W.Items 31 -40. Read the questions in Column A and choose the right one from Column Bto answer each of them. Write the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET, There isONLY one answer for each question,(10 items, 20 points, 2 points for each item)31. When introducing each other in Chinese, peopleA. A restaurant scriptoft en say:“一您贵姓?” “一免贵姓王。” Whi ch politeness maxim does the conversationrepresent? B. BilingualismC. Expressing his opinionD. A critical periodE. The maximof self-and denigrationother-elevation32. "Cloud" as a word is related to the object it stands for inthe mind that understand it.What linguistic relations do the statement exemplify?F, A lateralization periodG. Giving excuses33.“一块二一斤?够贵的。”H. Paradigmatic relationBy saying this,what illocutionary speech act is theI. The speaker-perspectiveJ. Taboo Expressionsspe aker performing?34.“您大人有大量,就别往心里去了。”From which perspective does the speaker apologize?K. Interpersonall anguage35.“My next appointment is waiting.”patt ern By saying in this way, which one of the safe ways doesL. The victim-perspectiveM. Strike a good bargainthe speaker follow to close the conversation?36, In Chinese, instead of saying“死了”,we use“过去了”N. Schema knowledgeo r“去世了”.O. Triadic relations Which linguistic aspect do these expressions exemplify?P. Euphemism37. In US, "Grownup Chinese speak Chinese.”“GrownupQ, Showing considerationAme ricans speak English.”“All Children speakR. Managing interpersonalEngl ish.”rel ations with languageWhi ch Linguistic aspect do these quotations represent?S. The maxim of using38. A Chinese student may find it difficult to dine in awestern restaurant. address terms"r. Language and powerWhat sort of linguistic knowledge does the student- lack?39.“At the age of two,the two hemispheres began to show signs of separation in functions and the process ended atpuberty.” Ac cording to the hypothesis,what is the period from age 2 to puberty called?40. Which linguistic aspect does the saying“名不正则言不U f}”imply?492Section 3pecific aspects of languageChecking understanding of somesand linguisticsV.Item 41. Provide brief analysis to the questions below,using the linguistic knowledge youhave learned in the course. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)41. In Unit 3,there is a paragraph as follows:“…when we say that in Chinese chess there are five‘soldiers,,we must realize thatthey are abstract soldiers which can be materialized in any solid substance. The abstractsoldiers' are made`soldiers’because there are rules dictating the way they are used in thegame.You may argue that we cannot say that the materials of which Chinese chess is made arenot significant. For instance, wood chess pieces can be less expensive than stone ones. Ormagnetic chess pieces can be hung on the wall so that an audience can watch players play.Your reasoning is sound,but is irrelevant to the point we talk about. Our question is whatmakes a‘soldier' a soldier in Chinese chess. Your objection is about the differences in chessmaterial.”Discuss the ways in which words are like the chess pieces.493试卷代号:1066座位号口中央广播电视大学2007-2008学年度第二学期“开放本科”期末考试语言与应用语言学试题答题纸2oog年z月题号Section 1Section 2Section 3IImNV总分分数Section 1 Checki ng content awareness of the course得分评卷人I.Items 1一10 (20 points,2 points for each item.)}}州}}}州}}T}州}}}州}k}州}k}州}h}州1}}州110得分评卷人I.Items 11一20 (20 points,2 points for11k}州}12h}州}13k}州}14k}州}1516k}州}17}得州’}18}得州}19k}州120Checking understanding of some general principles of language and linguistics得分评卷人 lm.Items 21一30 (20 points,2 points for each item.}}州}21}得州}22}得分一}23}}州124}}州125}得州}26{得分一{27}得州}281得分】}29C'}5}} 30494得分评卷人W.Items 31一40 (20 points,2 points for each item.31}}}32k}钟!33}}州.!34k}}354036k}州”}37k州}38}}}州’}39k}州}Checking understanding of some specific aspects of language and linguistics得分评卷人V.Item 41(20 points)k}州}41.通9二试卷代号:1066中央广播电视大学2007-2048学年度第二学期“开放本科”期末考试语言与应用语言学试题答案及评分标准(供参考)2008年7月Section 1 Chec king content awareness of the courseI.Items 1一10(10 items, 20 points, 2 point for each item)1. C6. C2. D3. C8. D4.B5. A10. A7. C9. Bn.Items 11一20(10 items, 20 points, 2 point for each item)11. F16. A12. H17.E13. B18. C14, K19. Le15. G20. DSection 2Checking understanding ofsomlanguage and linguisticsgeneral principles ofm.Items 21一30(10 items, 20 points, 2 point for each item)21. F26. T22. F27. F23. T28. F0减乙任25. F30. F90户口N.Items 31一40 (Questions 31一40:20 points,2 points for each item)31. E36. P32. O37. K33. C38. AQ‘曰“比勺尸d0G勺OdJJ八l’什曰Section 3 Checking understanding of some specific aspects of languageand linguisticsV.(20 points)(问题)41. In Unit 3,there is a paragraph as follows:“…when we say that in Chinese chess there are five‘soldiers’,we must realize that496