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熊海虹主编高等学校研究生英语综合教程 下课后习题答案

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Unit One

Task 1

1. provinces b. 2. woke a. 3.haunt b. 4.trouble a. 5.weathers d. 6.wakeb. 7.coined c. 8. trouble b.

9.weather c. 10. province c. 11. coin a. 12. value a.

13. haunts a. 14. has promised a. 15. trouble c. 16. coin b. 17. promise d, 18. values c. 19. refrain b. 20. valued e. Task 2

1. tranquil 2. ultimately 3. aftermath 4. cancel out 5.ordeal 6.drastic 7. legacy 8. deprivations

9. suicidal 10. anticipated 11. preoccupied 12. adversities 13. aspires 14. nostalgia 15, retrospect Task 3

1. a mind-blowing experience 2.built-in storage space 3.self-protection measures 4. short-term employment

5.distorted and negative self-perception 6. life-changing events 7. all-encompassing details 8.a good self-image

Unit Two


I. A. entertainmentB. entertaining 2. A.attached B.attachment 3.A.historically B. historic 4. A. innovativeB. Innovations 5. A. flawed B. flawless

6.A.controversy B. controversial 7. A. revise B. revisions

8. A.commentary B. commentator 9. A. restrictive B. restrictions 10. 10. A.heroicB. heroics

Task 2

1. ethnic 2.corporate 3.tragic 4. athletic 5. underlie 6. stack 7. intrinsic 8. revenue 9. engrossed 10. award Task 3

1) revenues 2)receipts 3) economic 4)rewards 5)athletes

6) sponsor 7)spectators 8) maintain 9) availability 10) stadiums 11) anticipated 12) publicity

Unit Three

Task 1

1. B 2, D 1 A 4, C 5, A 6.B 7,C 8. A 9.B 10. C Task2

LA. discrete B. discreet C. discretion

2.A. auditors B. auditorium C. audit D. auditory E. audited 1 A. conception B.contrivance C. contrive D. conceive 4.A. giggling B. gasped C. gargling D. gossip

5.A. affectionate B. passion C. affection D. passionate 6.A.reluctant B. relentless C. relevant 7.A. reverence B. reverent C. revere

8.A. peeping/peep B.peered C. perceive D.poring Task3

1) gain 2) similarities 3) diverse 4)enrich 5) perspective 6)discover 7)challenging 8) specific 9)adventure 10)enlightens 11) opportunities 12) memories 13) joyful 14) outweighs 15) span


Unit Four

Task 1

1) uncomfortable 2)reading 3)immerse 4)deep 5) access 6)concentration 7)stopped 8)altered 9)change 10) different 11) decoders 12) disengaged 13) variations 14) words 15) tighter Task 2

1. D 2.A 3. B 4.B 5.D 6. A 7. C 8. C

Task 1 Step 1

l)i 2)f 3)a 4)b 5)h 6)j 7)c 8)e 9)d 10)g Step 2

1)fidgety2)crushing3)pithy4) foraging5) definitive , 6)propelled7) applauded8) ubiquity9) duly10) curtail Task 2

1. above 2.on 3. to 4.on 5.on/about 6. to 7 .with 8. at 9. on/about10. in Task 3

1. may have a subtle effect on 2.provide free access toe-books 3. isinthe midst ofa sea change

4. has been onthe faculty ofHarvard University 5.a voracious book reader 6. you'll stay focused onit 7. the conduit for information

8.your check came asanabsolute godsend

9. lost the thread ofthe story 10. stroll through elegant prose

Unit Five

Task 1



1.sheer2.slip3desert4. revenge5.sheered6. level7.deserted8.skirted

9.protested10. duplicates11. level12. revenge13.skirt14. protests15. slip16.duplicate

Unit Six

Task 1

I.C 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C lI.B 12.A


1. Water isnot an effective shield 2.engulfed inflames

3.the rights ofsovereign nations

4. outpaced its rivals inthe market 5. There's no need tobelabor the point 6. She invoked several eminent scholars 7. from two embattled villages

8. According tothe witness's testimony 9. Inspite ofour best endeavors

10. After many trials and tribulations


1) remain2) childish3)reaffirm4)precious5)equal6)measure

7)greatness8) journey9)leisure10) fame11) obscure12) prosperity

Unit Seven


I.C 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.B


1. patrons b.2.designated b.3. reference d.4. inclination c5. host d. 6. diffusing b.7. host c8.inclination a.9. references c.10. patrons a. 11. reference a.12. host a.13. diffuses a. .14. designate a.15. designate c.


1) alive2)awakened3) trip4)stone5)remains6)beyond7)records

8)social 9)across10) surrounding11) mental12) miracle13) having 14) failure15) participate

Unit Eight

Task 1

1.B 2.D 3. A 4.B 5.A 6. D 7. D 8.A 9. A 10. C


1. A. outburst B.bursting C. outbreak 2.A. adverse B.adversity C. advised

3.A. distinguishes B.distinct C. distinguished 4.A. sight/vision B. view C. outlook D. visions 5. A. implicit B.implicit/implied C. underlying 6.A.washed B. awash C. washing

7.A. jumped/sprang B. springs C.leap D.jumped 8. A. trail B. trail/track C. trace D. track E.trace

9.A. sensed B.sensible C. sense D. sensitive E.sensational

10. A. prosperous B.prosperity C. prospects D. prophecy Task3

1)echoes2) pays heed to3)hidden4) objectively5) decipher6)presence7)conviction 8)shot9)however10) slaughter11) bare12) trim13) are connected to14) strive15) yield

Unit Nine

Task 1

1.A 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.D Task2

I. explain, plain, complained, plain 2. tolerate, tolerant, tolerance 3. consequence,sequence,consequent

4. commerce, commercial, commercial, commercialism, commercially 5. arouse, arising, arise, arousal

6. irritant, irritation, irritable, irritate 7. democratic, dynamic, automated, dramatic

8. dominate, dominant, predominant, predominate 9. celebrate, celebrity, celebrated, celebration 10. temporal, contemporary, temporary Task3 I) encompassing2)standard3)constraints4)presented5)resolution6) constitute

7) entertainment8) interchangeably9) distinction10) fuzzy11) technically 12) devoted to13) ranging14) competing15) biases

Unit Ten

Task 1

1) beware of2)unpalatable3)delineate4) Ingrained5) amplify

6) supplanted7) pin down8)discretionary9) stranded10)swept through Task2

1. that happy-to-be-alive attitude2.anl-told-you-so air

3. the-end-justifies-the-means philosophy4.Aheart-in-the-mouth moment 5.a now-or-never chance6. a touch-and-go situation 7.a wait-and-see attitude8.too-eager-not-to-lose

9.a cards-on-the-table approach10. anine-to-five lifestyle 11.a look-who's-talking tone12. around-the-clock service 13. a carrot-and-stick approach14. a rags-to-riches man 15. a rain-or-shine picnic


I) exquisite2)soothe3)equivalent4)literally5)effective 6)havoc7)posted8)notify9) clumsy10) autonomously

熊海虹主编高等学校研究生英语综合教程 下课后习题答案


