Unit 5 Preview
1. 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.F 7.T 8.F 9.T 10.F 2. 1…..for want of: for the lack of; because there is no …. 2. ball: (formal) social gathering for dancing
3…..dance to the sound: …..dance in time of the sound 按音乐的节奏跳舞
4. in the air : in the sky
5. about : here and there ; in all directions
6. something of a cynic : a cynic to some degree (but not quite) 7. sailed : moved in a smooth way
8. plot : a small piece of land for a special purpose 9. …fans: things that look like fans
10. ..build it out of music by moonlight: make the rose with her music
11. against : in contact with ; touching 12. ….dear: precious
13. form: the structure of (music)
14…..spray : a small branch of a tree or plant with leaves or flowers 15. delicate : soft ,not intense 柔和的,淡淡的(颜色)
16. shot through : (the pain) moved suddenly and quickly
through …
17. a film : a thin coating or covering 薄薄的一层;薄膜;薄雾 18. go with : (颜色)与….不配
19. upon my word : 我的老天!(用来表示惊讶或恐惧,现在用法已经过时)
20. in this age : nowadays; in today’s world 在当今时代 Vocabulary
1. ⑴ Noun suffixes: -ian , -ist, ity, -th
Adjective suffixes : -al, -ed, -ist, -ous, -y, -cal
⑵ 1.一件撕破的夹克 2.冰封的河流 3. 书面文件 4. 满意的表情 5. 一个受尊敬的教授 6. 苦笑 7. 他有限的词汇 8. 压低的价位 9. 归侨 10. 深谋远虑的举动 11. 破裂的家庭 12. 干果 13. 一个松花蛋 14. 发达国家 15.已经上了锁的门 16.被打败的敌人(败兵之将)
17. 导弹 18. 上述各个理由 19. 进口机器 20. 为数不多的上帝的选民
21. 一个受伤的士兵 22. 事先准备好的
23.开水 24. 退休工人 25. 罐头食品 26. 已经完成的形式
27. 一位有经验的教师 28. 敌占区 29.在打一场已经失败的战争
2.Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets according to the sentences pattern in bold.
Example 1.She will dance so lightly that her feet will not touch the floor. 1. He loved his old Kentucky home so much _that he decided to devote his whole life _to teaching in his home village after he finished school __(以至于他决定毕业以后就回去终身当乡村教师)。
2. The king was so corrupt and unpopular __that he soon lost his power(or was overthrown)_____(以至于他很快就失去了权力)。 3. China has become so powerful __that people generally agree that few major/big issue/problems can be resolved without China’s participation___(以至于人们一般都同意没有中国的参加,世界上没有一个大问题能够得到解决)。
Example 2.“Why is he weeping?”asked a green Lizard,as he ran past him with his tail in the air.
4. Right behind the door stood a man,_with a gun in his hand___(手上拿着枪)。