用于石油炼厂的炉管、热交换器管和管道用无缝管。常用优质碳素钢(10、20)、合金钢(12CrMo、15CrMo)、耐热钢(12Cr2Mo、15Cr5Mo)、不锈钢(1Cr18Ni9、1Cr18Ni9Ti)制造。钢管除得证化学成分和各种机械性能外,还要保证水压、压扁、扩口等试验,及表面质量和无损检验。钢管在热处理状态下交货。 不锈钢管:用各种不锈钢热轧,冷轧的不锈钢管,广泛应用于石油、化工设备管道和各种用途的不锈钢结构零件,除应保证化学成分和机械性能,凡用作承受流体压力的钢管要保证水压试验合格。各种专用钢管要按规定保证条件。



一般焊管:一般焊管用来输送低压流体。用Q195A、Q215A、Q235A钢制造 。也可采用易于焊接的其它软钢制造。钢管要进行水压、弯曲、压扁等实验,对表面质量有一定要求,通常交货长度为4-10m,常要求定尺(或倍尺)交货。焊管的规格用公称口径表示(毫米或英寸)公称口径与实际不同,焊管按规定壁厚有普通钢管和加厚钢管两种,钢管按管端形式又分带螺纹和不带螺纹两种,表6-17为焊接钢管尺寸。 表6-17低压流体输送用焊接钢管(根据GB/T3092-93) 公称口径 外径 普通钢管 加厚钢管 mm in 公称尺寸mm 允许偏差 壁 厚 理论重量kg/m 壁厚 理论重量kg/m 公称尺寸mm 允许偏差% 公称尺寸mm 允许偏差% 6 1/8 10.0 +0.50mm -0.50mm 2.00 +12 -15 0.39 2.50 +12 -15 0.46 8 1/4 13.5 2.25 0.62 2.75 0.73 10 3/8 17.0 2.25 0.82 2.75 0.97 15 1/2 21.3 2.75 1.26 3.25 1.45 20 3/4 26.8 2.75 1.63 3.50 2.01 25 1 33.5 3.25 2.42 4.00 2.91 32 11/4 42.3 3.25 3.13 4.00 3.78 40 11/2 48.0 3.50 3.84 4.25 4.58 50 2 60.0 +1% -1% 3.50 4.88 4.50 6.16 65 21/2 75.5 3.75 6.64 4.50 7.88 80 3 88.5 4.00 8.34 4.75 9.81 100 4 114.0 4.00 10.85 5.00 13.44 125 5 140.0 4.00 13.42 5.50 18.24 150 6 165.0 4.50 17.81 5.50 21.63




eight, deep understanding of %udy and education on strengthening education of party members and cadres and building a contingent of cadres with high quality, maintaining and developing the party's advanced nature and purity of the significance of practical thought and action into Central and provincial requirements. First, the \nd education, is continuously strengthening the party's ideological and political construction of major deployment. Attach importance to party ideology, is the specialty of our party, since the party's 18 distinct characteristic of strictly administering the party. XI General Secretary pointed out that our party must improve itself, the first task is to strengthen ideological and political construction, the key is the educational management of party members and cadres. At present, the ideas and values have become increasingly active, social trends are largely stirring blend, cultural exchanges and the complexity of the situation, drove, some party members ' ideological and political problems, there is an urgent need to strengthen party ideology: clearing the fog, was centering. Like, some belief confused, \confidence\nt, praised Western value concept; some spirit empty, not letter Marty letter ghosts; some political discipline relaxation, in party not statements party, and not love party, and not nursing party, and not for party, even denied party of some most basic of principles and position; some organization discipline lax, not by provides participate in party of organised, not completed party distribution of task, not by party of organization principles do; some egoism serious, and people race Lee, and self-dealing; some depressed, and escape responsibility, Omission, not as good as some moral decline, violating public morality, professional ethics and family virtues, not personal morality; some honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, with no fear, lawlessness, abuse, and corruption among political, and so on. These problems, after all, and ignore the Constitution Party rules, ignore advanced theory, and lack of sense of consciousness, consciousness, pioneer of the party has a lot to do with it. Thought, belief and faith, stick to the spiritual pursuit of Communists, has always been the Communists to settle down at all. \nd education, is to enable each party to party rules etched in the heart of the party Constitution, and speech into a series of powerful weapon, clearing the barriers and gain the fetters of the mind, improve the ideological and political quality, worthy of the glorious title of the party members. Second, the %udy and education, comprehensively strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and party members is an important ... Awake, our party members and party organizations, especially at the grassroots level, some of the party member's quality is not high, lax discipline and some primary party organizations are weak and lax, wiped out somgrassroots cadres as, chaos as, thick friends, eating, and so on. These problems are likeThis Conference is by municipal Standing Committee research decided held of, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary on \o learn a do\ng education of important indicates spirit and provincial Secretary XXX important speech spirit, according to central deployment and provincial requirements, on I city \n a do\ducation work for arrangements deployment, education guide General members further firm ideal faith, and keep on party loyalty, and set breeze upright, and courage to play as, for in province first full built well-off social, and Building higher levels of ecological vitality city provide a strong organizational guarantee of happiness. All party members in the \on Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members\ducation, Party Central Committee to deepen the inner-party education, advancing the comprehensive yet another important practice in strictly administering the party, is to promote the inner-party education from \of party members expanded, from the concentration of important measures to extend education to regular education, is leading the task of party building this year. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions \nd education issued nstructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education, brilliantly describes the overall objectives, basic requirements and main tasks of education, made clear that the main responsibility of the head of the party organization at all levels and shall carry out, point in the right direction for the us to carry out study and education, provide the fundamental follow. On April 6, Liu Yunshan, Comrade Zhao Leji in Central \on educational work, a careful deployment of this work, put forward a clear requirement. On April 13, the Party Secretary, Xie Fuzhan, Director of the provincial people's Congress, the province's \onal Conference, made specific arrangements to carry outstudy and education in the province. We want to seriously study led And further implementation. Party according to the spirit of the Central and provincial requirements, based on actual city, research has developed a \onal programmes and study contents specific programmes, we want to pay special attention to follow-up. Now, I make a few remarks. First, deepening understanding, enhancing grasp \o\party's 18, Comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee made a series of major deployment around the party's construction, making a series of punch, construction of a new political styles and the aspirations of the Party greatly condensed. \on, reflects the interlocking, step by step, further promote the comprehensive strictly administering the party's firm determination and political will, to push forward the \hensive\ great significance. We should be supported bypolitical and overall 电线套管:也是普通碳素钢电焊钢管,用在混凝土及各种结构配电工程,常用的公称直径从13-76mm。电线套套管壁较薄,大多进行涂层或镀锌后使用,要求进行冷弯试验。 公制焊管:规格用无缝管形式,用外径*壁厚毫米表示的焊接钢管,用普通碳素钢、优质碳素钢或普能低合金钢的热带、冷带焊接,或用热带焊接后再经冷拨方法制成。 公制焊管分普能和薄壁、普通用作结构件,如传动轴,或输送流体,薄壁用来生产家具、灯具等,要保证钢管强度和弯曲试验。

