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重庆大学硕士生阅读材料(B) - 翻译练习答案.docx

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Exercises: Put the following sentences into Chinese?

1. With the introduction of faster and more powerful fishing vessels, often equipped with

refrigerated holds and modern fishing tackles to meet the ever-increasing demand for more food for the worlds growing population, over-fishing has become a serious problem. 1. 随着世界人□的增长,人美对食物的需求也在不断增长。为了满足这种需求,动力更强, 速度更快,常常装备有冷冻舱和现代渔具的渔船便应运而生。由此而造成的过度捕捞己成为 严重冋题。

2. Abraham Lincoln is the most famous instance of the claim that Americans often made that in

their country a man may rise from the lowest to the highest position? 2. 美国人常常标榜,在他们国家,一个人可以从最底层打拼到最高层。林肯就是这种说法 最好的例子。

3? He did not accept as well founded the charge made by some of his critics that while he was a good observer, he had no power of reasoning. 3. 他的对手指责他虽然善于观察,却不善于推理。而他认为这样的攻击没有充分的依据。 4. The laser, whose creation is thought to be one of today's wonders, is nothing more than a light

that differs from ordinary lights only in that it is many, many times more intense and so can be applied in the fields that no ordinary light has ever been able to penetrate into. 4. 激光的发明虽然认为是当代的一个奇迹,其实它不过是一种光而己。这种光不同于普通 的光,仅仅在于它比普通的光强烈许多许多倍,因而能够应用于普通的光穿不透的地方。 5. Many believe that the answer to the problem of traffic jams lies in more aid for public transport

and that the government should think more of the half of the population likely to be standing in the cold and rain at bus-stops than of the half that live in cars owning households, whose worst frustrations are at least going to be under cover. 5. 许多人认为,解决交通拥堵冋题的办法在于增加对公共交通的投入。政府应该更多地为 那些有可能冒着风雨和寒冷站在车站等车的人着想,而不是那些开着汽车、住着别墅的人。 毕竟,他们即使遇到最糟糕的情况,至少还有遮风避雨的地方。

Appendix 1



A. Wh- + clause + V ........ 译成主语,可转换成名词性词组

e?g? Wha( wc learn from books is very much helpful to our practice? e.g. to explain how and why everything occurs e.g. That^s where we differ. B. That + clause + V ....... 译成并列句

e.g. That food is related to illness is not a new discoveiy. C. It is + Ved + (ha( + clause a. ....... e.g. It is said/reported/estimated/proved .......... that + clause

b? 人们/有人 + 动词 + 从句:It is worried/noted/realized/argued/accepted ...that e.g. It

is often said that television keeps one informed about current events? D. It is + a./n? + that + clause a< 先译从句:e.g. It is imporlant that you should be on time. b? 先译形容词或名词:e.g< It is obvious/true/strange/natural that ................ c. 融合在一起: e.g. It is necessaiy/certain/possible/impossible that sb. do sth. 2..定语从句

a. 译成定语:(所)……的十名词

e.g. Figures are guide which should help us make decisions. b. 译成并列句,重复先行词

e.g? That trade company is interested in employing him, who isrTt interesied in (he compan y. e.g. Perhaps light is some sort of electric wave, whose nature we do not yet understand. e.g. They are striving for the ideal which is cherished by every Chinese and for which many Chinese have laid down their lives. c. 译成状语从句

e.g. Anyone who slops absorbing new knowledge is certain to lag behind. 3. 同位语从句


e?g? As an obedient son, I had accepted my father^ decision (hat I was〔o be a docto匚

b. ............................................... 先译从句,重复名词: 这(一)十名词

e.g. The problem that the quality of the products is not up to the requirements has not been settled?

e.g. The fact that these regions are abundant in natural resources doesn't mean that local people are better off.

c. 将名词转译成动词,后接从句

e.g. The growth of population during the past few century is no proof that population will continue to grow straight upward toward infinity and doom? e.g. Many people have come to the realization that primary education is of great importance.

重庆大学硕士生阅读材料(B) - 翻译练习答案.docx


