1000 MW 机组快速甩负荷工况下除氧器水位仿真及预测
【期刊名称】《热力发电》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)002
【摘要】Deaerator water level directly affects the unit safety under fast cut back (FCB)condition.Thus, by taking an ultra supercritical 1 000 MW unit as the research object,its deaerator model was established on the basis of the Simulink function of Matlab software.Furthermore,the simulation tests under 75% and 50% load FCB condition were conducted.The simulation tests results was proved to be compatible with the actual data in water level trend and time.On this basis,the deaerator water level under 100% load FCB test was forecasted.The predicted results show that the water﹣level can be controlled whinin the safe range with enough bypass system and water in deaerator.%机组快速甩负荷(FCB)工况下除氧器水位直接影响机组的安全性。为此,以某超超临界1000 MW机组为研究对象,基于 Matlab 软件的 Simulink 组件建立了除氧器模型,并进行了机组75%及50%负荷下的 FCB 仿真试验。仿真结果与组件实测试验数据对比发现,仿真的除氧器水位的变化趋势及其最高值、最低值以及达到最高、最低值的时间与实际值基本一致,表明所建除氧器模型有效且可行。基于所建模型对机组100%负荷 FCB 工况下的除氧器水位进行预测,结果表明在配置大容量旁路且除氧器水箱具有足够的贮水量的条件下,通过对热力系统、控制系统等的完善,机组能够实现100%负荷 FCB 功能,可将除氧器
1000 MW 机组快速甩负荷工况下除氧器水位仿真及预测