perikaba heating arrangement
申请(专利)号: JP19960012620
专利号: JP3040340B2 主分类号: F24F13/32
申请权利人: 株式会社石本建築
新菱冷熱工業株式会社 公开国代码: JP 优先权国家: JP
摘 要:
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To prevent the energy loss due to excess heating to eliminate the cold draft of a perimeter. SOLUTION: The perimeter cover heater comprises a suction port 32 for sucking cold draft 30, a first heater 40 for heating the draft 30 to a predetermined
temperature, a second heater 42 for raising the indoor temperature, a vent passage 44 communicating with an air outlet 46 for radiating the natural draft 60 heated by the heater 40 into a room, and a perimeter counter 24 having the port 32, 46 at the upper end face and the heater 43 in the room. The heater 40 for heating the draft 30 to the predetermined
temperature is disposed oppositely to a vent passage. The first heater has a convection heating medium 48, and the second heater 42 for raising the indoor temperature has a radiating heating medium 42 disposed oppositely to the indoor and radiated only by the pressure of the rising air flow of the draft 60 and
申请日: 1996-01-29 公开公告日: 2000-05-15
分类号: F24F13/32;
F24F1/00 发明设计人: 下村 恵一;
山尾 秀美; 富樫 隆
申请国代码: JP
优先权: 19960129 JP
摘 要 附 图:
the draft 30 sucked from the port 32. 主权项:
【請求項1】 室内の窓側側壁部に配置されているペリカバー暖房装置20であって、 コールドドラフト30を吸い込むための吸込口32と、
权 利 要 求 说 明 书
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perikaba heating arrangement