Unit 8 Let’s go to the park
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Unit 8 Let ’s go to the park
教师:风老师 风顺第二小学
原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design Unit 8 Let’s go to the park
教材说明:本教学设计资料适用于小学三年级英语科目 ,主要用途为培养学生的学习兴趣,提高逻辑思维、形象思维、口语交际及表达能力,进而促进全面发展和提高。内容已根据教材主题进行配套式编写,可直接修改调整或者打印成为纸质版本进行教学使用。 教学要求:
1、能听懂会说let’s go to…及其应答all right. ok. let’s go /good/great! 等。
2、学会表达“去某处”和“如何去某处”,以及如何对别人的建议进行回答。 教学重难点:
能熟练地运用let’s go to…by…表达自己的意愿。 教学准备:
词卡、图片、磁带和录音机,旅游帽和小旗 教学过程: step1. warm up a. greeting b. sing a song “hi nancy!” c. free talk step2. revision
t: boys and girls, now let’s review the words.
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原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design 1. 出示part b单词卡片。 2. 师带读地点及交通工具单词。 3. 快速认读图片,看谁的反应最快。 step3. presentation
1. t: now, boys and girls. look at the park.出示公园图贴上黑板
let’s go to the park. (twice) 出示词卡,让我们去公园吧!
teach: park, park, go to the park, go, go, let’s go. let’s go to the park.
2. t: ok, now let’s go to the park, all right? ss:all right. t: ok, let’s go.
教读:ok,let’s go. 好的,我们走吧。 t:let’s go to the park, ok? (ask a student) s1:ok,let’s go.
3. t: let’s go to the cinema, ok? ss:ok, let’s go.
t: you also can say “good!” 出示“good”词卡
teach: good. 好的(作手势,伸出大拇指) read the word one by one.
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原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design t: let’s go to the cinema. ss: good!
4. t: look, this is a zoo.
do you want to see these animals? all right? let’s go to the zoo, ok? ss:ok, let’s go.
t: great! 出示“great”词卡
great, great, 太好了,great (师强调高兴的语气) 开火车 t:let’s go to the zoo. ss: great!
5. t: let’s go to the zoo. s1:all right.
s1:xx, let’s go to the zoo. s2:good.
s2:xx, let’s go to the zoo. s3:great.
t: all right. but how? but how? 出示“but how”词卡 practice: read is one by one. t: look, there is a … 出示公共汽车图 ss:bus.
t: yes, we can by bus.
read after me: bus, bus, by bus!
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原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design 大组开火车
t:let’s go by bus, ok? ss: ok!
6. t: look, what’s this? ss: 兵马俑
t: who know where is it? ss:xi’an.
t: let’s go to xi’an, ok? ss:ok! let’s go.
t: but how? 出示plane 图 ss: by plane.
teach: plane, plane, by plane. step 4 practice
1. listen to the tape. (just listen) 2. listen and repeat. 3. read after the t. 4. practice in pairs. 5. act it out. step 5 consolidation
say a rhyme: park, park, let’s go to the park. bike, bike, by bike zoo, zoo…
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小学三年级英语:Unit 8 Let’s go to the park教学设计