Thrusting of the North Lhasa Block in the Tibetan
Wu Zhenhan;Hu Daogong;Ye Peisheng;Zhao Xun ;Liu Qisheng
【期刊名称】《地质学报(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2004(078)001
【摘要】A huge thrust system, the North Lhasa Thrust (NLT), was discovered in the northern Lhasa block of the Amdo-Bam Co profile. The NLT consists of the Dongqiao-Lunpola thrust (DLT), the west Namco thrust (WNT) and the south Damxung thrust (SDT) and ductile shear zones, ophiolite slices and folds extending in a WNW direction. Major thrust faults of the NLT seem to merge into a single deep-seated detachment of the upper-crust and totally displaced southward as far as 100-120 km. Chronological analyses with 39Ar-40Ar of plagioclase and hornblende, Rb-Sr isochron of minerals and fission-tracks of apatite from mylonite within the WNT yield ages of 174-173 Ma, 109 Ma and 44 Ma,showing 3 periods of thrusting in the north Lhasa block caused by subduction of the Tethys oceanic plate and the IndiaEurasia continental collision respectively. 【总页数】14页(246-259)
【关键词】thrusting;mylonite;chronological dating;north Lhasa block;Tibetan Plateau
【作者】Wu Zhenhan;Hu Daogong;Ye Peisheng;Zhao Xun ;Liu Qisheng
Thrusting of the North Lhasa Block in the Tibetan Plateau