课程名称:思想道德修养与法律基础 英文名称:Thought Morals Tutelage and Legal Foundation
学分:3 开课学期:第1学期 授课对象:所有专业 一年级 课程主任: 于和利 副教授, 硕士
本门课程为大学本科一年级学生必修的公共基础课,是高校政治理论课主干课程之一,在人才培养过程中,对其世界观、人生观、价值观和法制观念的形成和发展,具有重要的地位和作用。本课程以提升大学生思想道德修养为主线,按照社会主义大学对大学生思想道德素质和法律素质的要求,以人生观、价值观、道德观、法制观教育为重点,遵循大学生思想道德形成、发展的基本规律,针对大学生成长过程中经常遇到的思想、政治、道德、法律、心理等问题,综合运用马克思主义理论及其他多学科知识,努力提高大学生思想道德素质,树立法制观念,使之成为“有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律”的社会主义新人。 实践教学环节:
本课程将利用业余或假期时间带领部分学生参加社会实践活动 课程考核:
课程最终成绩=平时成绩*30%+期末考试成绩*70%; 平时成绩由出勤率、作业的完成情况决定; 期末考试采取闭卷考试。
[1] 《思想道德修养与法律基础》高等教育出版社 2008年6月
[1] 《思想道德修养与法律基础》陈岸涛 王京跃主编 人民出版社2005年9月 [2] 《大学德育教程》 刘玉殿 袁付平 于和利主编 山东大学出版社 2007年8月
Thought Morals Tutelage and Legal Foundation
Curriculum code: 95001000
Chinese Name of the curriculum: 思想道德修养与法律基础
English Name of the curriculum: Thought Morals Tutelage and Legal Foundation Score: 3 Teaching time: the 1stsemester Teaching objects: students of the first grade from all specialties
Director of the curriculum: Associate Professor Yu Heli, master degree Curriculum synopsis:
Designed for undergraduates of the first grade, this curriculum is a compulsory public basic course and one of the main branch curricula among courses of university politics theory. It plays an important role in the personnel training process, influencing the formation and the development of students’ outlook of the world and the life, and their conception of value and law. This curriculum takes the promotion of the university students’ ideological and moral qualities as a master line. According to the requirements of universities of socialism on students’ ideological, moral and legal qualities, it emphasizes the education of students’ view on life, value conception, moral outlook and legal concept and follows the basic rule of formation and development of student’s ideology and moral. In order to tackle the problems encountered by university students in their growing process on such aspects as ideology, politic, moral, legal, psychology and so on, this curriculum utilizes the Marxism theory and other multi-disciplinary knowledge to improve the ideological and moral quality of university students and help them to set up the legal concept and become the new generation of socialism with great ideal, sound moral, profound
literacy and high discipline.
Teaching by practicing:
This curriculum will lead students to participate in social practice in extra-curricular time or vacation time.
Course assessment:
Final result of the course = the usual achievement *30%+the final exam result * 70%;
The usual achievement is decided by the attendance rate and the completion of the homework;
The final exam adopts the form of closed-book examination. Specified materials:
[1]. “Thought Morals Tutelage and Legal Foundation”, Higher Education Press, in June 2008. References:
[1]. “Thought Morals Tutelage and Legal Foundation”, Chen Antao, Wang Jingyue, People's Publishing House, in September 2005.
[2]. “The Moral Education Course in Universities”, Liu Yudian, Yuan Fuping
and Yu Heli, Shandong University Press, in August 2007.