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高中英语人教版必修3同步训练 unit 1-1

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1.happen, occur, take place, break out, come about ①The event ________ three years ago.

②It ________ to me that we have many things to do. ③The same thing ________ to me last year.

④Great changes have ________ in our hometown during the past ten years.

⑤What ________ to you?

⑥It ________ to me that she didn't know I had moved into the new house.

⑦After the flood, diseases ________ here and there.

答案 ①took place ②occurs ③happened ④taken place ⑤happened ⑥occurred ⑦broke out

2.gather, collect

①Tom ________ telephone cards and Lily ________ foreign coins. ②A crowd ________ to see what had happened.

③The children ________ round to listen to the man's story. 答案 ①collects; collects ②gathered ③gathered 3.award, reward, prize

①Mark won the ________ of PGA Tour player of the year at the age of 41 on Friday.

②Winning the match was just a ________ for the effort that the team had made.

③His poem won the first ________ in the contest.

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④He won the ________ for the best student of the year.

⑤A(n) ________ was given to the person who had the winning number.

⑥He received a medal as a(n) ________ for his courage. 答案 ①award ②reward ③prize ④award/prize ⑤prize ⑥reward 4.custom, habit

①Smoking is one of her bad ________. ②Eating hot dogs is an American ________. ③He has a ________ of coughing before speaks.

④Japanese ________ are different from the Chinese ones. 答案 ①habits ②custom ③habit ④customs Ⅱ.短语填空

mean to, take place, in memory of, dress up, play a trick on, look forward to, day and night, as though, have fun, be proud of 1.Don't be angry with me. I didn't ________ hurt you. 答案 mean to

2.The yearly school sports meet usually ________ in the middle of October, when the weather is always agreeable.

答案 takes place

3.I remember the whole thing clearly, ________ it happened yesterday.

答案 as though

4.They ________ and went to the dancing hall together. 答案 dressed up

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5.She is ________ hearing from her boyfriend in Australia. 答案 looking forward to

6.I still remembered that our monitor successfully ________ all of us on April Fools' Day.

答案 played a trick on

7.On the Dragon Boat Festival people usually eat zongzi ________ Qu Yuan, a great poet.

答案 in memory of

8.The noise is horrible — you can hear the traffic ________. 答案 day and night

9.You have reason to ________ your achievement. 答案 be proud of

10.At first kites were not used as a way to ________ on a windy day.

答案 have fun

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高中英语人教版必修3同步训练 unit 1-1