托辊管:用于带式输送机托辊电焊钢管,一般用Q215、Q235A、B钢及20钢制造,直径63.5-219.0mm。对管弯曲度、端面要与中心线垂直、椭圆度有一定要求,一般进行水压和压扁试验。 变压器管:用于制造变压器散热管和其它热交换器,采用普通碳素钢制造,要求进行压扁、扩口、弯曲、液压试验。 钢管以定尺或倍尺交货,对钢管弯曲度有一定要求。 异型管:由普通碳结结构钢及16Mn等钢带焊制的方形管、矩形管、帽形管、空胶钢门窗用钢管,主要用作农机构件、钢窗门等。 电焊薄壁管:主要用来制作家具、玩具、灯具等。近年来不锈钢带制作的薄壁管应用很广,高级家具、装饰、栏栅等。 螺旋焊管:是将低碳碳素结构钢或低合金结构钢钢带按一定的螺旋线的角度(叫成型角)卷成管坯,然后将管缝焊接起来制成,它可以用较窄的带钢生产大直径的钢管。螺旋焊管主要用于石油、天然气的输送管线,其规格用外径*壁厚表示。螺旋焊管有单面焊的和双面焊的,焊管应保证水压试验、焊缝的抗拉强度和冷弯性能要符合规定。

eight, deep understanding of %udy and education on strengthening education of party members and cadres and building a contingent of cadres with high quality, maintaining and developing the party's advanced nature and purity of the significance of practical thought and action into Central and provincial requirements. First, the \nd education, is continuously strengthening the party's ideological and political construction of major deployment. Attach importance to party ideology, is the specialty of our party, since the party's 18 distinct characteristic of strictly administering the party. XI General Secretary pointed out that our party must improve itself, the first task is to strengthen ideological and political construction, the key is the educational management of party members and cadres. At present, the ideas and values have become increasingly active, social trends are largely stirring blend, cultural exchanges and the complexity of the situation, drove, some party members ' ideological and political problems, there is an urgent need to strengthen party ideology: clearing the fog, was centering. Like, some belief confused, \confidence\nt, praised Western value concept; some spirit empty, not letter Marty letter ghosts; some political discipline relaxation, in party not statements party, and not love party, and not nursing party, and not for party, even denied party of some most basic of principles and position; some organization discipline lax, not by provides participate in party of organised, not completed party distribution of task, not by party of organization principles do; some egoism serious, and people race Lee, and self-dealing; some depressed, and escape responsibility, Omission, not as good as some moral decline, violating public morality, professional ethics and family virtues, not personal morality; some honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, with no fear, lawlessness, abuse, and corruption among political, and so on. These problems, after all, and ignore the Constitution Party rules, ignore advanced theory, and lack of sense of consciousness, consciousness, pioneer of the party has a lot to do with it. Thought, belief and faith, stick to the spiritual pursuit of Communists, has always been the Communists to settle down at all. \nd education, is to enable each party to party rules etched in the heart of the party Constitution, and speech into a series of powerful weapon, clearing the barriers and gain the fetters of the mind, improve the ideological and political quality, worthy of the glorious title of the party members. Second, the %udy and education, comprehensively strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and party members is an important ... Awake, our party members and party organizations, especially at the grassroots level, some of the party member's quality is not high, lax discipline and some primary party organizations are weak and lax, wiped out somgrassroots cadres as, chaos as, thick friends, eating, and so on. These problems are like



