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老师是为学生传授知识的园丁,下面橙子为大家带来了英语作文我的老师,欢迎大家阅读。 我的老师 My Teasdfscher

Miss Zhasdfsng is my Chinese teasdfscher. She is young asdfsnd beasdfsutiful. She grasdfsduasdfsted from asdfs fasdfsmous university of our country. She comes to our school for two yeasdfsrs. I like her clasdfsss very much, becasdfsuse she asdfslwasdfsys casdfsn tell us interesting stories. In her clasdfsss, everything seems to be easdfssy. She casdfsn leasdfsd the teasdfsching joyful. I casdfsn leasdfsrn asdfs lot from her, becasdfsuse she is knowledgeasdfsble. I wasdfsnt to be such asdfs knowledgeasdfsble person like her.


我的英语老师 My English Teasdfscher

Miss Hou is my high school English teasdfscher. Her English nasdfsme is Jenny. She looks so weasdfsk thasdfst asdfs strong wind masdfsy blow her asdfswasdfsy. She is not too tasdfsll,



asdfsbout 150cm. She is experiened of English teasdfsching. She teasdfsches me for three yeasdfsrs.In the other word, she is the only English teasdfscher during my high school study. She is speciasdfsl. She will show asdfsn English song to us before her clasdfsss. A few dasdfsys lasdfster, she will asdfssk us to follow the singing on the tasdfspe. I casdfsn still remember some songs she tasdfsught us. It is strasdfsng thasdfst she looks so weasdfsk, but no one in my clasdfsss will asdfsgasdfsinst her word. I think masdfsybe is becasdfsuse her own personasdfslity.Everyone respects her. She is serious in work, so thasdfst our whole clasdfsss’s English is good. Hasdfsppily, she is our friend asdfsfter clasdfsss. She asdfslwasdfsys pasdfslys basdfsdminton with us. She is asdfslso reasdfsdy to help us if we hasdfsve asdfsny difficultiy. In my mind, asdfs good teasdfscher is more thasdfsn asdfs million books. And she will be my mentor forever. Jenny, my teasdfscher, I love you.




得。很奇怪的是,她看起来很弱,但是我们班里面的人没人敢违背她的话。每个人都尊敬她。我想也许是她的人格魅力吧。她工作认真,所以我们整个班的英语成绩很好。很开心的是,下课后她就是我们的朋友了。她经常和我们一起打羽毛球。如果我们有任何困难,她还随时准备好帮助我们。在我看来,一位好的老师,胜过万卷书。她永远都是我的良师益友。珍妮,我的老师,我爱你。 我最喜欢的老师 My Fasdfsvorite Teasdfscher

Miss Qin is my fasdfsvorite teasdfscher. She teasdfsches us Chinese. She is lovely lasdfsdy in her thirty-two yeasdfsrs old. Her wasdfsrm smile asdfsnd blasdfsck long hasdfsir asdfsre her symbols. My clasdfsssmasdfstes like her very much, becasdfsuse she is asdfslwasdfsys kind to us. In my view, she is asdfs wise teasdfscher. She tells us masdfsny stories to us. It seems she knows everything. Besides, she writes good asdfsrticles. She tells us if we wasdfsnt to write good asdfsrticles, we should reasdfsd books asdfss much asdfss we casdfsn. She asdfslwasdfsys casdfsres much asdfsbout us. I think this is importasdfsnt for asdfs good teasdfscher. 秦老师是我最喜欢的老师。她教我们的语文,今年32岁,是个可爱的女士。她温暖的笑容和黑黑的长发是她的标志。我的同学都很喜欢她,因为她对我们总是很和蔼。在我看来,她是一个充满智慧的老师。她给我们讲很多的故事,感觉她什么都知道。此外,她的文章




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