圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 Unit 6
industrial [
] adj. 工业的,产业的,实业的,从事工业的
【例句】Many European countries are developed industrial nations. 许多欧洲国家是
elementary [
] adj. 初步的,基本的;[化]元素的;自然力的
【例句】My son is studying at an elementary school. 我儿子在一家小学上学。 upper [
] adj. 上面的;较高的;上级的
【例句】Passengers may smoke only on the upper deck of the bus. 乘客只可以在公
【词组】be on one’s uppers十分贫困 drawer [
] n. 抽屉;开票人
【例句】There are just a few loose coins at the back of the drawer. 抽屉最里面有若干
【助记】draw拉—可以拉开的东西:抽屉 bureau [
] n. 大书桌,写字台;局,分社,办事处
【例句】He works in this bureau. 他在这个局工作过。 pants [
] n. 裤子,短裤;内裤
【例句】He asked the tailor to make over his pants. 他请裁缝把他的裤子翻改了一下。
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www.100xuexi.com 圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 【词组】wear the pants 掌权当家(尤指妇女)
bore/scareetc. the pants off sb. 使某人厌烦透顶﹑吓得要死等 by the seat of one’s pants凭直觉而不仔细思考(做某事) have ants in one’s pants坐立不安 in long/short pants成年/未成年
expert [
【例句】All the young men are expert drivers. 所有这些年轻人都是驾驶能手。 【词组】expert in/at熟于;在…方面是行家
【派生】expertise n. 专门知识;专门技术;专家的意见 utensil [
] n. 器皿,用具
] n. 专家,能手|| adj. 熟练的,内行的,有经验的;专门的|| vt. 【例句】Wok is a very common kitchen /cooking utensil in every Chinese family. 铁
【词组】cooking utensils烹饪用具
a utensil for mashing用来捣碎(如马铃薯)的器具 writing utensils书写用具(如铅笔、钢笔、墨水)
foundation [
] n. 基础;建立,创立;地基;基金,基金会
【例句】The Gulbenkian Foundation gives money to help artists. 古尔班基基金会给
【词组】lay a foundation 奠定基础;奠基;打下基础 【助记】found( v. 建立;使有根据)作为词根表示:底部 career [
] n. 经历;生涯;专业,职业|| v. 猛冲,飞跑
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www.100xuexi.com engineering [理
圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 【例句】He has serious aspirations to a career in politics. 他有从政的雄心壮志。
] n. 工程学,工程技术;幕后策划,操纵;管
【例句】He is studying engineering at college. 他正在大学学习工程学。 project [使突出;表现出
【例句】He just hasn’t been able to project himself as the strong leader. 他只是还
【词组】project oneself 表现自己;突出自己 【派生】projection n.投射;规划;突出;发射;推测 bachelor [
] n. 未婚男子,单身汉;学士(学位)
] n. 计划,方案,项目|| v. 投射,发射,放映;设计,规划;
【例句】The young bachelor will soon be taking a wife. 那年轻的单身汉不久就会娶太太。
【派生】bachelorhood n. 独身生活;独身 consultant [
] n. 顾问;会诊医师
【例句】She is a consultant to the government. 她是政府顾问。 【助记】consult(咨询)+ant(表人的后缀) amaze [
] vt. 使惊奇,使吃惊|| n. 惊愕
【例句】Her knowledge amazes me. 她的学识令我吃惊。 【词组】be amazed at对…感到吃惊
【派生】amazing adj.令人惊异的|| amazement n. 惊异;惊愕 whatsoever [
] pron. 无论什么
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www.100xuexi.com 疑的文件。 inspect [
圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 【例句】The police found no suspicious document whatsoever. 警察未发现任何可怀
] vt. 检查,视察,视查
【例句】He inspected the car before he bought it. 他买这辆车之前仔细检查了一下。 【词组】inspect…for…检查…是否有…,就…而检查 【助记】in(里面)+spect(看)→看里面→检查 【派生】inspection n. 视察,检查 shipment [
] n. 装船,出货;装载的货物;装货量
【例句】We would like to send you a sample with reference to the last shipment. 我
sleeve [
] n. 袖子,袖套;唱片封套|| v. 给…装袖子
【例句】His shirt has short sleeves. 他的衬衫袖子短了。 relieve [
] v. (of)减轻,解除,减少;换班,换岗;使不单调乏味;解围
【例句】This will relieve pressure on the trains to some extent. 这将会在一定程度上
【词组】relieve from解除(病痛等),使解脱,使免除(职务);
relieve of解除,消除,减轻
【派生】relief n. 救济;减轻,解除;安慰 furthermore [
] adv. 此外,而且
【例句】The house is too small, and furthermore, it’s too far from the office.这座房
assembly [
] n. 集合;装配;汇编;会议;(美)洲议会的众议院
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www.100xuexi.com recognize [
圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 【例句】This is the assembly line. 这是装配线。
] v. 认可,承认,公认;赏识
【例句】The town has changed so much that you wouldn’t recognize it. 城镇变化
【助记】re(又,再)+cogn(知道)+ize(动词后缀)→再度知道→认可 【派生】recognition n. 识别,认出;重视;赞誉;公认 shift [
] n. 转换,转变;(轮)班,(换)班|| vt. 替换,移动,改变
【例句】See me safe up: for my coming down, I can shift for myself. 我不会出事的:
【词组】make shift代用,将就使用
shift for oneself自谋生计 shift away 把…移走;搬走
【派生】shifting n. 移位 observation [
] n. 观察,监视;[pl.]观察资料;观察力;言论
【例句】Keep him under observation.监视他。 【词组】be under observation被观察;被监视 inspection [
] n. 检查,视察
【例句】On closer inspection, it was found to be false. 经过更仔细的检查,发现那是假的。
【助记】来自inspect ( v. 检察) decrease [
] n. 减少,减小;减少量|| vi. 减少,减小|| vt. 减少,减小
【例句】The number of children in the school has decreased this year. 今年在校的儿
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《大学英语精读(1)》(第3版)学习指南【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】-Unit 6~U