【期刊名称】《电脑知识与技术》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)026
【摘要】分析研究了AODV协议的机制和原理,针对AODV中由于序列号引起的节点重启后容易产生路由环路的问题,提出了改进方法,以提高对网络资源的利用率,并比较分析了改进前与改进后的网络性能。最后运用ns-2模拟了AODV路由协议,分析比较了不同协议间的性能。%The research investigates in the principle and mechanism of AODV. An improving method is proposed to make better use of network resource in allusion to existing problem of AODV as that it is more probable to bring on a route-loop after note reboot as a result of sequence number. The performances of network before and after AODV improvement are compared and an-alyzed. At last, AODV is simulated with ns-2 separately, and their performances are compared. 【总页数】3页(6002-6004)
【关键词】Ad Hoc网络;按需距离矢量路由协议;ns-2 【作者】李成云;张兵;支冬栋
【作者单位】海军司令部,北京,100841;第二炮兵司令部,北京,100085;海军后勤部,北京,100841 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】TP393