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inexperienced listeners. Active learning, in which students write essays or perform experiments and then have their work evaluated by an instructor, is far more beneficial for those who have not yet fully learned how to learn. While it's true that techniques of active listening can enhance the value of a lecture, few students possess such skills at the beginning of their college careers. What they do is usually write everything down.Students need to

question their professors and to have their ideas taken seriously. Only then will they develop the analytical skills required to think intelligently and creatively. Most students learn best by engaging in frequent and even heated debate. Smaller classes in which students are required to involve themselves in discussion put an end to students' passivity. Students become actively involved when forced to question their own ideas as well as the professor's. Classes like this require energy, imagination, and commitment from both the teacher and students. Students are compelled to share responsibility for their own intellectual growth.Lectures will never entirely disappear from the

university both because they seem to be economically necessary and they spring from a long tradition. If lecture classes were restricted to junior and senior undergraduates, they would be far less destructive of students' interest and enthusiasms than the present system.1.Why does the author argue that a lecture class is not efficient?A. Students don't have listening ability at the beginning.B. Many teachers don't care about students' comprehension.C. Students learn things at an extremely slow speed.D. Teachers may evaluate students' work later.2.\slowly in a lecture classB. studying on one's own at homeC. writing everything down from the lectureD. anticipating the teacher's next point3.According to the author, what kind of learning is more efficient?A. Question professors. 上一页下一页B. Take small classes.C. Have class discussion.D. Engage in debate.4.Why does the author think asking questions is important in active learning?A. Because it can help students learn more creatively and quickly.B. Because it can improve students' analytical skills.C. Because it can challenge themselves and the professor.D. Because it can make them look smart.5.The author predicts that ________.A. lectures will die out eventuallyB. lectures will be as destructive as todayC. lectures will still exist at college and universitiesD. lectures won't destroy students' interest in learningQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog.After men landed on the moon in 1969, astronauts (宇航员) around the world had a problem –there were no other places they could go! Even today, the other planets are still too far away for astronauts to fly to. So while rockets and robots can go to other planets, manned flights have to stay closer to home. Therefore, manned space

programs have turned their attention to solving problems related to living and working in space.Currently, NASA's (US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration) manned space exploration program focuses on the space shuttle program. NASA now operates three space shuttles, Discovery, Atlantis, and

Endeavor. Unfortunately, two of NASA's shuttles, Challenger and Columbia, were lost through accidents. Seven astronauts died in each accident. The program completed 135 missions when the program ended with the successful landing at the Kennedy Space Center on July 21, 2011. These missions have included putting satellites into orbit, photographing the earth, studying space, conducting experiments related to working in space, and connecting with various manned space station in orbit.Throughout the short history of the exploration of space, several space stations have been put into orbit. The first manned space station was the Soviet station Salyut 1, put into orbit in 1971. Later, in 1986, the Soviet Union launched the Mir space station. Mir stayed in orbit until March 23, 2001. Over that time, 104 astronauts visited the station to stay for various lengths of time. The person who has spent the longest in space so far is Russian astronaut Valeri Polyakov. Working as the doctor aboard the station, he lived on Mir for 438 days without returning to earth. In total, Polyakov worked aboard Mir for 678 days before retiring.Today, astronauts from around the world are working together to complete the

International Space Station (ISS). The construction began in 1998, and the US Orbital Segment was completed in 2011. Operations are expected to continue until at least 2020. In the long run, it is hoped that the ISS will be a place where people can live and work all year round.6.Why can't astronauts travel to other planets now?A. Because there are not enough space shuttles.B. Because there have been too many rocket accidents.C. Because the journey would take too long for human.D. Because there are too many problems here on Earth.7.What is the fact of NASA's manned space exploration program?

上一页下一页A. Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavor were lost through

accidents.B. Challenger and Columbia are the current space shuttles.C. Seven astronauts died in accidents.D. NASA had completed 135 missions by July 21, 2011.8.What is TRUE about Valeri Polyakov?A. He has spent more time in space than anyone else.B. He stayed aboard Mir for 678 days at one time.C. He is still an astronaut though he is retired.D. He often helped the doctor at the Mir space station.9.What is TRUE about the International Space Station?A. It is being built by the United States alone.B. It will be launched into space in 2011.C. It was completed in 1998.D. It will eventually have people living and working there.10.What is the best title for this passage?A. Valeri Polyakov —

An Amazing AstronautB. The Past and Future of Space TravelC. Space Cities of the FutureD. Living and Working on the International Space Station

上一页下一页答案Part 11. calculate2. boost3. prospects4. persist5. accelerate6. logical7. dominant8. compelling9. promote10. speculated Part 21.undertake2.speculate3.evaluate4.persist5.oriented6.accelerate7.accumulate8.calculated9.invest10.boost11.acknowledged12.recruit13.revise14.enroll15.confirm16.shrink17.install18.bothers19.reform20.investedPart 31. with2. up3. for4. to5. to6. as

上一页下一页7. to8. in9. to10. onPart 41-5 LHAFB 6-10 JKMGDPart 5China has had a long history of ancient education. Thanks to the continuous practice and efforts by the educators in the past dynasties, a relatively complete

educational system was established, and it constituted an indispensable part of the traditional Chinese culture. Chinese ancient culture was passed down

through education. The Imperial Examination system, started in the Sui Dynasty, promoted the development of education. In the Tang Dynasty, the school system was relatively complete, and reached the world level at that time.

Professional education began to be established, private schools began to rise, and education became diversified. China's ancient education created the

nation's unique spiritual character. It was the ancient brilliant educational achievements that enabled the traditional Chinese culture to continue and

develop, and it also laid the foundation for the modern Chinese education.Part 61-5 DBBBD 6-10 BCBAA 11-15 CBDCBPart 71-5 CHDEI 6-10 FABJGPart 81-5 ACDBC 6-10 CDADB




