1.先通读一遍全文,对全文内容、作者观点、态度、文体等各方面有个宏观了解。虽然开始不可能完全了解短文内容,但起码要做到“八、九不离十”。弄清大意,抓住了主题,便为正确选词打下了可靠的基础。 2.然后读一遍选项,知道均有哪些备选项。
3.再读全文,并且可以边读边用铅笔试将所选的选项的内容填在空白处。这是一个关键性的分析判断阶段。同学们要瞻前顾后,字斟句酌。不能只看空格前后两个词,而是应该看完整的句子。这时,应调动你学过的全部语言知识,明确题目是要考查你哪方面知识的掌握。4.再串读,看铅笔填上后,文章意思是否通顺,语法语义是否准确,是否可恢复原貌。5.切不可不读全文,见一空填一词。 6.同学们要学会利用上下文中的各种语言线索和已有的语言知识来选词。
One day a poor farmer was taking a bag of wheat to town. Suddenly the bag _1_ from his horse onto the road.He did not know _2_ to do about it because it was _3_ heavy for him to lift by himself. He only hoped that someone would soon pass by and _4_ him a hand. Just at this moment a man _5_ a horse came up to him. But the farmer's heart sank when he saw who he was. It was the great man living _6_. The farmer had hoped to ask another farmer or a poor man _7_ him to come along and help him. He couldn't ask such a great man to help him. But to his _8_ ,the great man got off his horse as soon as he came nearer. He said to the farmer, \farmer the other, they together raised it and put it on the horse. \ \ Wherever you see anyone else in trouble, do the same for him.
1、 A.fall B.fell C.falling D.fallen 2、 A.what B.how C.that D.it 3、 A.very B.so C.quite D.too 4、 A.lend B.ask C.borrow D.gave 5、 A.riding B.ride C.rode D.rides 6、 A.nearby B.faraway C.nearly D.near
7、 A.as B.like C.to D.for 8、 A.surprised B.surprising C.surprise D.surprises 9、 A.needs B.need C.to need D.needed 10、 A.smiles B.smile C.a smile D.an smile (二)
Mr Brown had an umbrella(伞) shop in a small town.People sometimes (1) him broken umbrellas, and then he took them to a big shop in London. They were (2) there.
One day Mr Brown went to London by train. He (3) to take an umbrella with him that day. Sitting in front of him was a man with an umbrella standing (4) the seat. When the train arrived in London, Mr Brown (5) up the umbrella as he often did during his journey by train. Just as he was getting off, he was (6) by the man. He said angrily, \e turned red and he gave it back to the man at once.
When Mr Brown got to the big shop, the shopkeeper had got his six umbrellas ready. After a good look at (8) of them, he said, \
In the afternoon he got into the train again. The (9) man was in the same seat. He looked at Mr Brown and his six umbrellas, \
1、 A.showed B.passed C.returned D.brought 2、 A.kept B.mended C.used D.sold 3、 A.wanted B.had C.forgot D.decided 4、 A.beside B.over C.under D.from 5、 A.picked B.looked C.put D.dressed
6、 A.needed B.helped C.stopped D.remembered 7、 A.yours B.mine C.his D.hers
8、 A.one B.each C.both D.any 9、 A.same B.other C.forgetful D.kind 10、 A.hot B.rainy C.good D.bad
1.浏览全文,了解全文的概貌。 2.采用顺读或倒读的方法 3.抓住要点,快速阅读。 4.找出主题句,弄清替代词的指代关系,推断句子结构。
5.分清表层理解和深层理解的含义。 6.突破生词关。 7.在做到以上各点的基础上,再用“排除法”“一次判断”
(一) Last Sunday I saw the worst storm (暴雨) in years. It came suddenly and went on for three hours. After lunch, I went into my room and had a rest. The air was hot. All was quiet.
Then strong wind started blowing into my room. Pieces of paper on my desk flew high into the air and some flew out of the open window. As I ran to catch them,big drops of rain began to fall.
When I came back into my house, it was raining harder and harder. I tried hard and managed to close the window. Then I heard a loud sound from the back of the house. I ran out of my room to find out what had happened:a big tree had fallen down and broken the top of the backroom. 1.The storm happened _______.
A.in the morning B.while he was in the back room C.in the afternoon D.while he was in the garden. 2.Before the storm came, the weather was _____. A.cold B.cool C.hot D.warm 3.The storm lasted for ___.
A.three hours B.more than three hours C.three days D.less than three days 4.The strong wind blew some of the paper ____.
A.all over the floor B.into the back room C.out of the door D.out of the window 5.The top of the back room was broken because of ___.
A.the strong wind B.the heavy rain C.the loud sound D.the fallen tree
(二) One day Tony was crossing the road when he was hit by a car. He fell and broke his arm. An ambulance(救护车) soon arrived and took Tony to a hospital. There a doctor operated on his arm. Then he put the arm in a cast(石膏).Tony couldn't move it at all.
\ At the end of six weeks, Tony went back to the hospital. The doctor took his arm out of the cast. \ Tony tried to move his arm. At first it was difficult,but soon he could move it easily. \
\ \吉他)?\
The doctor smiled. \ \ood news,\ 1.How did Tony break his arm?
