【期刊名称】《地震工程学报》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)002
【摘要】Brick-concrete buildings have been extensively used in urban and rural areas.However,this type of building,which frequently contains a shallow foundation,demonstrates poor struc-tural integrity and is susceptible to influence from ambient vibrations.This case is especially validfor buildings that were constructed in previous eras.With the development of modern cities andthe increasing demand for an enhanced quality of life,environmental interference caused by ambi-ent vibrations has become a critical issue.In areas with soft soil,traffic is a primary source ofambient vibrations.Vehicle vibrations caused by road surface roughness or speed changes cancause vibrations throughout the foundation of a building.Therefore,the vibration of brick-con-crete buildings is related not only to the excitation source of the vibration but also the soil charac-teristics,the foundation conditions,and the structural style.The human response to the vibra-tions of housing structures is closely correlated with a person's cognitive level and their currentphysical difference
and the
psychological reactions
amongbuilding occupants
significant.Residents in a six-story brick-concrete building,which is