Project Marketing -Marketing BY, FOR and OF the Project项目营销:项目方、承包方、投资方三方营销Rodney Turner 罗德尼·特纳
Managing Partner, EuroProjexEuroprojex欧洲项目中心执行合伙人Professor, SKEMA Business School SKEMA商学院教授-博士项目导师–Director of the PhD Programme
SAIPEM Professor, Politecnicodi Milano 米兰理工大学SAIPEM教授Professor and High End Foreign Expert, Shanghai University 上海大学教授,高端外国专家
Adjunct/Visiting Professor 费城德雷克塞尔大学兼职/客座教授–Drexel University PhiladelphiaProfessional 其他专业身份
–Editor, International Journal of Project Management -《国际项目管理期刊》编辑–Vice-President and Honorary Fellow of APM -APM副总裁,荣誉院士
–Honorary Fellow and past President and Chairman, IPMA -IPMA荣誉院士,前总裁兼主席–PMI Life-time Research Achievement Award, 2004 -2004年PMI终身研究成就奖获得者–IPMA Life-time Research Achievement Award, 2012 -2012年IPMA终身研究成就奖获得者–Author or editor of 18 books -18部著作的作者或编辑Background 个人背景
–ICI as engineering project manager -ICI工程项目经理
–Coopers and Lybrand as management consultant -永道会计师事务所管理顾问–Henley Management College -亨利管理学院
–Rotterdam School of Economics, Erasmus University -鹿特丹伊拉斯谟大学经济学院
Project Marketing -Marketing BY, FOR and OF the Project
Three organizations 三大组织Marketing by the project 项目方营销Marketing for the project 承包方营销Marketing of the project 投资方营销
An ongoing discussion in the project marketing literature
Is project management part of project marketing 项目管理是项目营销的一部分----?
the project marketing view 项目营销观点
marketing by the contractor for a series of projects 承包商为一系列项目进行营销part of project portfolio management 项目组合管理的一部分
the project is part of the marketing cycle 项目是营销周期的一部分
Or is project marketing part of project management 项目营销也是项目管理的一部分
-the project management view 项目管理观点
-the project team market the project to stakeholders 项目团队向干系人营销项目-part of stakeholder engagement 是干系人参与的一部分
Three organizations involved in the management of projects
投资方:永久性组织,项目并非核心业务父母-子女客户-承包商项目&项目集:临时性组织承包商:永久性组织,项目是核心业务After Winch (2014)