A. A guitar fell on it. B. A doctor broke it.C. He was hit by a car. 2.How long did Tony have to keep his arm in a cast?
A.Several days.B.Less than a month.C.About a month and a half. 3.As soon as the doctor took off the cast____.
A.Tony could move his arm easily B.Tony could move his arm with some trouble C.Tony was no longer able to move his arm
4.What did the doctor tell Tony to do after the cast was taken off?
A.Exercise his arm.B.Take some medicineC.Come back to the hospital again. 5.At last Tony became very happy because ____.
A.he thought he would be able to play the guitar.B.the doctor had given him a guitar C.the doctor had told him that he could help him (三)
This is really a very fast game. Both sides are fighting for the ball all the time. We are enjoying every minute of it. Loud shouts can be heard here and there.
Willis has the ball now. This is only his third game for England,but he's playing so well that it won't be his last, I'm quite sure. Willis passes the ball to Cotton. Cotton kicks it over the heads of the Frenchmen towards the goal. But he's too far away. Dupont picks it up easily and throws it to Paton.
France and England still have one goal each, and there are only two minutes left. At this moment, anything can happen. Paton kicks the ballacross to Crozat. It‘s a beautiful kick. But Stevens jumps and just stops the ball with the side of his head. But Menier is there. He passes it to Crozat, and Crozat, without any hesitation(犹豫), puts he ball into the back of the goal. It's a great surprise to us. I've never seen such a goal like this. And the game is over. France has won the cup.
1.It wouldn't be Willis' last game for England because ____. A.he had played three already B.this was only his third time
C.he was a good player D.he had kicked three goals for England 2.Why couldn't Cotton kick the ball into the goal?
A.Willis was too far away from him. B.He wasn't near the goal.
C.Dupont picked the ball up easily. D.The Frenchmen stopped the ball with their heads.
A.The ninety minutes will end in a draw B.There is time for another goal C.The game is nearly over D.Either A or B
4.How many goals had the French players kicked by the end of the match? A.One B.Two C.Three D.Four
5.Who were all from the French team?
A.Cotton, Stevens, Menier and Crozat. B.Paton, Crozat, Sevens and Dupont.
C.Dupont, Crozat, Menier and Paton. D.Willis, Dupont,Cotton and Menier.
1.语音困难 :一是发音不准,特别是音相近的词,如 house--horse,much--March,hear--hair, sheep--ship,food---foot, mouth--mouse,quite--quiet,bed--bad,present--parent--peasant, box--books,等.
再就是语速的变化所引起的一系列的问题、语速慢,听力材料与学生程度相当,能听懂。但语速快,听力材料低于学生的水平,也听不懂。这是由于平时对于连读,失去爆破、重读与弱读等缺少训练,因此对有些语音材料听不懂。 2.内容上的困难 :学生不是将注意力集中到最关键的部分.而是在一些虚词上或无关紧要的词上过多停留,影响对全文的理解。
3.心理上的障碍 :这是听力测试中至关重要的问题。由于过于紧张,本来能听懂的也听不懂了。 具体做法:(1) 看完题目,再听录音;(2) 果断选择,争取时间。
1.Shanghai is larger than ___________ city in Jiangsu. A.any B.any other C.other D.one
2.There are a lot __________ apples in this basket than in that one. A.most B.more C.of D.much
此题学生往往会受短语a lot of的影响而选C,仔细研读该题则会发现此句是一个比较句型,句中的a lot实际上是用来修饰比较级的,该题的正确答案为B。
3.What did you ___________ at the meeting yesterday? A.speak B.tell C.say D.talk
这道题学生一看会根据“在会上发言,speak at the meeting”这一短语而选A。实际上这一句的意思是“你昨天在会上讲什么了?”疑问词what在句中作动词say的宾语,指说的内容,故选取答案C。 4.The bus is coming.Let's___________.
A.get it on B.get it off C.get on it D.get it off
5.I'd heard a lot _________England.Some things were as I thought. A.of B.about C.to D.for
此题表面一看很简单,根据短语a lot of 选答案A。再看看句意,“我听说许多英国”,则发现正确答案为B,意为“听到很多有关英国的情况,有些正如我想的一样”。 6.—Must I finish the work before five o'clock? —No.You ___________ finish it before eight.
A.mustn't B.needn't C.can't D.can
对must引导的一般疑问句否定回答常用No,you needn't.结构。但细细分析本句,就可以从标点看出No和它后面的部分实为两个句子,结合句意,可知答案为D。 7.Can you it in English?
A.speak B.say C.tell D.talk一看到English,就联想到讲语言用动词speak,而选答案A。此题实际上是“你会用英语表达它吗?”此时in English译为“用英语”,在句子中作方式状语,而it是say的宾语。因此选C。 8.There a film tomorrow evening.
A.will have B.have C.is going to be D.has此句意思很明显,“明天晚上有电影”。“有”易受汉语影响而选答案A。实际上本句应用There be句型,