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1. Thanks for _______(help )me.

2. He can _____(play) ping-pong and tennis.

3. Does his sister want ________(join) the music club?

4. Bill likes swimming very much , he wants to join the ________(swim) club. 5. My sister often _____(brush )her shoes on Sundays. 6. Does you father _________(exercise )every day? 7. Let’s _______(clean )the classroom.

8. Ice cream usually tastes ________(well) so students like to eat it after class. 9. He is never late for the _______-__(one) class in the morning. 10. Who ________(help )you with your English? 11. My brother often __________(study ) with me.

12. My sister _______________( not like) reading books.

13. It ______(take ) me half an hour to do my homework every day. 14. How long does it take you _______(walk) to school? 15. There are five __________(library) in our city.

16. There are five _________(hundred) students in the school.

17. It takes hin about 20 minutes to get to his ______________(grandparent) home. 18. What about _________(play)basketball?

19. Mike __________(live) in Beijing with his parents. 20. My friends likes _______(take)the train to Beijing. 21. I can see some nice _______(bike) in the pictures. 22. It’s easy for me ________(get) there.

23. Can the ___________(village) dream come true? 24. They are good ____________(music).

25. His brother ____________(cross) the river on a ropeway. 根据首字母和句意补全单词。

1. We don’t go to school on S_______ and Sundays. 2. There are sixty minutes in an h______. 3. He r______ to go to school.

4. My father d________ to work every. 5. I always walk to the subway s________. 6. I l_________ in Wanzhou Chongqing.

7. It t________ about ten m_________ to take the train to work. 8. My grandmother usually gets up e__________to do exercise. 9. I’m a________ of going out alone at night.

10. The book store is f_________ away from here .You can take a bus there. 二.单项选择

1. Little Tom can draw _____. His drawings are very ______.

A.good , well B. well, good C. good, good D.well, well 2.My father often_____ me funny stories. A. speak B.tell C. say D.talk

3.You should _______”thank you” when someone helps you. A. speak B.tell C. say D.talk 4. Can you help me with _____?

A. dance B.dancing C.dances D. to dance

5.My brother can play the guitar, ______ he can’t play it well. A. and B.so C.or D.but 6.Maybe he can ______in their basketball team. A. is B.be C. are D.am 7.Are you good _______kids?

A. at B.with C. for D.of

8.Miss Read is good _______ music.She can be good ______ children in the music club. A.at at B.with with C. at with D.with at 9.Can you help me _______ my English?

A. with B. of C. learning D. about

10.Bob can play __________tennis but can’t play __________ violin. A.the the B./ ;/ C. the ; / D./ ; the 11. He eats _______ dinner at 7:30 in the evening. A. a B. an C./ D. the

11.Tom wants __________ the swimming club.

A. join B.to join C.joins D.joining 12.Can your sister sing? ----_____________

A. Yes, he can. B.Yes ,he does. C.No ,she doesn’t. D.Yes, she can. 13.Can you paint or sing?

A. Yes, I can. B.No,I can’t . C.I can sing. D.I like singing. 14.I’m never late _______ class.

A. to B.from C. for D. at

15.What’s her _______? -----She is an English teacher. She _________ in a school. A. job; work B. work; job C.work; work D.job; job 16.Lily doesn’t like Tom, so she _______ talks with him.

A.never B.always C.usually D.sometimes

17.We usually have dinner _______ half past seven ________ the morning. A. at; on B. on; at C.at ; in D. in ; at 19.What’s the time? ----It’s ____________ five. A.at B.to C. for D./

20.______ weekends we go to school _______7 o’clock. A.In; at B.On; at C.On; in D.In; on 21.Does he ______ a bus ________?

A.take; home B.taking; home C. take; to home D.taking; to home 22.There are lots of _________ to do every day.

A. things B. homework C. news D.maths 23.She wants __________ an orange.

A. to eat B.eat C. eats D. eating 24.It’s time ________________.

A.for English class B. to dinner C. have dinner D.for the dinner 25.The students always have ________ homework to do.

A. too much B. too many C.much too D.lot of 26.__________ do you ___________ your school life?

A.What; like B.What; think of C. How ; think of D .What ; think about 27.__________ do you __________ your new bike?

A.How; like B.How ; think of C.What ; like D.How ;think

28.She lives _________ her school. Her home is about 20 kilometers__________ her school. A.away from; far from B.far from; away from C. away from; away from D.far from; far from 29.Do you go to school by ______bus?------No, I ride _______ bike to school. A.a; the B.the; a C./; a D. the;/

30.Jack’s schoolbag is _________Lily’s __________ Lucy’s.

A.from; to B.between; or C. from; or D.between; and 31.It’s not easy _________ me _________ socce well.

A. of; to play B. for; to play C. of ; play D. for ; play 32.There _______ two ______________ in our school. A.are; hundreds teachers B.are ; hundred teachers C. is ; hundreds teachers D.is; hundred teachers

33.He usually comes to school _______ the school bus, not _______ bike. A.on; on B. by; by C. on; by D.by; on 34.It’s about ____________ walk.

A.fifteen ninute B.fifteen minutes C.fifteen minutes’ D.fifteen minutes’ 35.__________is it from your home to school? --------About fifteen minutes’ bus ride.

A.How B.How far C. How long D.How often 36.__________is it from his home to school?-----Three miles. A.How far B.How much C. How long D.How soon 37.She ___________ a mother to me.

A. likes B. be like C. like D. is like 38. It’s difficult for me _________ English well.

A. learn B. learns C. to learn D. learning 39.There________ many students in the classroom. A.is B.has C.have D.are 三.句型转换。

1. My birthday is May 4th.(用June2nd改写选择疑问句)

________ your birthday May 4th________June2nd? 2. His brother can play basketball.(对划线部分提问)

_________ _______ his brother __________? 3. She can sing and dance.(改为同义句)

She ________ sing _________ dance.

4. My brother also likes swimming .(改为同义句) My brother _________ swimming, _________ .


