【期刊名称】《湘南学院学报(医学版)》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)003
【摘要】Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of education theory based on motivation construction on childrens autism .Methods 96 cases of children autism were interfered in by provoking ,training and develop-ing behavior motivation for a year ,before and after 6 ,12 months intervention we use childhood Autism rating Scale (CARS ) and Childhood Autism Behavior Checklist (ABC ) to evaluate intervention effects .Results After 6 and 12 months intervention ,the scores of CARS and all ABC items and its total score were decreased ,.the difference has statistically significance ( P <0 .05 ) , and the longer duration of intervention the better the effects has gained . Conclusion Interventions by education theory based on motivation construction can improve the ability of children with autism and reduce the symptoms of autism .%目的:探讨基于动机构建教育理论干预儿童自闭症的疗效。方法96例自闭症患儿采用以激发、培养及发展人的行为动机为培养目标的干预措施干预12月,于干预前、干预后6月及干预后12月采用儿童孤独症评定量表(Childhood Autism Rating Scale ,CARS )及儿童孤独症行为检查表(Autism Behavior Checklist ,ABC )评估干预效果。结果与干预前比较,干预后6月及12月,96名自闭症患儿CARS得分、ABC量表各因子得分和总分均明显降低( P<
0.05),且随着干预时间的延长效果越好。结论基于动机构建教育理论能提高自闭症患儿各方面的能力,并减轻其自闭症症状。 【总页数】4页(4-7)
【关键词】自闭证;儿童;动机构建教育;CARS量表;ABC量表 【作者】邓暑芳;向兰;贺棋;洪琴
【作者单位】湘南学院护理学系,湖南郴州 423000;湘南学院护理学系,湖南郴州 423000;湘南学院护理学系,湖南郴州 423000;深圳市盛大博林自闭症教育机构,广东深圳 518115 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】R749 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_journal-xiangnan-university-medical-sciences_thesis/0201246365493.html 【相关文献】
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