Unit 5 Amazing things
1. Be able to know more about animals. (能了解更多有关动物的知识) 学2. Be able to get related information from the listening materials. 习 (能从听力材料中获取相关信息) 3. Be able to complete the passage using the information from the listening materials. 目(能用已掌握的信息使相关文章意思表达完整) 4. To learn to make a proper response to the amazing things. 标 (学会对奇异的事物做出恰当的反应) 学习重点 学习难点 To learn how to describe the amazing things about these animals. (学习如何描述有关这些动物令人惊奇的事) To identify specific characteristics in descriptions of animals. (在描述动物时可以辨别其特点) To extract information from listening to complete a thank-you letter. (从听力中获取信息来完一封感谢信) To learn some phrases and sentence structures .( Such as : not …any more, be afraid of.. ) (学会一些短语和句型,例如:不再,再也不,害怕…) 纠错反思 学习过程 课 前 学 习 1.Review the knowledge of animals we have learned. (复习我们学过的有关动物的知识) 2.Preview the Integrated skills part, learn more about the animals. (预习综合技能部分,了解更多关于动物的知识) 复习-预习测评 1.Listen to the tape and tell me the names of animals. 1__________ 2___________ 3___________ 4__________ 5___________ 6___________ 精品【初中试题课件】
课堂 学习 课堂 自学互助-展示新知识点 1.Do you know any amazing things about these animals? (giraffe, camel , snake ,ant) (请同学们带着这些问题去寻找答案) 1.How many bones are there in its long neck? 2.How much food does it eat in cold winter? 3.Do they often need to drink a lot of water? 4.How do ants know that there is something sweet? 2.Mr Wu is showing Suzy some pictures of animals .Listen to their conversation and tell me which animals they’re talking about . (同学们,吴老师和Suzy谈论了哪几种动物呢?我相信对于你们来说小菜一碟(a piece of cake)! ) _________ _________ _________ __________ 3. Listen to their conversation again and put the pictures in the correct order. (再听一次对话,将图片按正确的顺利排列) 讨论 4.A discussion Should we be afraid of all animals ? (讨论:我们应该害怕所有的动物吗?) 5.Suzy, one of the Class 1, Grade 7 students, is afraid of animals. Mr. Wu wants to help her. He is telling her Some interesting things about animals. Listen and help her complete the notes. (同学们,你们还记得之前我们提出的几个关于动物问题吗?也许现在你们可以找到那些问题答案,加油!) 1).A giraffe has a long neck ,but there are only ___ bones in its long neck. 2).A snake eats little or nothing for _________in cold winter. 3).Camels live in very dry places , they can live without ______for a long time. 4).Ants can _________things well. 6.Please listen to the tape again ,Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false . 精品【初中试题课件】
学习 课堂 学习 1. Snakes eat a lot in cold winter. ( )
2. camels can’t live without water for a long time .( ) 3.You should keep your house very clean if you don’t want any ants there. ( )
4. Suzy isn’t afraid of animals now .( ) 展示点拨
Suzy was afraid of animals a few minutes ago ,
but after the conversation (交谈)with Mr Wu ,she isn’t afraid of animals now.
we can say :_____________________________________
7. Suzy are not afraid of animals any more ,she writes a thank-you letter to Mr Wu, please use the information above to help Suzy finish the letter .
(请同学们帮助suzy 完成这封信, 在完成这封信的过程中,如果你需要帮助请务必让我知道,我会去帮助你。加油!You can make it !) Dear Mr Wu,
Thank you for your help.
I know more about animals now. Some animals are really interesting.
The giraffe has a very long neck, but I was surprised to know that there are (1) ____________________ in it. It is also amazing that a snake (2) ___________________ in cold
winter. Camels live in very dry places, and it is interesting that they (3) _______________for a long time. I also know that we need to keep our house clean ants (4) __________ ______.
Now I am not afraid of animals any more. I would like to learn more about them. Suzy
8. Show some amazing things about some other animals. You don’t have to pay attention to the strange words, ,all you need to do is to know these facts . (老师会和同学们分享一些其他动物令人惊奇的事情,同学们不必在意那些生词,知道这些事实就可以了哦!) Speak up
9.Listen to the tape and finish the following exercises. 1)A young man travelled around over 80 countries ____ A. by bicycle B .by plane C. by underground 2)Can a man write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time ?
A. No, he can’t B .Yes , he can C. We don’t know 3) An artist can draw 3-D pictures with _______
A. pen B . pencil C. chalk 小组合作学习
10.Work in groups and talk about some amazing things you know ,the following information may help you . (分小组编写对话,下面的信息也许可以帮到你!) 1. A giraffe has a very long neck , but there are only seven bones in its long neck . 2. A snake eats little or nothing for months in cold winter . 3. Camels can live without water for a long time . 4. Ants can smell things well. 5. Fish sleep with their eyes open 6. Our eyes are the same size from birth ,but our nose and ears Never stop growing . 7 .The Sun is about 1300000 times larger than the earth . 8. There are no bones in the back of elephants’ feet –only fat. 9. Wolves are amazing animals .They live in a family and they are friendly to each other . 10. Dogs are our true friend .A dog in England helped a child out of danger. 11. An artist can draw pictures with sand(沙子) … EXAMPLE(示例) A:Do you know about any amazing things ,××× ?/Do you know anything amazing about the giraffes/ants/camels…, ×××? B:Yes.______________________________________. A:That’s cool .What amazing things do you know , ×××? C:__________________________ ____________. B:That’s really amazing! What about you , ×××? D:_________________________________________. B:That’s interesting ./That’s really great . 检测反馈 一.根据所给中文提示完成句子。 1. _________(蚂蚁) like eating sugar . 2 .Camels live in very _______(干燥的)places. 3. Look ,there is a __________(蛇)on the road . 4. Our English teacher likes using the yellow __________(粉笔) to write words on the blackboard . 5. He often goes to school ________(没有 )breakfast . 二.用所给词组完成句子。 not…any more, live without, be afraid of, know more about 1 People cannot __________ air. 精品【初中试题课件】
课后 学习 反思 提升
2 Most children ___________ snakes.
3 Children want to _______________ animals in Science class. 4 I will ______ be late for class ________. 课后作业
1. Go through the words and phrases in this lesson . 2. Read and try to recite the conversation in Part B . 3. Finish the guessing games ,we will check the answers next class
1)They are brown. Their babies are very small. They can jump 9 meters and jump very fast—30km/h. They can stand on their
tails and fight with their back legs. They carry their babies in a pocket. They live in Australia.
2) They are white and black. They are very lovely. They eat shellfish(贝类 ). The fathers look after the eggs.
They are birds but they can’ t fly. They live in very cold place, South Pole. (南极)
3) I live in rivers but people often keep me at home. I can swim. I have a tail. I can only remember things for three seconds. My color is unusual. I sleep with my eyes open.
江苏省兴化市昭阳湖初级中学七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Amazing things Integrated skills导学案(无答案).doc