课 程 论 文
题 目:关于农民工问题的几点思考 课程名称:农村社会学 学 院:管理学院 专 业:农林经济管理 年 级: 2011级 姓 名: 罗雪 学 号: 1111010336 教 师:陈卫洪
2013 年 12月 24日
第 1 页
Some considerations about the problems of rural
migrant workers
Migrant workers problem is in the process of China's modernization the contradiction between productivity and production relations does not adapt. At present, along with the deep development of economic strategy, problem of migrant workers has become increasingly severe and complex, and solving the problem of migrant workers is associated with a long-term process of our modernization construction of the work, how to correctly deal with migrant workers will become the key to construction of a harmonious socialist society in China. This paper analyzes the reasons, migrant workers and puts forward some countermeasures on how to solve the problem of migrant workers and the suggestion.
Keywords: migrant workers,the reason,countermeasures
第 2 页
中文摘要..............................................1 英文摘要..............................................2 前言..................................................5第1章 我国农民工问题的概况...........................6
1.1 什么是“农民工问题”....................................6 1.2 农民工问题的概况......................................6
第2章 农民工问题产生的原因.............................8
2.1 地方经济发展不够......................................8 2.2 “不平等”待遇........................................8
第3章 我国农民工面临的问题.............................9
3.1 工资拖欠严重,待遇严重不公平..........................9 3.2 压在农民肩头的三座大山................................9 3.3 农民工子女的教育问题..................................9 3.4 社会保障缺乏..........................................9
第4章 解决我国农民工问题的对策........................11
4.1 统筹城乡就业,促进农村劳动力持续向非农产业和城镇转移..11 4.2 扶持农民工返乡创业,以创业促进就业....................11 4.3 坚持城乡劳动者平等就业,加快形成城乡统一的劳动力市场..11 4.4 坚持公平对待农民工,加快推动基本公共服务均等化.......12 4.5 坚持推进体制改革,促进农民工市民化....................12
第 3 页
第 4 页