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船舶PSC检查滞留的常用缺陷处置代码含义及说明 - 图文

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表 一: Code Actions to be Taken 代码 需采取的措施 00 No Action Taken 无不需采取措施 10 Deficiency Rectified 缺陷已纠正 12 All Deficiencies Rectified 所有缺陷已纠正 15 Rectify Deficiencies At Next Port 在下一港口纠正缺陷 16 Rectify Deficiencies Within 14 Days 在14天内纠正缺陷 17 Master Instructed to Rectify Deficiencies Before Departure 要求船长在离港前纠正缺陷 18 Rectify Deficiencies Within 3 Months 在三个月内纠正缺陷 19 Entrance Prohibition for ship without Certification 未经认证的船舶禁止靠港 20 Ship Delayed to Rectify Deficiencies 船舶延期离港以纠正缺陷 25 After Delay Allowed to Sail (*Specify Date) 延期后允许开航(注明日期) 30 Ship Detained 滞留船舶 35 Detention Rised (*Specify Date) 解除滞留(注明日期) 36 Ship allowed to sail after follow-up detention 船舶再次滞留后允许开航 40 Next Port Informed 通知下一港口 50 Flag State /Consul Informed 通知船旗国/领事馆 55 Flag State Consulted 咨询船旗国 60 Region State Informed 通知本区域成员国 70 Classification Society Informed 通知船级社 80 Temporary Substitution of Equipment 临时更换设备 82 Alternative equipment or method used 使用替代设备或方法 85 Investigation of Contravention of Discharge Provision (MARPOL) 违反(MARPOL)排放规定的调查 90 Letter of warning issued 签发警告信 95 Re-inspection Connection with Code 90 根据签发的警告信重新检查 96 Letter of Warning Withdrawn 收回警告信 97 Destination Unknown Information 目的港信息未知 99 Other (Specify) 其他(具体说明) 表 二: Code Meaning Actions Taken 代码 含义 需采取的措施 A B C D E F G H Detained Rectified Before Departure J K L M N O P Q Grounds for detention 滞留的原因 Deficiency rectified 缺陷已纠正 Rectify the deficiency before departure 在开航前纠正缺陷 Within 14 days Rectify the deficiency within 14 days(1) 在14天内纠正缺陷 At the next port Rectify the deficiency at the next port(1) 在下一港口纠正缺陷 Agreed Class As in the agreed class condition Condition 根据已同意的船级条件 Within 3 Months Rectify non-conformity in three months(2) 在三个月内纠正缺陷 Major NC Rectify major non-conformity before departure (3) 开航前纠正主要不合格项 At Agreed repair port At an agreed repair port (4) 在经允许的港口修理 Temporary repair Temporary Repair to be carried out 进行临时修理 Flag consulted Flag State Consulted 咨询船旗国 LOW issued Letter of Warning issued 签发警告信 LOW withdrawn Letter of Warming withdrawn 收回警告信 Operation Stoped Prohibition to continue an operation 禁止继续操作 Temporary Substitute Temporary substitute of the equipment 临时更换设备 Other Specify unusual circumstances (free text) 说明异常情况(格式不限) Notes:

(1)never with a detainable deficiency. 不适用与滞留性缺陷。 (2)only for ISM defective items and never with a detainable deficiency.


(3)only for ISM defective items and always with detainable deficiency.

仅适用于与ISM有关的、滞留性的缺陷项目。 (4)only for detainable deficiency. 仅适用于滞留性的缺陷。


船舶PSC检查滞留的常用缺陷处置代码含义及说明 - 图文


