什么时候 开始 开始 聚会 当然 带来 带走 穿着 最喜欢的 听起 有趣的 欢迎 方法;道路 仅仅 步行 地铁 交通 居住 离开 穿过 左 海报 行程 when begin start party sure bring take wear favourite sound interesting welcome way only walk underground traffic live leave cross left poster journey [wen] [b?'g?n] [stɑ?t] ['pɑ?t?] [??:(r)] [br??] [te?k] [we?] ['fe?v(?)r?t] [sa?nd] [??ntr?st??] [?welk?m] [we?] ['??nl?] [w??k] [?nd?'gra?nd] ['tr?f?k] [la?v;l?v] [li?v] [kr?s] [left] ['p??st?] ['d???n?] T恤衫 图片 礼物 礼物 儿子 仍旧 工作 聪明的 聪明的 聪明的 问 回答 骑 出租车 斑马 十字路口 灯 人行道 到达 右 快速地 正确的 搭乘 T-shirt picture gift present son still work smart clever bright ask answer ride taxi zebra crossing light pavement arrive right quickly correct take ['ti,??t] ['p?kt??] [g?ft] [?preznt] [s?n] [st?l] [w??k] [smɑ?t] ['klev?] [bra?t] [ɑ?sk] ['ɑ?ns?] [ra?d] ['t?ks?] ['zebr?; 'zi?br?] ['kr?s??] [la?t] ['pe?vm(?)nt] [?'ra?v] [ra?t] ['kw?kl?] [k?'rekt] [te?k]
分钟 将来 农民 帮助 不同的 学生 旅行 突然 救生员 飞行员 厨师 围绕 梦想 常常 一次 周末 年 谈话 拜访 电子 有时 因特网 狼 家务事 minute future farmer help different student travel suddenly lifeguard pilot cook around dream often once weekend year talk visit sometimes internet wolf housework ['m?n?t] ['fju?t??] ['fɑ?m?] [help [?d?fr?nt] ['stju?d(?)nt] ['tr?v(?)l] [?s?dnl?] ['la?fgɑ?d] ['pa?l?t] [k?k] [?'ra?nd] [dri?m] ['?fn] [w?ns] [wi?k?end] [j??] [t??k] ['v?z?t] ['i?me?l] ['s?mta?mz] ['?nt?net] [w?lf] ['ha?sw??k] 最后 作家 工人 售货员 驾驶 工作 旅行家 世界 湖 勇敢的 生病的 叫喊声 救 两次 国际象棋 祖父母 周 通常 他们 拥抱 电影院 购物 敲 子,女 finally writer worker shop assistant fly job traveler world lake brave sick cry save twice chess grandparents week usually them hug cinema shopping knock grandchild ['fa?n?l?] ['ra?t?] ['w??k?] [?'s?st(?)nt] [fla?] [d??b] ['tr?v?l?] [w??ld] [le?k] [bre?v] [s?k] [kra?] [se?v] [twa?s] [t?es] ['gr?ndpe?r?nts] / wi?k] [?ju????l?] [e?m] [h?g] ['s?n?m?] ['??p??] [n?k] ['gr?ndt?a?ld]
奇怪的 公寓 感冒 笑 两者都 相同的 三或三者以上都 队 金色的 困难的 胜利 蜘蛛 班级,课 一起 为什么 哪一个 知道 朝向 东面 西面 合用,分享 改变 通过 strange flat cold laugh both same all team golden difficult win spider class together why which sunshine know face east west share change through [stre?nd?] [fl?t] [k??ld] [lɑ?f] [b??θ] [se?m] [??l] [ti?m] ['g??ld?n] ['d?f?k?lt] [w?n] ['spa?d?] [klɑ?s] [t?'gee?] [wa?] [ w?t?] ['s?n?a?n] [n??] [fe?s] [i?st] [west] [?e?] [t?e?nd?] [θru?] 听 节日 传统的 猎人 运动 不同的 成员 英雄 祝贺恭喜 中场休息时间 蛇 小时 担心 比赛 老鼠 因为 可爱的 安静的 学习 南 北面 好极了 搬迁,移动 找到 sound festival traditional hunter sport different member hero congratulations half-time snake hour worry match rat because lovely quiet study south north great move find [sa?nd] ['fest?v?l] [tr?'d???n?l] ['h?nt?] [sp??t] ['d?f?r?nt] ['memb?] ['h??r??] [k?n?gr?tj?'le???nz] [hɑ:f ta?m] [sne?k] ['a??] ['w?r?] [m?t?] [r?t] [b?'k?z] ['l?vl?] ['kwa??t] [' st?d?] [sa?θ] [n??θ] [gre?t] [mu?v] [fa?nd ]
足够的 乘,花费 鹅(复数)
enough take geese复数
[ ?'n?f] [te?k] [gi?s] 想念 野生的
miss wild
/ m?s] / wa?ld]
在九月十九号 某人很累 做一顶帽子 我最喜欢的颜色 在两点 在皮特的生日聚会上 制作一生日请帖 一你的图片 第二天早晨 我去学校的路上 on the 19th of September sb. be tired make a hat my favourite colour at two o’clock at Peter’s birthday party make a birthday invitation a picture of you the next morning my way to school go to school by bike 在星期天 在下午 在晚上 在2点 在一月份 把…拿到…. 一条桔色的裤子 生日礼物 过得高兴,尽情享受 住在学校附近 on Sunday in the afternoon at night at two o’clock in January bring…to… a pair of orange trousers birthday present have some fun live near school go to school on foot 骑自行车去学校 步行去学校 ride a bike to school 离开家 地铁站 大约在七点三十 穿过马路 在人行道上 在格林路 walk to school 在七点四十五 向左看/向右看 从…到… 等候(绿灯) 在彩虹小学 一个地铁站 leave home underground station at about seven thirty cross the road on the pavement on Green Road at a quarter to eight look left/right from … to … wait for (the green light) at Rainbow Primary School an underground station
乘火车 在路灯处 上车 乘12路车 到达学校 驾驶飞机 做美味的食物 想做某事 给学生上课 种植蔬菜 害怕做某事 在将来 擅长于…. 听到一阵哭声 做一个调查 多久 一周一次 每月三次 在周末 住在 在互联网上 锋利的牙齿 爬山 敲门 take the train= by train at traffic lights get on take Bus No.12 arrive at school fly an aeroplane cook nice food want to do sth. give lessons to students grow vegetables be afraid of doing sth. in the future (be)good at doing hear a cry do a survey how often once a week three times a month at weekends live in Beijing on the Internet sharp teeth climb mountains knock at the door 在公交车站 在斑马线 下车(火车) 在…站 到达 帮助病人 想成为一名厨师 在家工作 卖东西给别人 环游世界 做一个调查 来自彩虹小学 跳入湖中 梦想的职业 在街道上 与(某人)住在一起 一年两次 看电视 下棋 写一封电子 去购物 做家务 在去…的路上 患感冒 at the bus stop at zebra crossings get off (the train) at…Station arrive in Shanghai help sick people want to be a cook work at home sell things to people travel around the world do a survey from Rainbow Primary School jump into the lake dream job in the street live with sb. twice a year watch TV play chess write an go shopping do the housework on one’s way to have a cold